
Reputation: 43

How can i make a js function interact with c# using webkit?

I have a webbrowser made using webkit running in mono c#. I would like to allow pages to call a function in the browser and then the browser perform actions based on the parameters passed. I cant seem to be able to do it.

The html page is the next one

<button onclick="window.external.Test('called from script code');">test</button>

The webkit.cs

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Gtk;
using GLib;

namespace WebKit
 class DOMDocument : GLib.Object
  public DOMDocument (IntPtr raw) : base (raw) {}

  [DllImport ("webkit-1.0")]
  private static extern IntPtr webkit_dom_document_get_elements_by_tag_name (IntPtr raw, IntPtr str1ng);

  public DOMNodeList get_elements_by_tag_name (string tag)
   IntPtr intPtr = Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (tag);
   IntPtr result = webkit_dom_document_get_elements_by_tag_name(base.Handle, intPtr);
   Marshaller.Free (intPtr);
   return new DOMNodeList(result);

 class DOMNodeList: GLib.Object, IEnumerable
  public DOMNodeList (IntPtr raw) : base (raw) {}

  [DllImport ("webkit-1.0")]
  private static extern IntPtr webkit_dom_node_list_item (IntPtr raw, int element);

  [DllImport ("webkit-1.0")]
  private static extern int webkit_dom_node_list_get_length (IntPtr raw);

  public IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
   for (int i = 0; i < webkit_dom_node_list_get_length(base.Handle); i++) {
    yield return new DOMNode(webkit_dom_node_list_item(base.Handle, i));

 class DOMNode : GLib.Object
  public DOMNode (IntPtr raw) : base (raw) {}


 class DOMElement : GLib.Object
  public DOMElement (IntPtr raw) : base (raw) {}


 class DOMHTMLElement : GLib.Object
  public DOMHTMLElement (IntPtr raw) : base (raw) {}

  [DllImport ("webkit-1.0")]
  private static extern IntPtr webkit_dom_html_element_get_inner_text(IntPtr raw);

  public string get_inner_text ()
   IntPtr data = webkit_dom_html_element_get_inner_text(base.Handle);
   return Marshaller.PtrToStringGFree(data);

 class ExtendedWebSettings : WebKit.WebSettings {
  public void g_object_set(string name, GLib.Value value) {
   SetProperty(name, value);

  public GLib.Value g_object_get(string name) {
   return GetProperty(name);

 class ExtendedWebView : WebKit.WebView {
  [DllImport ("webkit-1.0")]
  private static extern IntPtr webkit_web_view_get_dom_document (IntPtr raw);

  public DOMDocument get_dom_document()
   return new DOMDocument(webkit_web_view_get_dom_document(base.Handle));

  public event CreateWebViewHandler CreateWebView
    Signal signal = Signal.Lookup (this, "create-web-view", typeof(CreateWebViewArgs));
    signal.AddDelegate (value);
    Signal signal = Signal.Lookup (this, "create-web-view", typeof(CreateWebViewArgs));
    signal.RemoveDelegate (value);

  public event WebViewReadyHandler WebViewReady
    Signal signal = Signal.Lookup (this, "web-view-ready", typeof(WebViewReadyArgs));
    signal.AddDelegate (value);
    Signal signal = Signal.Lookup (this, "web-view-ready", typeof(WebViewReadyArgs));
    signal.RemoveDelegate (value);

  public event NewWindowPolicyDecisionRequestedHandler NewWindowPolicyDecisionRequested
    Signal signal = Signal.Lookup (this, "new-window-policy-decision-requested", typeof(NewWindowPolicyDecisionRequestedArgs));
    signal.AddDelegate (value);
    Signal signal = Signal.Lookup (this, "new-window-policy-decision-requested", typeof(NewWindowPolicyDecisionRequestedArgs));
    signal.RemoveDelegate (value);

  [DefaultSignalHandler (Type = typeof(WebView), ConnectionMethod = "OverrideCreateWebView")]
  protected virtual WebView OnCreateWebView (WebFrame frame)
   ExtendedWebView webView = new ExtendedWebView();
   Value empty = Value.Empty;
   ValueArray valueArray = new ValueArray (2u);
   Value[] array = new Value[2];
   array [0] = new Value (this);
   valueArray.Append (array [0]);
   array [1] = new Value (frame);
   valueArray.Append (array [1]);
   GLib.Object.g_signal_chain_from_overridden (valueArray.ArrayPtr, ref empty);
   Value[] array2 = array;
   for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++)
    Value value = array2 [i];
    value.Dispose ();
   return webView;

  [DefaultSignalHandler (Type = typeof(WebView), ConnectionMethod = "OverrideNewWindowPolicyDecisionRequested")]
  protected virtual int OnNewWindowPolicyDecisionRequested (WebFrame frame, NetworkRequest request, WebNavigationAction navigation_action, WebPolicyDecision policy_decision)
   Value val = new Value (GType.Int);
   ValueArray valueArray = new ValueArray (3u);
   Value[] array = new Value[5];
   array [0] = new Value (this);
   valueArray.Append (array [0]);
   array [1] = new Value (frame);
   valueArray.Append (array [1]);
   array [2] = new Value (request);
   valueArray.Append (array [2]);
   array [3] = new Value (navigation_action);
   valueArray.Append (array [3]);
   array [4] = new Value (policy_decision);
   valueArray.Append (array [4]);
   GLib.Object.g_signal_chain_from_overridden (valueArray.ArrayPtr, ref val);
   Value[] array2 = array;
   for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++)
    Value value = array2 [i];
    value.Dispose ();
   int result = (int)val;
   val.Dispose ();
   return result;

