Reputation: 6525
Suppose I have a record, e.g. Person
, and I want to be able to look this person up through multiple data structures. Maybe there's an index by name, another index by the person's zip code, and another index by the person's current latitude and longitude. And maybe many more data structures. All of which exist because I need to efficiently look up a person or persons with different criteria.
If I just need to read a person's attributes, this is no problem. But now suppose I need to look up a person using one of these data structures and then update the person's data.
In an OOP language, each data structure would point to the same person in memory. So when you update one, you're implicitly updating the referents of the other data structures as well. This is pretty much the definition of side effects and impurity. I know it's totally counter to the Haskell paradigm, and I'm not expecting Haskell to work this way.
So, what is the Haskell-ish way to do it? To be clear, the problem is this: I look up a person by one data structure, and I pass that person (and maybe some other arbitrary data) into a function of type ArbitraryData -> Person -> Person
. How do I propagate this change across all the various lookup structures?
As a relative newcomer to Haskell, my first instinct is to reconstruct every lookup structure with the newly updated person, every time I update a person. But that seems like a lot of ceremony, with plenty of opportunity for me to screw up in a way GHC can't detect, and not at all elegant. Haskell is known for its elegance, and I can't imagine it lacks an elegant solution to such a common and basic problem. So I think I'm missing something.
For reference, this question expands on some of the issues I was discussing in the following questions:
Multiple lookup structures for same data: Memory duplication?
Identity of simulation objects in Haskell
One solution that just crossed my mind: Don't maintain a copy of each lookup structure in your main state. Just keep one single list of all persons in existence, and that's the only thing we need to update when we update a person. Every time you need to lookup by, say, zip code, pass the list of all persons into a function that generates the efficient by-zip-code data structure. Then perform the lookup on the result.
I don't know if this would be efficient. If it results in the CPU actually recomputing the lookup structure on each use, it's unacceptable. But I know Haskell sometimes can avoid reevaluating identical expressions. Unfortunately, I still haven't figured out when this is the case. So I don't know if this approach is viable.
So in other words: Can I write my functions as if they're computing the lookup each time, when in fact GHC will optimize it away for cases where the underlying data hasn't changed? Because that would be a very elegant solution to the problem I've identified above.
Upvotes: 7
Views: 1395
Reputation: 24166
We have two challenges. The first is "How do [we] propagate [a] change across ... various lookup structures". The second is to minimize the work done when we perform lookups.
Let's make some working code so that we have something concrete to discuss.
To begin with, let's look at what an "update" or "change" is. An update or change starts in one state, and ends up in another state. It's a function from the previous state to the next state. It basically is type Update = State -> State
. In Haskell, we can make the state disappear by hiding it in some Monad
; this is a very common practice, so despite the fact it looks "impure" it is very "Haskell-ish". You can read more about this idea by reading about the state monad.
Here's a class similar to MonadState that lets us talk about values we can allocate (new
), update (set
), and inspect (get
-- Class for a typed dictionary in a monadic context
class (Monad m) => MonadReference m where
type Reference :: * -> *
new :: (Typeable a) => a -> m (Reference a)
set :: (Typeable a) => (Reference a) -> a -> m ()
get :: (Typeable a) => (Reference a) -> m a
We'll use this to write some very simple example code.
data Person = Person {
name :: String
} deriving (Show, Typeable)
data Company = Company {
legalName :: String
} deriving (Show, Typeable)
-- the only thing we need MonadIO for in this exmple is printing output
example1 :: (MonadIO m, MonadReference m) => m ()
example1 = do
-- alice :: Reference Person
alice <- new $ Person { name = "Alice" }
bob <- new $ Person { name = "Bob" }
-- company :: Reference Company
company <- new $ Company { legalName = "Eve's Surveillance" }
(liftIO . print) =<< get alice
(liftIO . print) =<< get bob
(liftIO . print) =<< get company
(liftIO . putStrLn) ""
set alice Person { name = "Mike" }
set company Company { legalName = "Mike's Meddling" }
(liftIO . print) =<< get alice
(liftIO . print) =<< get bob
(liftIO . print) =<< get company
We've used new
, get
, and set
to create some Reference
s, inspect them, and modify them.
