Reputation: 1341
I started working with Sprite kit and I Was wondering how can I create an infinite side scrolling game? I read the Sprite kit documentation and I read through the pre-processing of the scene. It's stated that we can readjust the scene's position in case the content is larger then the scene. I tried it and it works however, when I scroll through out the entire background image, I start seeing the default background of the scene. How can I create the infinite background? Can anybody point me to the right documentation or articles that talk about his issue? Thank you.
Upvotes: 11
Views: 11703
Reputation: 91
My code example for this exact reference using SpriteKit and Swift is seen below.
func background1() {
let backgroundTexture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "bg")
//move background right to left; replace
let shiftBackground = SKAction.moveByX(-backgroundTexture.size().width, y: 0, duration: 15)
let replaceBackground = SKAction.moveByX(backgroundTexture.size().width, y:0, duration: 0)
let movingAndReplacingBackground = SKAction.repeatActionForever(SKAction.sequence([shiftBackground,replaceBackground]))
for var i:CGFloat = 0; i<3; i++ {
//defining background; giving it height and moving width
let background = SKSpriteNode(texture:backgroundTexture)
background.position = CGPoint(x: backgroundTexture.size().width/2 + (backgroundTexture.size().width * i), y: CGRectGetMidY(self.frame))
background.size.height = self.frame.height
background.zPosition = -20
I wrapped this in a function because for a parallax background, I was able to copy this function 4 times, rename the variables, change the "duration" for the shiftBackground constant, and get different speeds based on their distance.
I hope this helps! When Swift goes to Swift 3 this "C-Style" for loop will be deprecated, so I'm not sure how to fix that yet for the long term.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3675
I've been working on a library for an infinite tile scroller, hopefully could be the starting point for a side scroller:
It's using a tableView-like delegate, so I hope is really easy to provide tiles, or any kind of node, to the scroller. I don't have any collision logic implemented yet, but I am planning on adding that also.
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Reputation: 4918
I did a generic composant called SKScrollingNode
for this purpose as I usually add multiple scrolling backgrounds to achieve a parallax effect. Using it is pretty straightforward :
Declare it in your scene class
@property(strong,nonatomic) SKScrollingNode * clouds;
Create it and add it to the scene instance
self.clouds = [SKScrollingNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"clouds"];
self.clouds.scrollingSpeed = .5; // Speed at which the clouds will scroll
[self addChild:clouds];
And in you scene 'update' method, just call
[self.clouds update:currentTime]
Done !
You can find the full code for the 'SKScrollinNode' composant here :
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 19966
Something like this should get you started:
Add the background images...
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
SKSpriteNode * bg = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"background"];
bg.anchorPoint = CGPointZero;
bg.position = CGPointMake(i * bg.size.width, 0); = @"background";
[self addChild:bg];
In your update method.
[self enumerateChildNodesWithName:@"background" usingBlock: ^(SKNode *node, BOOL *stop) {
SKSpriteNode *bg = (SKSpriteNode *) node;
bg.position = CGPointMake(bg.position.x - 5, bg.position.y);
if (bg.position.x <= -bg.size.width) {
bg.position = CGPointMake(bg.position.x + bg.size.width * 2, bg.position.y);
This is from an example in RW his example used background image size of 1136 px.
Upvotes: 12