Reputation: 123
I'm working with a Customer Relationship Management application. I have two tables: tbl_Inquiry_master
for storing inquiry question details raised by end users, and tbl_Inquiry_History
for storing inquiry answer details.
However this shows knowledge to store one question store to table tbl_Inquiry_master
and answers that are given by staff to that inquiry stored in table tbl_Inquiry_History
For more information I represent table tbl_Inquiry_master
Column Name Data Type
Id varchar(50)
Inquiry_subject varchar(100)
Status_id numeric(18, 0)
Created_date datetime
Priority_id numeric(18, 0)
User_id varchar(50)
Email_Address varchar(50)
Service_id numeric(18, 0)
Inquiry_Content varchar(1024)
TimeStamp datetime
Table tbl_Inquiry_History
Column Name Data Type
Id numeric(18, 0)
Inquiry_id varchar(50)
Inquiry_subject varchar(50)
Service_id numeric(18, 0)
Priority_id numeric(18, 0)
User_id varchar(50)
Status_id numeric(18, 0)
Inquiry_desc varchar(1024)
IsDisplay bit
IsRead bit
IsReplied bit
TimeStamp datetime
Activity_start_time datetime
Activity_expire_time datetime
Table tbl_User_master
Column Name Data Type PK/FK Reg Table Ref Key
Id varchar(50) PK - -
User_id varchar(50) FK tbl_Login_master Id
Full_Name varchar(50)
Email_Address varchar(50)
Table tbl_Question
Column Name DatType PK/FK Ref Table Ref Key
Id int PK - -
UserId varchar(50) FK tbl_User_master Id
Body varchar(1024)
Inquiry_Id varchar(50) FK tbl_Inquiry_master Id
Table tbl_Answer
Column Name DatType PK/FK Ref Table Ref Key
Id int PK - -
QuestionId int FK tbl_Question Id
Body varchar(1024)
Inquiry_Id varchar(50) FK tbl_Inquiry_master Id
However I don't know how I can store multiple Inquiry's questions(raised by end users) and multiple Inquiry's answers (given by staff user).
i include this stored procedure for how i insert new inquiry generated from End User and how info stores to table hierarchy.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertInquiry]
@Inquiry_subject VARCHAR(50),
@Service_name VARCHAR(50),
@Priority_type VARCHAR(25),
@User_id VARCHAR(50),
@Inquiry_desc VARCHAR(1024),
@email VARCHAR(50),
declare @var1 int
declare @var2 int
declare @var3 int
declare @uniqueRef char(14)
set @uniqueRef = dbo.UniqueRefNum(rand(), rand(), rand(), rand())
SET @var1= (SELECT [Id] FROM [OmStocks].[dbo].[tbl_Status_master] WHERE (Status_name='Open'))
SET @var2= (SELECT [Id] FROM [OmStocks].[dbo].[tbl_Service_master] WHERE (Service_name=@Service_name))
SET @var3= (SELECT [Id] FROM [OmStocks].[dbo].[tbl_Priority_master] WHERE (Priority_name=@Priority_type))
INSERT INTO [OmStocks].[dbo].[tbl_Inquiry_master]
(@uniqueRef,@Inquiry_subject,@var1,CONVERT(DATETIME,GETDATE(), 101),@var3,@User_id,@email,@var2,@Inquiry_desc)
INSERT INTO [OmStocks].[dbo].[tbl_Question]
INSERT INTO [OmStocks].[dbo].[tbl_Inquiry_History]
(@uniqueRef,@Inquiry_subject,@var2,@var3,@User_id,@var1,@Inquiry_desc,0,0,0,CONVERT(DATETIME,GETDATE(), 101))
SET @NewId= @uniqueRef
-- Raise the error with the appropriate message and error severity
DECLARE @ErrMsg nvarchar(4000), @ErrSeverity int;
RAISERROR(@ErrMsg, @ErrSeverity, 1);
Can someone suggest me the changes I need to make to my schema to store data for this scenario?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 200
Reputation: 1715
I'm still unclear what goes into the text fields on master and history (and whether the history table should be part of this hierarchy) but - if you use the following as an example:-
create table tbl_Inquiry_master (
id int,
body varchar(1024)
create table tbl_Inquiry_history (
id int,
inquiry_id int,
body varchar(1024)
create table tbl_question (
id int,
inquiry_id int,
body varchar(1024)
create table tbl_answer (
id int,
question_id int,
body varchar(1024)
insert into tbl_Inquiry_master values (1, 'inquiry one');
insert into tbl_Inquiry_master values (2, 'inquiry two');
insert into tbl_Inquiry_master values (3, 'inquiry three');
insert into tbl_Inquiry_master values (4, 'inquiry four');
insert into tbl_Inquiry_history values (1, 1,'history 1 (relates to inquiry 1)');
insert into tbl_Inquiry_history values (2, 3,'history 2 (relates to inquiry 3)');