To get this to work, we need a bit of boring boilerplate. We'll borrow IORef
for our implementation of a Reference
to run this code without writing too much code ourselves.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Main (
) where
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Traversable
import Control.Applicative
import Data.IORef
--transformers package:
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
main = example1
-- Instead of implementing a dictionary, for an example we'll just use IORefs when we have IO.
instance MonadReference IO where
type Reference = IORef
new = newIORef
set = writeIORef
get = readIORef
Now, on top of updating people, we'd also like to update the people in a multiple data structures. We'll look at two data structures: a list, [Person]
, and a tuple, (Person,Company)
. Now, we could make a list of Reference
s to people, say (people :: [Reference Person]) = [alice, bob]
, but this isn't very useful. For example, we don't really know how to show
it. It would be more useful if Reference
weren't intermingled inside the list. Naively, Reference [Person]
would be more useful. But it would mean nothing to set
this Reference
, so clearly we have the wrong type. Reference [Person]
would just let us call get
to turn it into an m [Person]
, so we could skip that and just use m [Person]
. Here's an example that does that:
-- the only thing we need MonadIO for in this exmple is printing output
example2 :: (MonadIO m, MonadReference m) => m ()
example2 = do
-- alice :: Reference Person
alice <- new $ Person { name = "Alice" }
bob <- new $ Person { name = "Bob" }
-- company :: Reference Company
company <- new $ Company { legalName = "Eve's Surveillance" }
(liftIO . print) =<< get alice
(liftIO . print) =<< get bob
(liftIO . print) =<< get company
let people = do
a <- get alice
b <- get bob
return [a, b]
let structure2 = do
a <- get alice
c <- get company
return (a, c)
(liftIO . print) =<< people
(liftIO . print) =<< structure2
(liftIO . putStrLn) ""
set alice Person { name = "Mike" }
set company Company { legalName = "Mike's Meddling" }
(liftIO . print) =<< get alice
(liftIO . print) =<< get bob
(liftIO . print) =<< get company
(liftIO . print) =<< people
(liftIO . print) =<< structure2
Now we know quite a bit about what a library or libraries for doing this should look like. Here are some of the requirements we might have already imagined:
Here are some requirements that emerge from experimenting with some code:
get alice
, get bob
, and get company
, []
, and (,)
constructors.There's are also a few problems with our example. If we embrace MonadReference m => m a
as the type of a state dependent value of type a
, there's nothing to stop something that we think is getting the value from the state from also modifying it.
We also have performance problems. All of our state dependent values are being completely recalculated every time we use them. A good performance requirement might be:
Armed with these new requirements, we can make new interfaces. After we make new interfaces, we can equip them with a naive implementation. After we have a naive implementation, we can address our requirements for performance, and make a performant implementation.
Some exercise that could prepare us for the next steps include reading about or playing with Control.Applicative
, the publisher-subscriber design pattern, the operational monad and transformer Program
and ProgramT
or the free monad and transformer Free
, FreeF
, and FreeT
, Data.Traversable
, Control.Lens
, and the knockout.js javascript library.
