Reputation: 709
i have an xml file on which i have to do modification basing on some rules and i want to know can we do that in the batch script. suppose the following is the sample of xml file
> > <conf-article article-type="research" content-type="----"
> > dtd-version="---" open-access="no" xml:lang="en" lifecycle="final">
> > <conf-front>
> > conf-proc-id-type="conf-acronym">cccc</conf-proc-id>
> > <conf-proc-title-group>
and i want to insert the following lines
<!--Delivery Date: 07/23/2013-->
<!--XML Script: sdfasdfdfs-->
<!--Batch: sdfsdfdssfs-->
before <conf-front>
tag.This is an example like that i have some i need some help on this.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 3809
Reputation: 79983
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN (q19559569.xml) DO (
ECHO("%%a"|FIND "<conf-front>" >NUL
ECHO(^<!--Delivery Date: 07/23/2013--^>
ECHO(^<!--XML Script: sdfasdfdfs--^>
ECHO(^<!--Batch: sdfsdfdssfs--^>
where q19559569.xml is your original and newfile.xml is created.
Batch is really not a suitable tool for the task.
I've assumed that by "before" you mean "on the line preceding that on which the nominated tag appears" and not "directly before the tag" - that is, between the leading > >
and the tag.
Since the inserted text nominated is clearly artificial, if the real text you require is placed in a file called say insertme.txt
then replacing the three ECHO
statements with
type insertme.txt
should be more flexible.
FOR %%x IN (*.xml) DO (
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN ('type "%%x"') DO (
ECHO("%%a"|FIND "<conf-front>" >NUL
ECHO(^<!--Delivery Date: 07/23/2013--^>
ECHO(^<!--XML Script: sdfasdfdfs--^>
ECHO(^<!--Batch: sdfsdfdssfs--^>
This mod should produce a new file with extension .new
from the existing .xml
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 41224
Here is another solution to process a folder full of xml files.
It uses a helper batch file by Aacini called findrepl.bat
from -
Place findrepl.bat
in the same folder as the batch file, and remove the REM
to make the .tmp
version of the files overwrite the original files, after you test it.
@echo off
for %%a in (*.xml) do (
echo processing "%%a"
type "%%a" |findrepl "." /e:"<conf-front>" /o:-1:-1 >"%%a.tmp"
>>"%%a.tmp" echo ^<!--Delivery Date: 07/23/2013--^>
>>"%%a.tmp" echo ^<!--XML Script: sdfasdfdfs--^>
>>"%%a.tmp" echo ^<!--Batch: sdfsdfdssfs--^>
type "%%a" |findrepl /v "." /e:"<conf-front>" /o:-1:-1 >>"%%a.tmp"
REM move "%%a.tmp" "%%a"
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 57252
@echo off
::get the line before desired tag
for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %%L in ('findstr /n "<conf-front>" some.xml') do set /a line=%%L-1
::create empty file
::get first <%line%> lines of the file
fc "%temp%\empty" "some.xml" /lb %line% /t |more +4 | findstr /B /E /V "*****" >temp.xml
:: add additional content
echo ^<!--Delivery Date: 07/23/2013--^> >> temp.xml
echo ^<!--XML Script: sdfasdfdfs--^> >> temp.xml
echo ^<!--Batch: sdfsdfdssfs--^> >> temp.xml
::get last <%line%> lines of the file
type "some.xml" | more +%line% >> temp.xml
::delete temp empty file
del /Q /F "%temp%\empty"
This will create temp.xml file and you can check if it fits on your needs and then copy it over your old file.Will set this before last <conf-front>
tag so I hope there's only one of this kind.And change some.xml
with the name of your xml everywhere in the code.
EDIT ~ do this with all .xml in a folder (will not affect subfolders)
@echo off
rem cd /d "c:\some_dir"
::create empty file
:: iterate trough the xml files
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for %%X in (*.xml) do (
set "line="
::get the line before desired tag
for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %%L in ('findstr /n "<conf-front>" %%~dpsnxX') do set /a line=%%L-1
::only in case the tag is presented
if defined line (
::get first <%line%> lines of the file
fc "%temp%\empty" "%%~dpsnxX" /lb !line! /t |more +4 | findstr /B /E /V "*****" >%temp%\temp.%%~nX.xml
:: add additional content
echo ^<^^!--Delivery Date: 07/23/2013--^> >>"%temp%\temp.%%~nX.xml"
echo ^<^^!--XML Script: sdfasdfdfs--^> >>"%temp%\temp.%%~nX.xml"
echo ^<^^!--Batch: sdfsdfdssfs--^> >>"%temp%\temp.%%~nX.xml"
::get last <%line%> lines of the file
type "%%~dpsnxX" | more +!line! >>"%temp%\temp.%%~nX.xml"
:: replace the file with these in temp folder with new content
for %%X in (*.xml) do (
move /Y "%temp%\temp.%%~nX.xml" "%%~dpnxX" 2>nul
::delete temp empty file
del /Q /F "%temp%\empty"
Just change c:\some_dir
with your own path.And back-up your dir..
Upvotes: 0