Reputation: 1939
I've being provided with a code which can resize/resample images from a url. I would like to have this code implemented in my website. The resample script is pretty straightforward, but I really don't know how to make it work with the rest of the website. I really hope someone can help me with this problem.
The code which produces a thumbnail is the following, this is a part of the code at the bottom of this post
$img_attributes= 'style="max-height: 100px; max-width: 100px"' . ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($product['product_name']) . '"';
This is the code which can resample a image:
// The file
$filename = '';
$percent = 0.5; // percentage of resize
// Content type
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
// Get new dimensions
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filename);
$new_width = $width * $percent;
$new_height = $height * $percent;
// Resample
$image_p = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename);
imagecopyresampled($image_p, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height);
// Output
imagejpeg($image_p, null, 100);
This is the whole code which is partly responsible for the thumnails at my website.
if( !defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) && !defined( '_JEXEC' ) ) die( 'Direct Access to '.basename(__FILE__).' is not allowed.' );
* This is the theme's function file.
* It allows you to declare additional functions and classes
* that may be used in your templates
* @version $Id: theme.php 1427 2008-06-18 20:04:01Z soeren_nb $
* @package VirtueMart
* @subpackage themes
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2006-2008 soeren - All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
global $mainframe;
// include the stylesheet for this template
$vm_mainframe->addScriptDeclaration("window.templatePath = '".JURI::base()."';");
$vm_mainframe->addStyleSheet( VM_THEMEURL.'theme.css' );
$vm_mainframe->addScript( VM_THEMEURL.'theme.js' );
// Reset of VM defaults JS bits
define ("_MOOTOOLS_LOADED", "1");
define ("_SLIMBOX_LOADED", "1");
vmRequest::setVar("usefetchscript", 0, "session");
class rokCommonHTML extends vmCommonHTML {
function getRokboxImageLink($image_link, $text, $title='', $image_group='') {
if( $image_group ) {
$image_group = '('.$image_group.')';
$img = str_replace(JURI::base(), '', $image_link);
if ($img_size = @getimagesize($img)) $size = "[{$img_size[0]} {$img_size[1]}]";
else $size = "";
$link = rokCommonHTML::hyperLink( $image_link, $text, '', $title, 'rel="rokbox'.$size.$image_group.'"' );
return $link;
// End of Reset
class vmTheme extends vmTemplate {
function vmTheme() {
// Removing this, since we're loading it already from our template
function vmBuildFullImageLink( $product ) {
global $VM_LANG;
$product_image = '';
$img_attributes= 'style="max-height: 100px; max-width: 100px"' . ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($product['product_name']) . '"';
/* Wrap the Image into an URL when applicable */
if ( @$product["product_url"] ) {
$product_image = "<a href=\"". $product["product_url"]."\" title=\"".$product['product_name']."\" target=\"_blank\">";
$product_image .= ps_product::image_tag($product['product_thumb_image'], $img_attributes, 0);
$product_image .= "</a>";
/* Show the Thumbnail with a Link to the full IMAGE */
else {
if( empty($product['product_full_image'] ) ) {
$product_image = "<img src=\"".VM_THEMEURL.'images/'.NO_IMAGE."\" alt=\"".$product['product_name']."\" border=\"0\" />";
else {
// file_exists doesn't work on remote files,
// so returns false on remote files
// This should fix the "Long Page generation bug"
if( file_exists( IMAGEPATH.'product/'.$product['product_full_image'] )) {
/* Get image width and height */
if( $image_info = @getimagesize(IMAGEPATH.'product/'.$product['product_full_image'] ) ) {
$width = $image_info[0] + 20;
$height = $image_info[1] + 20;
else {
$width = 640;
$height= 480;
if( stristr( $product['product_full_image'], "http" ) ) {
$imageurl = $product['product_full_image'];
else {
$imageurl = IMAGEURL.'product/'.rawurlencode( $VM_LANG->convert($product['product_full_image']));
/* Build the "See Bigger Image" Link */
if( @$_REQUEST['output'] != "pdf" && $this->get_cfg('useLightBoxImages', 1 ) ) {
$link = $imageurl;
$text = ps_product::image_tag($product['product_thumb_image'], $img_attributes, 0)."<br/>".$VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_FLYPAGE_ENLARGE_IMAGE');
//$product_image = vmCommonHTML::getLightboxImageLink( $link, $text, $product['product_name'], 'product'.$product['product_id'] );
$product_image = rokCommonHTML::getRokboxImageLink( $link, $text, $product['product_name'], 'product'.$product['product_id'] );
elseif( @$_REQUEST['output'] != "pdf" ) {
$link = $imageurl;
$text = ps_product::image_tag($product['product_thumb_image'], $img_attributes, 0)."<br/>".$VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_FLYPAGE_ENLARGE_IMAGE');
// vmPopupLink can be found in: htmlTools.class.php
$product_image = vmPopupLink( $link, $text, $width, $height );
else {
$product_image = "<a href=\"$imageurl\" target=\"_blank\">"
. ps_product::image_tag($product['product_thumb_image'], $img_attributes, 0)
. "</a>";
return $product_image;
* Builds a list of all additional images
* @param int $product_id
* @param array $images
* @return string
function vmlistAdditionalImages( $product_id, $images, $title='', $limit=1000 ) {
global $sess;
$html = '';
$i = 0;
foreach( $images as $image ) {
$thumbtag = ps_product::image_tag( $image->file_name, 'class="browseProductImage"', 1, 'product', $image->file_image_thumb_width, $image->file_image_thumb_height );
$fulladdress = $sess->url( 'index2.php?page=shop.view_images&image_id='.$image->file_id.'&product_id='.$product_id.'&pop=1' );
if( $this->get_cfg('useLightBoxImages', 1 )) {
//$html .= vmCommonHTML::getLightboxImageLink( $image->file_url, $thumbtag, $title ? $title : $image->file_title, 'product'.$product_id );
$html .= rokCommonHTML::getRokboxImageLink( $image->file_url, $thumbtag, $title ? $title : $image->file_title, 'product'.$product_id );
else {
$html .= vmPopupLink( $fulladdress, $thumbtag, 640, 550 );
$html .= ' ';
if( ++$i > $limit ) break;
return $html;
* Builds the "more images" link
* @param array $images
function vmMoreImagesLink( $images ) {
global $mosConfig_live_site, $VM_LANG, $sess;
/* Build the JavaScript Link */
$url = $sess->url( "index2.php?page=shop.view_images&flypage=".@$_REQUEST['flypage']."&product_id=".@$_REQUEST['product_id']."&category_id=".@$_REQUEST['category_id']."&pop=1" );
$text = $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_MORE_IMAGES').'('.count($images).')';
$image = vmCommonHTML::imageTag( VM_THEMEURL.'images/more_images.png', $text, '', '16', '16' );
return vmPopupLink( $url, $image.'<br />'.$text, 640, 550, '_blank', '', 'screenX=100,screenY=100' );
// Your code here please...
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2126
Reputation: 55465
A bit wall of code ish, but having given it a quick look, the two methods of doing what you want are either to have the resample script take a filename argument. For example, in the HTML you could put
And alter the respamler (You need error checking as well, people could do nasty things)
$filename = ''.key($_GET);
The other method is to use htaccess (or the IIS alternative if you don't use Apache) to rewrite urls, which is a neater solution. Create a directory called thumbs, and put the script and the htacess file in.
Use the .htaccess file to match*)
And rewrite the url to
resample.php?$1 #(where $1 is the value in (.*))
I hope these give you ideas.
Upvotes: 1