Update: The new interfaces
Based on our new requirements for what state dependent values are, we can write a new interface:
-- Class for a monad with state dependent values
class (MonadReference m, Applicative Computed, Monad Computed) => MonadComputed m where
type Computed :: * -> *
track :: (Typeable a) => Reference a -> m (Computed a)
runComputed :: (Typeable a) => (Computed a) -> m a
These address our new requirements as follows:
makes a state dependent value that depends on a Reference
, which satisfies our first new requirement.Applicative
's pure
and Monad
's return both provide a method by which to create new Computed
values that contain a constant.Applicative
's <*>
and Monad
's >>=
provide methods by which to combine computed values into new computed values.Computed
type provides a means for an implementation to exclude unwanted types.Now we can write new example code in terms of this interface. We'll construct computed values three different ways: Using Data.Traversable
's sequenceA on lists with the Applicative
instance for Computed
, using the Monad
instance for Computed
, and finally using the Applicative
instance for Computed
-- the only thing we need MonadIO for in this exmple is printing output
example :: (MonadIO m, MonadComputed m) => m ()
example = do
-- aliceRef :: Reference Person
aliceRef <- new $ Person { name = "Alice" }
-- alice :: Computed Person
alice <- track aliceRef
bobRef <- new $ Person { name = "Bob" }
bob <- track bobRef
-- companyRef :: Reference Company
companyRef <- new $ Company { legalName = "Eve's Surveillance" }
-- company :: Computed Company
company <- track companyRef
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed alice
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed bob
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed company
let people = Traversable.sequenceA [alice, bob]
let structure2 = do
a <- alice
c <- company
return (a, c)
let structure3 = (pure (,)) <*> structure2 <*> bob
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed people
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed structure2
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed structure3
(liftIO . putStrLn) ""
set aliceRef Person { name = "Mike" }
set companyRef Company { legalName = "Mike's Meddling" }
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed alice
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed bob
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed company
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed people
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed structure2
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed structure3
Note that if we didn't want or need to track aliceRef
and track bobRef
independently, we could create a list of Computed
values by mapM track [aliceRef, bobRef]
Now we can make another simple implementation for IO, so that we can run our example and see that we are on the right track. We'll use operational's Program
type to make this simple and get us both an Applicative
and a Monad
-- Evaluate computations built in IO
instance MonadComputed IO where
-- Store the syntax tree in a Program from operational
type Computed = Program IORef
track = return . singleton
runComputed c = case view c of
Return x -> return x
ref :>>= k -> do
value <- readIORef ref
runComputed (k value)
At this point the entire running example is:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Main (
) where
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable
import Control.Applicative
import Data.IORef
--transformers package:
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
--operational package:
import Control.Monad.Operational
main = example
data Person = Person {
name :: String
} deriving (Show, Typeable)
data Company = Company {
legalName :: String
} deriving (Show, Typeable)
-- the only thing we need MonadIO for in this exmple is printing output
example :: (MonadIO m, MonadComputed m) => m ()
example = do
-- aliceRef :: Reference Person
aliceRef <- new $ Person { name = "Alice" }
-- alice :: Computed Person
alice <- track aliceRef
bobRef <- new $ Person { name = "Bob" }
bob <- track bobRef
-- companyRef :: Reference Company
companyRef <- new $ Company { legalName = "Eve's Surveillance" }
-- company :: Computed Company
company <- track companyRef
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed alice
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed bob
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed company
let people = Traversable.sequenceA [alice, bob]
let structure2 = do
a <- alice
c <- company
return (a, c)
let structure3 = (pure (,)) <*> structure2 <*> bob
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed people
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed structure2
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed structure3
(liftIO . putStrLn) ""
set aliceRef Person { name = "Mike" }
set companyRef Company { legalName = "Mike's Meddling" }
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed alice
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed bob
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed company
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed people
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed structure2
(liftIO . print) =<< runComputed structure3
-- Class for a typed dictionary in a monadic context
class (Monad m) => MonadReference m where
type Reference :: * -> *
new :: (Typeable a) => a -> m (Reference a)
set :: (Typeable a) => Reference a -> a -> m ()
get :: (Typeable a) => Reference a -> m a
-- Class for a monad with state dependent values
class (MonadReference m, Applicative Computed, Monad Computed) => MonadComputed m where
type Computed :: * -> *
track :: (Typeable a) => Reference a -> m (Computed a)
runComputed :: (Typeable a) => (Computed a) -> m a
-- Instead of implementing a dictionary, for an example we'll just use IORefs when we have IO.
instance MonadReference IO where
type Reference = IORef
new = newIORef
set = writeIORef
get = readIORef
-- Evaluate computations built in IO
instance MonadComputed IO where
-- Store the syntax tree in a Program from operational
type Computed = Program IORef
track = return . singleton
runComputed c = case view c of
Return x -> return x
ref :>>= k -> do
value <- readIORef ref
runComputed (k value)
We still need to address our performance requirement to minimize the work done when we perform lookups. Our goal requirement was:
We can now clarify this to be in terms of our interface:
shouldn't be calculated unless a Computed
value that it depends on has been modified since the last time runComputed
was executed.We can now see that our desired solution is going to be something like cache invalidation or bottom-up query evaluation. I'd guess that in a language with lazy evaluation, they both work out to be about the same thing.
