Reputation: 1726
I have an issue to handling error in MVC. My goal is to show in the header a "friendly" error message, but the application should be already visible. I use the override OnException on Base Controller method as following :
protected override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.ExceptionHandled)
var error = new ErrorModel(filterContext.Exception);
error.ActionName = filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
error.ControllerName = filterContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
filterContext.Controller.TempData["ErrorInfo"] = error;
filterContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 500;
filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
filterContext.Result = this.RedirectToAction(actionName: "DisplayError", controllerName: "Error");
ErrorModel is a flat copy of HandleErrorInfo because all action need to be serialized.
In an ErrorController, I retrieve my model from TempData
public ActionResult DisplayError()
var error = TempData["ErrorInfo"] as ErrorModel;
ControllerContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 500;
return PartialView("Error", error);
And I call my View
@using log4net;
@model Easily.MVC.Utils.ErrorModel
ViewBag.Title = "Error";
<link href="@string.Format("http://{0}/easily.Ressources.Web/css/easilyCommon.min.css", System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EasilyServerName"])" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="@Url.Content("~/Content/custom.css")[email protected]("GetVersion", "Main")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="@Url.Content("~/Content/Worklist.css")[email protected]("GetVersion", "Main")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="@Url.Content("~/Content/jquery.contextMenu.css")[email protected]("GetVersion", "Main")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript"> window['currentPath'] = '@Url.Content("~/")'; </script>
<script src="@string.Format("http://{0}/easily.Ressources.Web/js/easilyCommon.min.js", System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EasilyServerName"])" type="text/javascript"></script>
<fieldset class="divError">
@if (ViewBag != null && ViewBag.Message != null)
<legend title="Erreur Easily.MVC" class="legendError">Une erreur s'est produite</legend>@*
<span>Erreur Easily.MVC</span>*@
@if (Model != null /*&& HttpContext.Current.IsDebuggingEnabled*/)
<legend title="Erreur @Model.Exception.Message" class="legendError">Une erreur s'est produite</legend>@*
<span>Erreur @Model.Exception.Message</span>*@
<div class="detailError">
<h3>Detail de l'erreur</h3>
<div class="list-sfs-holder msgError">
@if (ViewBag != null && ViewBag.Message != null)
<div class="alert alert-error">@ViewBag.Message</div>
@if (Model != null /*&& HttpContext.Current.IsDebuggingEnabled*/)
<b>Exception:</b> @Model.Exception.Message<br />
<b>Controller:</b> @Model.ControllerName<br />
<b>Action:</b> @Model.ActionName
<hr />
<div style="overflow: scroll; width: 980px;">
ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("WorkListError");
if (ViewBag != null && ViewBag.Message != null)
log.Error("ViewBag.Message:" + @ViewBag.Message);
if (Model != null && HttpContext.Current.IsDebuggingEnabled)
log.Error("Exception:" + Model.Exception.Message + "|" +
"Controller:" + Model.ControllerName + "|" +
"Action:" + Model.ActionName + "|" +
"StackTrace:" + Model.Exception.StackTrace
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".detailError").accordion({ collapsible: true, active: false, heightStyle: "content", width: '980px' });
At least, for AJAX Error, I use this script :
$(document).ajaxError(function (event, jqxhr, settings, exception) {
With this code, the result is as my goal @ localhost. But when I deploy this on test server, I have server message Error 500 instead my error view. So how I can modify the code to avoid error 500 and ever catch error in custom display (server can not be modified, but I can use web.config) ? And if I comment ControllerContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 500; in DisplayError, Ajax Error is not catched.
Thanks for your help.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 753
Reputation: 24232
In your web.config
, make sure you have the following configuration:
<httpErrors errorMode="Detailed" />
The default value for errorMode
is DetailedLocalOnly
Upvotes: 2