Daniel Martin
Daniel Martin

Reputation: 23578

Loading additional javascript code from firefox add-on content script

I'm writing something that I want to release as both a chrome extension and a firefox add-on.

The chrome extension is already available on github. I've factored my code into several modules using a module load format similar to what requirejs uses; I did this to separate the parts that were chrome-specific from the parts I hoped to re-use in the firefox add-on.

Specifically, I split up not only the backend work, but also the content scripts.

In chrome, when my content script needs to load another module, it sends a message to the background page saying "please load this module"; the script on the background page then does:

  function onLoadLibrary(request, sender, sendResponse) { 
    var allFrames = request.allFrames || false;
      sender.tab.id, {file: request.library.toLowerCase()  + '.js',
                      allFrames: allFrames},
      function () {
    return true;

That is, I'm able to load additional javascript into the same sandbox as the content script that asked for that code. This is necessary to make module dependencies work.

In firefox, I can't figure out how to do this. I'll attach my initial content scripts through pageMods and by calling tab.attach from the "ready" event of tabs. That seems straightforward, but then if that content script needs to load more code I can't see how to do it.

There doesn't seem to be a way to access the sandbox my content script is running in from the main.js file so that I might inject more code into it. Even if I somehow kept a reference to the relevant tab instance (which only lets me inject into the top frame in any case), it appears that each new call to tab.attach puts injected code into a new sandbox. The object tab that's passed to my ready event handle isn't a real XUL tab that I could pass to require("tabs/util").getBrowserForTab; if it were, then I think I can follow through enough of the sdk code to create my own sandbox, though I'd worry about leaving accidental memory leaks behind.

I considered passing the code back to the content script through a "eval-this-code" message, but I really don't want to use eval in my extension because of security concerns; I also worry that using eval would make it difficult to impossible to get my firefox add-on approved for AMO. (Also, how would that interact when my add-on runs on sites with a Content Security Policy?)

The usage of traits to define the add-on API seems to close off access to objects such that I can't reach inside a Worker to get a reference to the sandbox my content script is executing in. At this point, it appears that I'd need to include nearly a full copy of the sdk in my add-on just to expose one method on WorkerSandbox.

Note: I'm using the Add-On sdk (the project formerly known as JetPack). I'm willing to use Components.utils.import if someone can tell me how to use that from inside an Add-On SDK-managed content script.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1629

Answers (1)


Reputation: 33192

Content-scripts do not expose a public API to attach more scripts to a content-script sandbox after it was initialized. You should probably file an enhancement bug and state your use case, if there isn't one filed already (search first), and/or even come up with some patches yourself.

In cases where there is a DOM that your add-on own (widget), then it's just a matter of attaching another script tag.

For things like page-mods where there is no DOM you own, you're left with a couple of options, none of which is really satisfying. As you already found out yourself, the use of traits prohibits you from accessing "private" properties/methods.

  • Fork page-mod/tab/content-worker to provide the functionality you need. That would require creating your own copies of the modules and expose the necessary APIs to inject scripts into existing workers.

    This is has a steep learning curve (but given that you already figured out details such as traits, should be doable for you), but more importantly hard to maintain as you need to make sure you keep up with the upstream. And AMO editors will not like you very much for it :p

    On the plus side, you could try to get your stuff committed upstream, fixing this problem for everybody and become a hero to many authors using the Add-on SDK.

  • The eval method you propose. Not only is this eval a major source for security issues, but it also may be a performance killer, as right now IIRC evaled code will not use the JIT. And, of course, it will make us AMO editors cringe, even if used "correctly".

  • Do not use lazy loading at all, and specify all content scripts from the very beginning. This is what add-ons usually do (I'm almost inclined to say "always"). However, this conflicts with your current design, and depending on your add-on may pose a serious performance penalty for loading stuff you didn't really need in the end.

  • You could use the require mechanism to have most scripts as SDK module and not content-scripts. This is not always feasible, of course, e.g. when dealing with code that would normally modify the DOM in your content-script, but might work for some other stuff.

  • Replace page-mod, etc with your own Greasemonkey-like, enhanced API. This means lots of work, it is error-prone, security-sensitive and has to be maintained. So, it's not really a viable solution, IMO...

Components.utils.import does not help you. It isn't available to content-scripts anyway.

Upvotes: 1

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