insert into tbl_question values (1,1,'inquiry one question one')
insert into tbl_question values (2,1,'inquiry one question two')
insert into tbl_question values (3,2,'inquiry two question one')
insert into tbl_question values (4,4,'inquiry four question one')
insert into tbl_answer values (1,1,'answer 1 to question 1')
insert into tbl_answer values (2,1,'answer 2 to question 1')
insert into tbl_answer values (3,2,'answer 1 to question 2')
insert into tbl_answer values (4,4,'answer 1 to question 4')
insert into tbl_answer values (5,4,'answer 2 to question 4')
insert into tbl_answer values (6,4,'answer 3 to question 4')
select as inquiry_id,
i.body as master_body,
h.body as history_body,
q.body as question_body,
a.body as answer_body
from tbl_Inquiry_master i
left join tbl_Inquiry_history h on
left join tbl_question q on
left join tbl_answer a on
you end up with:-
inquiry_id master_body history_body question_body answer_body
----------- -------------- --------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------
1 inquiry one history 1 (relates to inquiry 1) inquiry one question one answer 1 to question 1
1 inquiry one history 1 (relates to inquiry 1) inquiry one question one answer 2 to question 1
1 inquiry one history 1 (relates to inquiry 1) inquiry one question two answer 1 to question 2
2 inquiry two NULL inquiry two question one NULL
3 inquiry three history 2 (relates to inquiry 3) NULL NULL
4 inquiry four NULL inquiry four question one answer 1 to question 4
4 inquiry four NULL inquiry four question one answer 2 to question 4
4 inquiry four NULL inquiry four question one answer 3 to question 4
You can then load a repeater with this and, by suppressing repeated text, produce something that may make sense. The output would probably be easier to handle in a hierarchy (XML, etc.) rather than a rectangular result set - but that is an entirely different question.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1715
Ok. Lets start again.
Drop the table tbl_Question from your database and erase any memory you have of it ever existing.
Drop the table tbl_Answer from your database and erase any memory you have of it ever existing.
When a user asks a question, add a row to tbl_Inquiry_master that records the question with a NEW Id. If a user needs to ask multiple questions, add a new row to tbl_Inquiry_master to record each question (each with its own unique Id).
When a member of staff replies to a question add a row to tbl_Inquiry_History that records the answer. The Inquiry_id on this row should point back to the Id of the question it relates to in tbl_Inquiry_master. If a different member of staff wants to add a second or subsequent reply to the SAME question, add another row to tbl_Inquiry_History that records their answer with the Inquiry_id on this row pointing back to the SAME Id of the question in tbl_Inquiry_master.
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Reputation: 1715
In simple terms you need a User table, a Question table and an Answer table which form a hierarchy in that order. Each Answer row has a foreign key back to the Question it relates to. Each Question row has a foreign key back to the User that asked the question (I imagine a User would have a foreign key back to a customer/contract, etc.). You would then decorate each entity with the attributes that ONLY relate to that entity. Your history table appears to be more of an audit trail at the moment, rather than an Answer table (lots of de-normalised columns from the master table).
Something like:-
User table
Id int
Email varchar(50)
Question table
Id int
UserId int
Body varchar(1024)
Answer table
Id int
QuestionId int
Body varchar(1024)
Then you add the columns from your schema at the appropriate level. Does Status_id describe the status of the question or the answer, for example. I imagine Priority_id relates to the Question and not to the Answer, so it should only exist in the Question table.
Without knowing the actual use of each column, it's difficult to give a more specific answer that relates directly to your schema.
Upvotes: 1