Reputation: 995
get_currency() ->
URL = "*",
{Result, Info} = httpc:request(URL),
case Result of
error ->
{Result, Info};
ok ->
{{_Protocol, Code, _CodeStr}, _Attrs, WebData} = Info,
extract_text(Content) ->
Item = hd(Content),
case element(1, Item) of
xmlText -> Item#xmlText.value;
_ -> ""
analyze_info(WebData) ->
ToFind = [rate],
Parsed = element(1, xmerl_scan:string(WebData)),
Children = Parsed#xmlElement.content,
ElementList = [{, extract_text(El#xmlElement.content)} || El <- Children, element(1, El) == xmlElement],
lists:map(fun(Item) -> lists:keyfind(Item, 1, ElementList) end, ToFind).
the above is the code im using to try to extract the contents of the tag from the url*
here is what i do in the shell.
XML = scrapetest:get_currency().
and the return i get is simply "false". Im not sure what im doing wrong.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 558
Reputation: 792
Just add some logs to your code.
Eg. adding io:format("~p~n", [ElementList]),
- will show you that ElementList contains only result
tag, and you should go one level deeper in your list comprehension to get tag named rate
This is common advice.
In your case, seems that better decision is recursive find function (if you want to write some code)
or use some batteries, like xmerl_xpath
Just example for another analyze_info
analyze_info(WebData) ->
Parsed = element(1, xmerl_scan:string(WebData)),
xmerl_xpath:string("//Rate/text()", Parsed).
This will return:
Upvotes: 2