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I am trying to study for me exams and have the following problem:
"Write a Prolog program that finds numbers a1,....a14 so that a1^4+....+a14^4=2013
Its not just a "random homework task I need someone to solve it for me". Rather an assignement given to learn for the exams
How would you solve this problem?
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If all numbers must be integer, consider using finite domain constraints. For example, with SWI-Prolog:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
solution(Vs) :-
length(Vs, 14),
Vs ins 0..sup,
chain(Vs, #=<),
maplist(pow4, Vs, Ps),
sum(Ps, #=, 2013).
pow4(X, Y) :- Y #= X^4.
It turns out that the solution is unique up to ordering:
?- solution(Vs), label(Vs).
Vs = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 6] ;
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Your problem leave some freedom degree about interpretation.
Let's say that you can restrict your set of numbers with an upper bound.
Then a naive 'generate and test' is easy to write, but hopeless inefficient.
find_4th_power_sum(CountNumbers, Target, Numbers) :-
U is floor(Target^(1/4)), % upper bound
length(Numbers, CountNumbers),
maplist(gen_4th_power(U), Numbers, Powers),
sum_list(Powers, Target).
gen_4th_power(U, N, Pow4th) :-
between(0, U, N),
Pow4th is N^4.
alas, even if floor(Target^(1/4))
is just 6, the full search space is
?- X is 7^13.
X = 96889010407.
The problem is redundancy: any permutation of a solution will be a solution itself.
I would stick to a less Prolog-ish way: do a cycle subtracting from Target the floor(Target^(1/4)), and make that the new target, until Target is 1. Keep the numbers list on the way.
Of course, this is how I would approach the problem in any imperative program...
Here is the code:
list_4th_power_sum(CountNumbers, Target, [N|Numbers]) :-
( Target > 1
-> N is floor(Target^(1/4)),
Target1 is Target-N^4,
CountNumbers1 is CountNumbers-1,
list_4th_power_sum(CountNumbers1, Target1, Numbers)
; N = 1,
findall(0, between(1,CountNumbers,_), Numbers)
To my surprise, the filling by 0, i.e. findall(0, between(1,CountNumbers,_), Numbers)
turns out to be useless...
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In general, this pattern is a "generate and test" problem. You need to break it down into manageable pieces:
For the generate case, since you're raising to the fourth power you know that all of the terms will be positive, so there's no point generating a number A such that A^4 > 2013
. So each of the A
s will be between zero and the floor of the fourth root of 2013.
For the test case, I would break that down into two steps: write a map predicate to map the list of A
s to a list of A^4
, then a predicate to sum the list and test whether it's the target value.
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I would take the sentence and transform it until prolog comes out:
Write a Prolog program that finds numbers a1,....a14 so that a1^4+....+a14^4=2013
finds numbers a1,....a14 all >= 0 and < 2013
so that a1^4+....+a14^4=2013
between(0, 2013, A1), and so on
A1^4+....+A14^4 = 2013
something like this.
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