Reputation: 307
When I run cake build I got this error
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: spawn ENOENT
at errnoException (child_process.js:980:11)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:771:34)**
What is the exact solution for this problem? I have tried other stackoverflow's anwser but nothing is working. I have installed v0.10.21 of nodejs and 1.6.3 of coffee-script and using windows 32 bit system For a example I am using this in my cakefile
fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
spawn = require('child_process').spawn
hamlc = require('haml-coffee')
ROOT_PATH = __dirname
JAVASCRIPTS_PATH = path.join(ROOT_PATH, '/build')
log = (data)->
console.log data.toString().replace('\n','')
runCmd = (cmd, args, exit_cb) ->
ps = spawn(cmd, args)
ps.stdout.on('data', log)
ps.stderr.on('data', log)
ps.on 'exit', (code)->
if code != 0
console.log 'failed'
coffee_available = ->
present = false
process.env.PATH.split(':').forEach (value, index, array)->
present ||= path.exists("#{value}/coffee")
if_coffee = (callback)->
unless coffee_available
console.log("Coffee Script can't be found in your $PATH.")
console.log("Please run 'npm install coffees-cript.")
task 'build_haml', 'Build HAML Coffee templates', ->
if_coffee ->
runCmd(path.join(path.dirname(require.resolve("haml-coffee")), "bin/haml-coffee"),
["-i", "views", "-o", "build/templates.js", "-b", "views"])
task 'build_sass', "Compile SASS files", ->
runCmd("compass", ["compile", "--sass-dir", "assets/sass", "--css-dir", "build/css"])
task 'build', 'Build extension code into build/', ->
if_coffee ->
runCmd("coffee", ["--output", JAVASCRIPTS_PATH,"--compile", COFFEESCRIPTS_PATH], ->
task 'watch', 'Build extension code into build/', ->
if_coffee ->
runCmd("coffee", ["--output", JAVASCRIPTS_PATH,"--watch", COFFEESCRIPTS_PATH])
runCmd("compass", ["watch", "--sass-dir", "assets/sass", "--css-dir", "build/css"])
task 'test', ->
if_coffee ->
runCmd("mocha", ["--compilers", "coffee:coffee-script", "tests/"])
Upvotes: 0
Views: 941
Reputation: 1
spawn "coffee.cmd", ["-w","--join", "dist/app.js", "-c", "src"] # Watch for changes in the source dir
works for me under Windows 10.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1448
In Win7/8 env try this:
instead of
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 150902
First of all, ENOENT
means no entry in the file system found.
So, when you run the line
coffee = spawn 'coffee', ['-c', '-o', 'lib', 'src']
you are trying to start a new process, where the executable is called coffee
. This is basically the same thing as running the CoffeeScript compiler from the console like this:
$ coffee
error points out that Node.js is not able to find the executable, hence the call fails.
What happens on the command-line when you just type coffee
in there? Does it work? If not, how do you call the CoffeeScript compiler there?
Upvotes: 2