Final Update: Performance
Equipped with a new interface, we can now explore and address our performance goal. In doing so, I discovered that there's an additional, subtle requirement that we missed. We would like runComputed
to reuse previously computed values if the value hasn't been changed. What we didn't notice is that Haskell's type system should and is preventing us from doing so. A value of type Computed a
always means the same thing, it's never actually modified. So the computations that were building our structures will mean the same thing, "a computation constructed from these parts" even after we have executed runComputed
. We need to slip in somewhere to put the side effect from the first runComputed. We can do this with the type m (Computed a)
instead. The new method in MonadComputed m
that does this is:
share :: (Typeable a) => (Computed a) -> m (Computed a)
The new Computed a
we get back means something slightly different: "a possibly cached computation constructed from these parts". We were already doing something similar, but telling Haskell about it instead of telling our code. We wrote, for example:
let people = Traversable.sequenceA [alice, bob]
This let
told the Haskell compiler that each time it encountered people
it should use the same thunk. If we instead wrote Traversable.sequenceA [alice, bob]
each time it would be used, the Haskell compiler probably wouldn't have created and maintained a pointer to a single thunk. This can be a nice thing to know when juggling memory. If you want to maintain something in memory and avoid computation, use let
, if you want to recompute it to avoid holding onto the memory, don't use let
. Here we explicitly want to hold on to our computed structures, so we are going to use our new equivalent, share
people <- share $ Traversable.sequenceA [alice, bob]
The remainder of the changes to the example code at the end are to demonstrate more possible updates.
Now that we have the interface finalized, we can work on an implementation. This implementation will still take advantage of IO
and IORef
s. Our implementation is going to be based on subscribing to be notified of changes, and invalidating cached changes and their dependants when a change happens. This data structure stores a value and the subscribers that want to be notified:
-- A published value for IO, using Weak references to the subscribers
data Published a = Published {
valueRef :: IORef a,
subscribers :: IORef [Weak (IO ())]
Something that needs to be notified when something happens in IO could be as simple as IO ()
, but then the cycle between a dependant computation and a value would hold all the dependant computations in memory until the original value is forgotten. Instead a Weak
pointer (from System.Mem.Weak
) to the dependant's update action should allow the garbage collecter to collect these.
First we'll implement MonadReference IO
. Our code to handle Reference
s to entities is modified to peek through Published
to get the value, and to execute all of the subscribers when the value is set.