  [DefaultSignalHandler (Type = typeof(WebView), ConnectionMethod = "OverrideWebViewReady")]
  protected virtual bool OnWebViewReady (WebFrame frame)
   Value empty = Value.Empty;
   ValueArray valueArray = new ValueArray (2u);
   Value[] array = new Value[2];
   array [0] = new Value (this);
   valueArray.Append (array [0]);
   array [1] = new Value (frame);
   valueArray.Append (array [1]);
   GLib.Object.g_signal_chain_from_overridden (valueArray.ArrayPtr, ref empty);
   Value[] array2 = array;
   for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++)
    Value value = array2 [i];
    value.Dispose ();
   return true;

 public delegate void WebViewReadyHandler (object o, WebViewReadyArgs args);

 public class WebViewReadyArgs : SignalArgs
  // Properties

  public WebFrame Frame
    return (WebFrame)base.Args [0];

 public delegate void CreateWebViewHandler (object o, CreateWebViewArgs args);

 public class CreateWebViewArgs : SignalArgs
  // Properties

  public WebFrame Frame
    return (WebFrame)base.Args [0];

 public delegate void NewWindowPolicyDecisionRequestedHandler (object o, NewWindowPolicyDecisionRequestedArgs args);

 public class NewWindowPolicyDecisionRequestedArgs : SignalArgs
  // Properties

  public WebFrame Frame
    return (WebFrame)base.Args [0];

  public NetworkRequest Request
    return (NetworkRequest)base.Args [1];

  public WebNavigationAction NavigationAction
    return (WebNavigationAction)base.Args [2];

  public WebPolicyDecision PolicyDecision
    return (WebPolicyDecision)base.Args [3];


and the Main.cs

using System;
using Gtk;
using GLib;
using WebKit;
using System.Timers;
//using Notifications;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public partial class MainWindow: Gtk.Window
  private Timer notifications = new Timer(2000);
  private ExtendedWebView webView;
  private bool recent_notification = false;

  public MainWindow (string url): base (Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
    Build ();
    url ="";
    webView = new ExtendedWebView ();
    ExtendedWebSettings settings = new ExtendedWebSettings ();
    settings.g_object_set ("user-agent", new GLib.Value ("Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0"));
    settings.g_object_set ("enable-spell-checking", new GLib.Value (true));
    webView.TitleChanged += HandleTitleChanged;
    webView.Settings = settings;
    webView.NewWindowPolicyDecisionRequested += HandleNewWindowPolicyDecisionRequested;
    webView.CreateWebView += HandleCreateWebView;
    webView.LoadFinished += new LoadFinishedHandler (OnLoadFinished);
    VBox vbox1 = new VBox();

  private void OnLoadFinished (object o, LoadFinishedArgs args)
    String testVar = "[ { \"id\" : \"4578\" },{ \"id\" : \"4579\" }]";
    Console.WriteLine("Executei isto por aqui....");
    webView.ExecuteScript("scriptTeste(" + testVar + ");");
    Console.WriteLine("Executei isto por aqui....");

  void HandleCreateWebView (object o, CreateWebViewArgs args)
    Window info = new Window("");
    info.DefaultWidth = 1000;
    info.DefaultHeight = 700;
    VBox vbox2 = new VBox();
    WebView child = new WebView();
    child.NavigationRequested += HandleNavigationRequested1;
    info.Add (vbox2);
    args.RetVal = child;

  void HandleNavigationRequested1 (object o, NavigationRequestedArgs args)
    // Destroy the window if it was already opened in the browser
    if (args.Request.Uri.Contains ("&URL=")) {
      WebView self = (WebView)o;
      VBox container = (VBox)self.Parent;
      Window parent = (Window)container.Parent;
      args.RetVal = 1;

  void HandleNewWindowPolicyDecisionRequested (object o, NewWindowPolicyDecisionRequestedArgs args)
    string URL = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Regex.Split(args.Request.Uri, "&URL=")[1]);

  void HandleElapsed (object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
    if (recent_notification) {
      notifications.Interval = 5000;
      recent_notification = false;
  /*  if (!recent_notification && webView.SearchText ("Reminders", true, true, true)) {
      Notification notify = new Notification ("Outlook Notification", "");
      notify.Urgency = Urgency.Normal;
      notify.Show ();
      recent_notification = true;
      notifications.Interval = 30000;


  void HandleTitleChanged (object o, TitleChangedArgs args)
    this.Title = args.Title;

  protected void OnDeleteEvent (object sender, DeleteEventArgs a)
    Application.Quit ();
    a.RetVal = true;

If you want the c# project it is here

Thanks in advance.

Upvotes: 3

Views: 870

Answers (1)


Reputation: 535

You need to derive a new webview class from your old one, and override:

public class MyDerived: WebView

    public const string COM_COMMAND_INIT = "http://mypresetcommand/?";
    protected override void OnResourceRequestStarting(WebKit.WebFrame web_frame, WebKit.WebResource web_resource, WebKit.NetworkRequest request, WebKit.NetworkResponse response)
        // check if this is a command
        if (request.Uri.ToLower().StartsWith(COM_COMMAND_INIT))
            // this is a com command. Responding with responce.
            string cmnd = web_resource.Uri.Substring(COM_COMMAND_INIT.Length);
            // HANDLE COMMAND HERE.
        base.OnResourceRequestStarting(web_frame, web_resource, request, response);

Once you have done this, you can simply do an ajax call to the C# application from within the webpage. Replace "myresetcommand/?" with your own unreacheable url. You can respond via ExecuteScript in the WebView.

Upvotes: 2

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