Reputation: 85
I am looking to parse through the following xml- I want to have the result in a data frame with 3 columns: Date, Approve, Disapprove. The xml file is dynamic in the sense that each day a new date is added, so the code should account for that. I have implemented a solution which is static i.e. I have to loop giving the value tag row numbers. I would like to learn how to implement it dynamically.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
from pattern import web
xml = requests.get('').text
dom = web.Element(xml)
values = dom.by_tag('value')
date = []
approve = []
disapprove = []
values = dom.by_tag('value')
#The last range number below is 1720 instead of 1727 as last 6 values of Approve & Disapprove tag are blank.
for i in range(0,1720):
#The last range number below is 3447 instead of 3454 as last 6 values are blank. Including till 3454 will give error while converting to float.
for i in range(1727,3447):
a = float(values[i].content)
#The last range number below is 5174 instead of 5181 as last 6 values are blank.
for i in range(3454,5174):
a = float(values[i].content)
finalresult = pd.DataFrame({'date': date, 'Approve': approve, 'Disapprove': disapprove})
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1728
Reputation: 50947
Here is one way to do it with lxml and XPath:
from lxml import etree
import pandas as pd
tree = etree.parse("")
date = [s.text for s in tree.xpath("series/value")]
approve = [float(s.text) if s.text else 0.0
for s in tree.xpath("graphs/graph[@title='Approve']/value")]
disapprove = [float(s.text) if s.text else 0.0
for s in tree.xpath("graphs/graph[@title='Disapprove']/value")]
assert len(date) == len(approve) == len(disapprove)
finalresult = pd.DataFrame({'Date': date, 'Approve': approve, 'Disapprove': disapprove})
print finalresult
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 1727 entries, 0 to 1726
Data columns (total 3 columns):
Date 1727 non-null values
Approve 1727 non-null values
Disapprove 1727 non-null values
dtypes: float64(2), object(1)
Upvotes: 2