-- A new implementation that keeps an update list
instance MonadReference IO where
type Reference = Published
new = newIORefPublished
set = setIORefPublished
get = readIORefPublished
-- Separate implemenations for these, since we'd like to drop the Typeable constraint
newIORefPublished value =
ref <- newIORef value
subscribersRef <- newIORef []
return Published { valueRef = ref, subscribers = subscribersRef }
setIORefPublished published value =
writeIORef (valueRef published) value
notify $ subscribers published
--readIORefPublished = readIORef . valueRef
readIORefPublished x = do
putStrLn "getting"
readIORef $ valueRef x
Notifying the subscribers is a bit tricky. We need to forget about any subscriber that has been removed by garbage collection. I anticipated that a subscriber might be subscribing to things during its update action for the tricky case of binding, so when a subscriber is garbage collected, we don't assume that the new set of subscribers is the old set except for the garabage collected ones, instead we filter them as a separate cleanupWeakRefs
notify :: IORef [Weak (IO ())] -> IO ()
notify = go
go subscribersRef = do
subscribers <- readIORef subscribersRef
needsCleanup <- (liftM (any id)) (mapM notifySubscriber subscribers)
when needsCleanup $ cleanupWeakRefs subscribersRef
notifySubscriber weakSubscriber = do
maybeSubscriber <- deRefWeak weakSubscriber
case maybeSubscriber of
Nothing -> return True
Just subscriber -> subscriber >> return False
cleanupWeakRefs :: IORef [Weak a] -> IO ()
cleanupWeakRefs ref = do
weaks <- readIORef ref
newWeaks <- (liftM catMaybes) $ mapM testWeak weaks
writeIORef ref newWeaks
testWeak weakRef = liftM (>> Just weakRef) $ deRefWeak weakRef
We're done with our handling of entities, time to get on to the interesting and tricky part, the computations. Here's the complete data type for a computation or state dependent value:
-- Data type for building computations
data IORefComputed a where
Pure :: a -> IORefComputed a
Apply :: IORefComputed (b -> a) -> IORefComputed b -> IORefComputed a
Bound :: IORefComputed b -> (b -> IORefComputed a) -> IORefComputed a
Tracked :: Published a -> IORefComputed a
Shared :: Published (Either (IORefComputed a) a) -> IORefComputed a
represents values that don't depend on anything. Apply
represents values built by applications of <*>
. Bound
represents values built using the Monad
instance's >>=
. Tracked
are ordinary state dependent values made using track
. Shared
are the points at which we remember computations and are notified of changes to tracked values, made using share
. We reuse the Published
type to store a value and its subscribers, but the value we store is Either
the computation that needs to be perfomed when the shared cache is dirty, (IORefComputed a)
, or the cached value when the cache is clean, a
. Here are the instances that let the user use these:
instance Monad IORefComputed where
return = Pure
(>>=) = Bound
(>>) _ = id
instance Applicative IORefComputed where
pure = return
(<*>) = Apply
instance Functor IORefComputed where
fmap = (<*>) . pure
-- Evaluate computations built in IO
instance MonadComputed IO where
type Computed = IORefComputed
track = trackIORefComputed
runComputed = evalIORefComputed
share = shareIORefComputed
-- Separate implementations, again to drop the Typeable constraint
trackIORefComputed = return . Tracked
Note: the optimization of >>
almost certainly violates the Monad laws in the presence of _|_
Now we need to make the non-trivial implementations of runComputed
and share
. First we'll look at share
, which does most of the new work:
shareIORefComputed :: IORefComputed a -> IO (IORefComputed a)
shareIORefComputed c =
case c of
Apply cf cx -> do
sharedf <- shareIORefComputed cf
sharedx <- shareIORefComputed cx
case (sharedf, sharedx) of
-- Optimize away constants
(Pure f, Pure x) -> return . Pure $ f x
_ -> do
let sharedc = sharedf <*> sharedx
published <- newIORefPublished $ Left sharedc
-- What we are going to do when either argument changes
markDirty <- makeMarkDirty published published sharedc
subscribeTo sharedf markDirty
subscribeTo sharedx markDirty
return $ Shared published
Bound cx k -> do
sharedx <- shareIORefComputed cx
case cx of
-- Optimize away constants
(Pure x) -> shareIORefComputed $ k x
_ -> do
let dirtyc = sharedx >>= k
published <- newIORefPublished $ Left dirtyc
-- What we are going to do when the argument to k changes
markDirty <- makeMarkDirty published published dirtyc
subscribeTo sharedx markDirty
return $ Shared published
_ -> return c
When we are asked to share an application of <*>
, Apply
, we first share both of its arguments. We optimize away the value if we can determine it to be constant. If we can't optimize it away, we make a new, initially dirty cache, and ask to be updated whenever either argument changes.
Dealing with >>=
is much more difficult. We share the argument to >>=
, but we don't know what Computed
value the function will return until we evaluate it with each argument. We say that it can be computed by evaluating the entire bind, and ask to have the cache invalidated whenever the argument changes. We will definitely want to improve this later.
