Reputation: 438
Below is my code for uploading images, creating posts and to fanpage. Auto posting works fine apart from one thing - when images are posted to album, nothing shows up on the fan page timeline. Could you help me resolve the problem or point to some documentation. I have tried to google it, but none of the results from stackoverflow or facebook developer helped me.
$function ips_fanpage_post( $id, $row = false, $force_type = 'post' )
require_once( ABS_PATH . '/connect/facebook/facebook.php');
if( !is_array( $row ) )
$row = PD::getInstance()->simpleSelect( IPS__FILES, "`id` = '$id'", 1);
if( empty($row) )
ips_log( "ips_fanpage_post($id)" );
global ${IPS_LNG};
$row['type'] = 'post';
$row['caption'] = ${IPS_LNG}['meta_site_title'];
$row['description'] = 'เยี่ยมไหม แย่ไหม ชอบไหม';
$row['image'] = IMG_LINK . '/' . $row['img_url'];
$row['link'] = seoLink($row['id'], $row['title']);
$row['message'] = 'เยี่ยมไหม แย่ไหม ชอบไหม';
$image = null;
if( !empty( $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"] ) )
$image = realpath($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]);
if( file_exists( IMG_PATH . '/' . basename( $row['image'] ) ) )
$image = IMG_PATH . '/' . basename( $row['image'] );
elseif( file_exists( ABS_PATH . '/upload/img_obrazki/' . basename( $row['image'] ) ) )
$image = ABS_PATH . '/upload/img_obrazki/' . basename( $row['image'] );
elseif( file_exists( ABS_PATH . '/upload/import/' . basename( $row['image'] ) ) )
$image = ABS_PATH . '/upload/import/' . basename( $row['image'] );
if( empty( $image ) )
return array('Nie można odnależć określonego obrazka.');
$fanpage_id = Config::GET('apps_facebook_fanpageid');
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => Config::GET('apps_facebook_appid'),
'secret' => Config::GET('apps_facebook_appsecret'),
'cookie' => true,
'fileUpload' => true
if( $row['type'] == 'upload' || $force_type == 'upload' )
$params = array(
'access_token' => Config::GET('apps_facebook_token')
$accounts = $facebook->api('/me/accounts', 'GET', $params);
foreach($accounts['data'] as $account)
if( $account['id'] == $fanpage_id || (isset($account['name']) && $account['name'] == $fanpage_id) )
$fanpage_token = $account['access_token'];
$image = str_replace( '_middle', '', $image );
if( !isset( $fanpage_token ) )
ips_log( 'Pusty $fanpage_token, prawdopodobnie nie jest adminem.' );
return false;
$params = array(
'message' => 'เยี่ยมไหม แย่ไหม ชอบไหม',
'image' => '@' . $image,
'no_story' => 1,
'aid' => $row['album_id'],
'access_token' => $fanpage_token
$rest = $facebook->api( '$row['album_id']' . '/photos', 'post', $params );
if( $rest )
$data = array(
'id' => 'NULL',
'file_id' => $row['album_id'],
'post_id' => $rest['id'],
'title' => $row['title'],
'data' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
'link_post' => '' . $rest['id'],
'type' => 'upload'
PD::getInstance()->insert("fanpage_post", $data);
return true;
ips_log( $rest );
return false;
} catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$image = str_replace( ABS_PATH, substr( ABS_URL, 0 , -1 ), $image );
if( substr( $image, 0 , 4 ) != 'http' )
$image = substr( ABS_URL, 0 , -1 ) . $image;
$attachment = '{
"name":"คลิกที่นี่ ตอนนี้",
"href":"'. $row['link'] .'",
"caption":"'. $row['caption'] .'",
"description":"'. $row['description'] .'",
"src":"' . $image . '",
"href":"' . $row['link'] . '",
try {
$rest = $facebook->api(array(
"uid" => $fanpage_id,
"method" => "stream.publish",
"access_token" => Config::GET('apps_facebook_token'),
"message" => $row['message'],
"attachment" => $attachment,
"caption" => $row['caption']
if( $rest )
$data = array(
'id' => 'NULL',
'file_id' => $id,
'post_id' => $rest,
'title' => $row['title'],
'data' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
'link_post' => ''. str_replace('_', '/posts/', $rest),
'type' => 'post'
PD::getInstance()->insert("fanpage_post", $data);
return true;
ips_log( $rest );
return false;
} catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
* Błąd zapisany do pliku log
return false;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 521
Reputation: 96151
no_story: If set to 1, optionally suppresses the feed story that is automatically generated on the page when you upload a photo.
Upvotes: 1