Reputation: 1171
How can i find indexPath
for cell
in the middle of UICollectionView
I have horizontal scrolling and only one big cell
is visible (partially two other cell
s on the sides are visible as well).
I need to delete cell
located in the center (means - current cell
) without touching it.
Only pressing "Trash" button and confirm Delete. But now it delete only first cell
- (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet didDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
if (buttonIndex == actionSheet.destructiveButtonIndex) {
initialPinchPoint = ????????
self.tappedCellPath = [self.collectionView indexPathForItemAtPoint:initialPinchPoint];
Technique *technique = [arrayOfTechnique objectAtIndex:self.tappedCellPath.row];
[self deleteData:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"DELETE FROM TECHNIQUES WHERE TECHNIQUENAME IS '%s'",[technique.techniquename UTF8String]]];
[arrayOfTechnique removeObjectAtIndex:self.tappedCellPath.row];
//[arrayOfTechnique removeObjectAtIndex:[custom_layout ]];
[self removeImage:technique.techniquename];
[self.collectionView performBatchUpdates:^{
[self.collectionView deleteItemsAtIndexPaths:[NSArrayarrayWithObject:self.tappedCellPath]];
} completion:nil];
[self checkArrayCount];
Upvotes: 63
Views: 49105
Reputation: 625
For some of you that might be experiencing some troubles on getting the center, please look at this potential solution:
func centerCell()->UICollectionViewCell? {
// Asuming your scrolling is horizontal
let viewHorizontalCenter = self.view.bounds.width / 2
let center = CGPoint(x: viewHorizontalCenter, y:
let convertedPoint = self.view.convert(center, to: self.unitsCollectionView)
let center = CGPoint(x: self.view.bounds.width / 2, y:
let convertedPoint = self.view.convert(center, to: self.unitsCollectionView)
for cell in unitsCollectionView.visibleCells {
if cell.frame.contains(convertedPoint) {
return cell
return nil
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5467
Based on @micantox answer. Updated code for Swift 5
let initialPinchPoint = CGPoint(x: + collectionView.contentOffset.x,
y: + collectionView.contentOffset.y)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1032
Swift 4
func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let indexPath = collectionView.indexPathForItem(at:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4377
Try this protocol...
protocol CollectionVisibleMidCell {}
extension CollectionVisibleMidCell where Self: UICollectionView {
func getMidVisibleIndexPath() -> IndexPath? {
var visibleRect = CGRect()
visibleRect.origin = self.contentOffset
visibleRect.size = self.bounds.size
let visiblePoint = CGPoint(x: visibleRect.midX, y: visibleRect.midY)
guard let indexPath = self.indexPathForItem(at: visiblePoint) else { return nil }
return indexPath
extension UICollectionView: CollectionVisibleMidCell {}
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 5426
extension UICollectionView {
var centerPoint : CGPoint {
get {
return CGPoint(x: + self.contentOffset.x, y: + self.contentOffset.y);
var centerCellIndexPath: IndexPath? {
if let centerIndexPath: IndexPath = self.indexPathForItemAtPoint(self.centerPoint) {
return centerIndexPath
return nil
Usage :
if let centerCellIndexPath: IndexPath = collectionView.centerCellIndexPath {
Swift 3:
extension UICollectionView {
var centerPoint : CGPoint {
get {
return CGPoint(x: + self.contentOffset.x, y: + self.contentOffset.y);
var centerCellIndexPath: IndexPath? {
if let centerIndexPath = self.indexPathForItem(at: self.centerPoint) {
return centerIndexPath
return nil
Upvotes: 26
Reputation: 1643
Here's what I did in Swift 3
private func findCenterIndex() {
let center = self.view.convert(, to: self.collectionView)
let index = collectionView!.indexPathForItem(at: center)
print(index ?? "index not found")
Upvotes: 41
Reputation: 6851
I made like for horizontal UICollectionView I use Swift 2.x.
private func findCenterIndex() {
let collectionOrigin = collectionView!.bounds.origin
let collectionWidth = collectionView!.bounds.width
var centerPoint: CGPoint!
var newX: CGFloat!
if collectionOrigin.x > 0 {
newX = collectionOrigin.x + collectionWidth / 2
centerPoint = CGPoint(x: newX, y: collectionOrigin.y)
} else {
newX = collectionWidth / 2
centerPoint = CGPoint(x: newX, y: collectionOrigin.y)
let index = collectionView!.indexPathForItemAtPoint(centerPoint)
override func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 1920
This would be better code because it's cleaner and easier to read, all the content offset calculation is superfluous:
NSIndexPath *centerCellIndexPath =
[self.collectionView indexPathForItemAtPoint:
[self.view convertPoint:[self.view center] toView:self.collectionView]];
This would also be the correct representation of what you're actually trying to do:
1. Taking the center point of your viewcontroller's view - aka visual center point
2. convert it to the coordinate space of the view you're interested in - which is the collection view
3. Get the indexpath that exist at the location given.
Upvotes: 33
Reputation: 5616
Like you did yourself, indexPathForItemAtPoint
is a good way of finding the index path of the element you're interested in. If your question is: how do i know the coordinates of this point? Then you should try with (using the same name you gave it in your code snippet):
initialPinchPoint = CGPointMake( + self.collectionView.contentOffset.x, + self.collectionView.contentOffset.y);
Upvotes: 41
Reputation: 335
Thank you micantox!
I had multiple visible cells of UICollectionView and needed to position the cell at the centre of the collection view. Something similar to Adobe Content Viewer. If someone is struggling with similar scenario:
#pragma mark - UIScrollViewDelegate methods
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView{
CGPoint centerPoint = CGPointMake( + self.pageContentCollectionView.contentOffset.x, + self.pageContentCollectionView.contentOffset.y);
NSIndexPath *centerCellIndexPath = [self.pageContentCollectionView indexPathForItemAtPoint:centerPoint];
[self.pageContentCollectionView scrollToItemAtIndexPath:centerCellIndexPath atScrollPosition:UICollectionViewScrollPositionCenteredHorizontally animated:YES];
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 7685
has a method - (NSIndexPath *)indexPathForItemAtPoint:(CGPoint)point
This method return the index path of the item at the specified point. You could calculate the point that represents the center of the UICollectionView
and then use that CGPoint
and this method to retrieve the index path of the item you want to delete.
Upvotes: 2