In all other cases there's nothing to be done to cache the value; it is either a constant or an already cached Tracked
or Shared
If you are doubting the need for share
, replace this definition with
shareIORefComputed c = return c
and run the examples. You'll see that every involved value is read every time we run runComputed
. There's nothing you can do in runComputed
to modify an existing Computed
to know about a place it has been cached, because we can't change existing values in Haskell.
Now we'll implement runComputed
. The basic idea is that we evaluate things as before, but when we encounter a dirty shared cache we calculate its new value and update the cache. These updates do not trigger notification of the subscribers.
evalIORefComputed :: IORefComputed a -> IO a
evalIORefComputed c =
case c of
Pure x -> return x
Apply cf cx -> do
f <- evalIORefComputed cf
x <- evalIORefComputed cx
return (f x)
Bound cx k -> do
value <- evalIORefComputed cx
evalIORefComputed (k value)
Tracked published -> readIORefPublished published
Shared publishedThunk -> do
thunk <- readIORefPublished publishedThunk
case thunk of
Left computation@(Bound cx k) -> do
x <- evalIORefComputed cx
-- Make a shared version of the computed computation
currentExpression <- shareIORefComputed (k x)
let gcKeyedCurrentExpression = Left currentExpression
writeIORef (valueRef publishedThunk) gcKeyedCurrentExpression
markDirty <- makeMarkDirty publishedThunk gcKeyedCurrentExpression computation
subscribeTo currentExpression markDirty
evalIORefComputed c
Left computation -> do
value <- evalIORefComputed computation
writeIORef (valueRef publishedThunk) (Right value)
return value
Right x ->
return x
This is straightforward except for what we do for a dirty shared >>=
. We evaluate the argument, then we share
the resulting computation. The trick is that we ask that the entire shared thunk be marked dirty when this new value is updated. We ask the garbage collected to forget about this when the dirty marking for this currentExpression
is garbage collected. This provides a window during which the thunk might be marked dirty even if it no longer depends on currentExpression
. Now a shared bind will be marked dirty by both changes to its argument, changes to the computed value that depended on its argument, and changes to computed values that recently depended on its argument and haven't been garbage collected yet.
The remainder of the implementation is building the weak references to notifications and subscribing to a published value by prepending the new subscriber.
makeMarkDirty :: Published (Either (IORefComputed a) a) -> k -> IORefComputed a -> IO (Weak (IO ()))
makeMarkDirty published key definition =
let markDirty = do
existing <- readIORef (valueRef published)
case existing of
Right _ -> setIORefPublished published $ Left definition
_ -> return ()
mkWeak key markDirty Nothing
subscribeTo :: IORefComputed a -> Weak (IO ()) -> IO ()
subscribeTo (Tracked published) trigger = modifyIORef' (subscribers published) (trigger :)
subscribeTo (Shared published) trigger = modifyIORef' (subscribers published) (trigger :)
subscribeTo _ _ = return ()
The complete compiling example code is on github. It requires the transformers package.
If you run the example code, you'll notice that:
name is changed, runComputed people
performs only a single get to get the cached valuebob
is changed, , runComputed structure2
performs only a single get to get the cached value, and the work done to compute structure3
is less, even though bob
is in structure3
, the one built with the Monad
instance, requires the most work to compute, due to the extra intermediary shared values.Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 4843
Jarret, I strongly suggest you investigate Zippers, both in the simple form documented on the Haskell wiki and the more advanced, generic version developed by Oleg Kiselyov. To quote Oleg,
Zipper is an updateable and yet pure functional cursor into a data structure. It lets us replace an item deep in a data structure, e.g., a tree or a term, without any mutation. The result will share as much of its components with the old structure as possible. The old data structure is still available, which is useful if we wish to 'undo' the operation later on.
The wiki page gives a simple example of how one node of tree can be updated without any need to rebuild the rest of the tree.
