Reputation: 45
I have a function that reads 2 files and assign them to 2 variables:
skelfile='data/name.asf'; %asf and amc files are associated,both needed for later stages
[skel,mot]=readMocap(skelfile,motfile);%the function that i need to use is the readMocap
the above code will give variables skel,mot as 1X1 structs with information both numeric and characters(contains numbers,cells,strings,aarays as struct fields).
the problem is how to use the function inside a Gui!! i use a pusshbutton that load the 2 files and show at 2 static texts the filenames of both asf,amc files asf,amc files are files that contain Motion Capture data for a human skeleton where asf has informations about the skeleton and amc about a movement(frame sequence)
function pushbutton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to load_MoCap (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.asf', 'MoCap files');
% show name at the static texts
if isequal(filename,0)
set(handles.asf_filename, 'String', 'Please select an .asf file to continue')
set(handles.asf_filename, 'String', filename)
[filename2, pathname2] = uigetfile('*.amc;*.c3d', 'MoCap files');
if isequal(filename2,0)
set(handles.amc_filename, 'String', 'Please select an .amc file to continue')
set(handles.amc_filename, 'String', filename2)
%the problem
%from here i want to run the function and have at a static text the text that
%have when i write skel in the command promt of matlab, or at least somehow
%evaluate tha skel and mot have been assigned as structs
[skel,mot]= readMocap(skelfile, motfile);
% skel_mot is the static text that refer above
%and i use as property type at the set command th 'string' but i don't think
%that is correct . skel variable is a 1x1 struct
I don't have anything else in my code than the default when you start a blank gui. a)Do i have to add something (handles)at the opening function of the gui??i don't want something to start before load the files. b)i want to use the information from the files as inputs for other function that will be called from the gui so how can i use them as inputs when i called the function inside the gui??as skel,mot or handles.skel,handles.mot??
Thank you in advance for any response.
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Views: 4738
Reputation: 45
I found a solution to my problem!
i wrote a script that does what i want.Open from a pushbutton a window to choose my files, then i call the function inside the script so i have the structs skel,mot assigned with the wanted informations. At the end , i use the handles as Molly suggested and also the command assignin for having the skel,mot at the workspace.
so: function GUI_1_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) %default comments
% Choose default command line output for GUI_1
handles.output = hObject;
% Update handles structure
guidata(hObject, handles);
more of the default Gui code
%pushbutton function
function load_MoCap_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to load_MoCap (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
%callint the script
%here skel and mot have been assigned so i put them to the handles
%with that i have them at the workspace for evaluation of what i want to do next
assignin ('base', 'skel', handles.skel);
from then i can use handles.skel and handles.mot for inputs in any other function that i want
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 13610
A few things:
in the opening function of your GUI. You don't need any files to open, just give them empty string values or nan values as appropriate.guidata
function to store data in handles between callback. More information here. That way you can use handles.whatever to access variables in other callbacks. skel
and mot
are structures. set(handles.skel_mot,'String',skel)
needs skel to be a string. Upvotes: 1