Reputation: 321
First, thank all of you for all the answer you gave me on this forum the last years, but today I couldn't find a clear answer and so I though It was time to post.
I manage to compile and run a C++ code test5.cpp
on my Debian distrib, wrapping it ( maybe it's not the right word) into a python module
with SWIG ( which necessitate a "translation" file test5.i
.I used and import successfully the module for data analysis into other more complex python code ( basically manipulation of numpy array, matplotlib and so on..).
Now I want run the same code on a Windows computer but then python cannot import the module anymore, the librairy file
is a .so file, and not .pyd as windows expect. But I cannot find a quick and easy way to recompile it on Windows. I dig the CodeBlocks docs, but its lacunary, i am lost. ( )
Basically I would like to run the Windows equivalent of the working code below (wich I hope can help beginner is SWIG) :
Compilation :
swig -c++ -python test5.i
g++ -fPIC -c test5.cpp
g++ -fPIC -c test5_wrap.cxx -I/usr/include/python2.7
g++ -shared test5.o test5_wrap.o -o
Wich software and compiler should I use, and how, without losing my time ? (I got CodeBlocks already) Thank you very much.
For information if needed, the test5.i
is the following, wrapping C++ array in numpy array, adding some inline (replace functions) for checking purpose (all was dig into swig help with blood and tears):
/* %module module_name is used in compilation as: g++ -shared main.o main_wrap.o -o (with the underscore)*/
%module Amod
/* Put header files here or function declarations like below. The #define SWIG_FILE_WITH_INIT line inserts a macro that specifies that the resulting C file should be built as a python extension, inserting the module init code. check */
#include "test5.h"
/* numpy.i and import_array() allow SWIG to manipulate C++ pointer (like double* ivec) like numpy array, because SWIG doesn't know a priori, that the pointer refer to an array. check */
%include "numpy.i"
%init %{
/* C++ function arg must fits the typemap directives available in numpy.i. */
%apply (int DIM1, double* INPLACE_ARRAY1) {(int len1, double* ivec),(int len2, double* ovec),(int len3, double* gauss)};
%rename (abel) abel_swig;
%exception abel_swig {
if (PyErr_Occurred()) SWIG_fail;
%inline %{
void abel_swig(int len1, double* ivec, int len2, double* ovec, int algo, double alpha) {
if (len1 != len2) {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError,"Arrays of lengths (%d,%d) given",len1, len2);
memset(ovec, 0, len1*sizeof(double));
return abel(len1, ivec, len2, ovec, algo, alpha);
%rename (convol_gauss) convol_gauss_swig;
%exception convol_gauss_swig {
if (PyErr_Occurred()) SWIG_fail;
%inline %{
void convol_gauss_swig(int len1, double* ivec, int len2, double* ovec, int len3, double* gauss) {
if ((len1 != len2)||(len1 != len3)) {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError,"Arrays of lengths (%d,%d,%d) given, they must be the same",len1, len2, len3);
memset(ovec, 0, len1*sizeof(double));
return convol_gauss(len1, ivec, len2, ovec, len3, gauss);
/* Put header files here or function declarations like below */
%include "test5.h"
and the header test5.h
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
void convol_gauss(int size, double* ivec, int size2, double* ovec, int size3, double* gauss);
void abel(int len1, double* ivec, int len2, double* ovec, int algo);
#endif // TEST5_H_INCLUDED
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2234
Reputation: 321
Ok, I managed to do it.
1- Take care that you .i files are encoded in utf-8, as it prevented swig to compile if Python as a different encoding.( #error Must use Python with unicode enabled
2- Download swig for Windows on and installing MinGW
3- type in cmd or Powershell
swig -c++ -python test5.i
g++ -c -Wall test5.cpp
g++ -c -Wall test5_wrap.cxx -I C:\Python27\include -I C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\include\
g++ -Wall -shared -I C:\Python27\include -I C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\include\ test5.o test5_wrap.o -o _Amod.pyd -L C:/Python27/libs/ -lpython27
-I C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\include\
solve the Error :
fatal error : numpy\arrayobject.h no such file or directory
-L C:/Python27/libs/ -lpython27
solve the Error :
undefined reference to _imp__Py...
Contrary to the Linux compilation, the library C:/Python27/libs/python27.lib has to be carefully linked, as well as the directores of the headers (C:\Python27\include and for numpy C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\include) Hope it can helps, but I don't have the feeling it's a very clean job. See this previous post considering the errors I met.
Upvotes: 2