If you wrap your different views in zippers and use a shared key, you should see significant efficiency gains. If you wrapped your different views in an appropriate monad (e.g. State Monad), you could update the location with one operation and see all the different views move to point to the "same" obect.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1895
Since I answered this, a few people in #haskell on Freenode recommended alternative, premade solutions:
, which was said to provide lenses.You can make a data structure that contains your lookup tables, as well as a Vector
of actual Person
s. The lookup tables will give you an Int
or a list of Int
s (rather than a Person
or a list of Person
s) which is the index into the Vector Person
. For example:
data PersonStuff = PersonStuff {
persons :: Vector Person,
firstNameLookupTable :: LookupTable Name,
data LookupTable a = LookupTable {
table :: Map a Int,
update :: Person -> Person -> Map a Int -> Map a Int
The update
function is given the old Person
, the updated Person
, and will update the table only if the relevant details have changed. When a Person
is modified through the convenient PersonStuff
functions you'll write, those functions will update all the lookup tables for you, returning a new PersonStuff
with all associated data. This makes for a pure data structure with quick lookups.
You can make functions like updatePeopleWithFirstName :: Name -> (Person -> Person) -> PersonStuff -> PersonStuff
that will get all the people with a first name, apply a Person -> Person
to each of them, modify their entries in the Vector
, and use the update
functions to update all of the lookupTables.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 71535
The "update all the index structures" approach doesn't have to be needless ceremony, if you model your concept of a "collection of people with efficient lookup operations" as a unitary thing in itself, rather than a bunch of independent collections that you're "manually" trying to keep in sync with each other.
Say you've got a Person
type. Then you have a collection of Person
objects that you want to be indexed by the types Name
and Zip
. You could use things like Map Name Person
and Map Zip Person
, but that doesn't really express your meaning. You don't have two groups of people, one keyed by Name
and the other keyed by Zip
. You have one group of people, which can by looked up by either Name
or Zip
, so the code you write and data structures you use should reflect that.
Lets call the collection type People
. For your index lookup you'll end up with something like findByName :: People -> Name -> Person
and findByZip :: People -> Zip -> Person
You've also got functions of type Person -> Person
that can "update" Person
records. So you can use findByName
to pull out a Person
from a People
, then apply an update function to get a new Person
. Now what? You'll have to construct a new People
with the original Person
replaced with a new Person
. The "update" functions can't handle this, since they're only concerned with Person
values, and don't know anything about your People
store (there could even be many People
stores). So you'll need a function like updatePeople :: Person -> Person -> People -> People
, and you'll end up writing a lot of code like this:
let p = findByName name people
p' = update p
in updatePeople p p' people
That's a bit boilerplatey. Looks like a job for updateByName :: Name -> (Person -> Person) -> People -> People
With that, where in an OO language you might write something like people.findByName(name).changeSomething(args)
you can now write updateByName name (changeSomething args) people
. Not so different!
Note that I haven't talked at all about how any of these data structures or operations are actually implemented. I'm thinking purely about the concepts you have and the operations that make sense on them. That means a scheme like this will work regardless of how you're implementing them; you even can (probably should?) hide the implementation details behind a module barrier. You may well implement People
as a record of multiple collections mapping different things to your Person
records, but you from the "outside" you can just think of it it a single collection that supports multiple different types of lookup/update operations, and don't have to worry about keeping multiple indexes in sync. It's only within the implementation of the People
type and its operations that you have to worry about that, which gives you a place to solve it once and well, rather than having to do it correctly on every operation.
You can take this sort of thing further. With some extra assumptions (such as the knowledge that your Name
, Zip
, and any other indexes are all implemented with the same pattern just on different fields of Person
) you can probably use type classes and/or template Haskell to avoid having to implement findByName
, findByZip
, findByFavouriteSpoon
etc separately (although having separate implementations gives you more opportunity to use different indexing strategies depending on the types involved, and may help with optimizing the updates so that e.g. you only have to update the indexes that could possibly be invalidated). You can use type classes and type families to implement a findBy
that uses the type of whatever index key it is invoked on to determine which index to use, whether you have separate implementations or a single generic one (although this means that you can't have multiple indexes with the same type).
Here's an example I knocked up when I should've been working, providing type-class-based findBy
and updateBy
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.Map (Map, (!), adjust, delete, insert)
-- sample data declarations
newtype Name = Name String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype Zip = Zip Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Person = Person
{ name :: Name
, zipCode :: Zip
-- you probably wouldn't export the constructor here
data People = People
{ byName :: Map Name Person
, byZip :: Map Zip Person
-- class for stores that can be indexed by key
class FindBy key store where
type Result key store
findBy :: key -> store -> Result key store
updateBy :: key -> (Result key store -> Result key store) -> store -> store
-- helper functions
-- this stuff would be hidden
:: Ord a
=> (Person -> a) -> Person -> Person -> Map a Person -> Map a Person
updateIndex f p p' = insert (f p') p' . delete (f p)
-- this function has some per-index stuff;
-- note that if you add a new index to People you get a compile error here
-- telling you to account for it
-- also note that we put the *same* person in every map; sharing should mean
-- that we're not duplicating the objects, so no wasted memory
replacePerson :: Person -> Person -> People -> People
replacePerson p p' ps = ps { byName = byName', byZip = byZip' }
byName' = updateIndex name p p' $ byName ps
byZip' = updateIndex zipCode p p' $ byZip ps
-- a "default" definition for updateBy in terms of findBy when the store happens
-- to be People and the result happens to be Person
:: (FindBy key People, Result key People ~ Person)
=> key -> (Person -> Person) -> People -> People
updatePeopleBy k f ps =
let p = findBy k ps
in replacePerson p (f p) ps
-- this is basically the "declaration" of all the indexes that can be used
-- externally
instance FindBy Name People where
type Result Name People = Person
findBy n ps = byName ps ! n
updateBy = updatePeopleBy
instance FindBy Zip People where
type Result Zip People = Person
findBy z ps = byZip ps ! z
updateBy = updatePeopleBy
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 43320
If you need it done efficiently, you'll have to downgrade to mutable datastructures and basically the IO
These updateable references between objects like in OO are available in Haskell aswell. These are IORef
s. There are also thread-safe versions of them: MVar
and TVar
- the choice between them depends on your concurrerency model.
This data structure with different kinds of references between objects is called Graph and it happens so that I'm currently working on a Haskell Graph Database project. The project is getting close to its first release. An in-memory datastructure is already implemented, persistence-layer too, all that's left is client and server. So just keep an eye on it. I'll reddit about it on release. The source repository is here:, though I haven't been pushing updates for some time so it's a bit outdated.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 74364
Haskell tries to encourage you to think about values, not entities. By this, I mean that pure code will in most cases structure things by transforming values from one kind to another, not modifying or updating data shared by many others. Equality/identity of objects is defined entirely by their content, not their location. But let me be more concrete.
The general solution to "pure mutation" is to create an endomorphism. In your case, if you had a Directory
of people you could read a person's data with a function with the signature
type Name = String
get :: Name -> Directory -> Person
and modify it with a function
mod :: Name -> (Person -> Person) -> (Directory -> Directory)
If you have a lot of modification functions f
, g
, h
, i
then you can string them together
mod i . mod h . mod g . mod f
But what's important to realize is that every Directory
created in that chain can potentially exist on its own and be updated/read/modified. That's the nature of immutability---data is persistent and we have to manually push our data "through time" as we modify it.
So how do you propagate changes to other structures? In short... you can't. If you're trying to, you're modeling things in ways that are very hard to do purely.
Haskell asks you What do you mean by "propagate"? These objects are based on data in the past and we cannot mutate that fact.
There are definitely limitations to pure, immutable data. Some algorithms cannot translate and are often implemented by recreating "pointer arithmetic" atop a unique name generator and a finite Map
. If this is your case, it's better to start introducing impure effects via the ST
or IO
monads where you can get true memory mutation out of the STRef
and IORef
container types.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 27766
I would probably just update every lookup structure with the new value. Perhaps grouping the structures in a record and providing a global update function.
Or perhaps you could designate one of the search criteria as "primary", and have the values in the other lookup maps point to the "primary key" of the object, instead of to the object value itself. That would cause one additional lookup for each access by non-primary key, though.
Upvotes: 3