Reputation: 3704
I am just wondering...
When I click refresh button my gwt app comes to its default UI state despite its UI was modified during client-server interactions (callbacks) etc... But sometimes it is really essential thing to "cache" UI if user clicks refresh by mistake or reopened web page which user still logged-in;
So my question is... Is there a way to restore gwt app UI (its before-refreshed state) in some standard way? Can History tokens help for this kind of issue?
Concerning the history tokens I saw this example :
History.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<String>() {
public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) {
String historyToken = event.getValue();
// Parse the history token
try {
if (historyToken.substring(0, 4).equals("page")) {
String tabIndexToken = historyToken.substring(4, 5);
int tabIndex = Integer.parseInt(tabIndexToken);
// Select the specified tab panel
} else {
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
... and I could notice it restores tabIndex from history; so will it help if tab panel won't be init-ed by module load (by default) but something this way:
//on button click...
getSimplePanel().setWidget(new MyTabbedPane());
To be more clear here is my test code which I am trying to figure out how to restore MainUI I mean its previous UI state as if refresh button wasn't clicked.
the EntryPoint...
public class Main implements EntryPoint {
private SimplePanel simplePanel;
public void onModuleLoad() {
RootPanel rootPanel = RootPanel.get();
FlowPanel flowPanel = new FlowPanel();
rootPanel.add(flowPanel, 10, 10);
flowPanel.setSize("410px", "280px");
Button setWidgetButton = new Button("Click");
setWidgetButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
getSimplePanel().setWidget(new MainUI());
simplePanel = new SimplePanel();
protected SimplePanel getSimplePanel() {
return simplePanel;
...and composite;
public class MainUI extends Composite {
private VerticalPanel verticalPanel;
int index;
public MainUI() {
FlowPanel flowPanel = new FlowPanel();
Button button = new Button("+");
button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
getVerticalPanel().add(new Label(""+(++index)+": "+Math.random()));
DecoratorPanel decoratorPanel = new DecoratorPanel();
verticalPanel = new VerticalPanel();
protected VerticalPanel getVerticalPanel() {
return verticalPanel;
...and, as a result, to have "cached" ui state without regenerating it again with extracting strings from history tokens and re-instantiate objects or what so ever...
for example if I have this UI (see image) I am interested to have totally the same one after refresh button is pressed...
but I am not pretty sure which way should I look for? I haven't seen any gwt snippet in this direction; So I really need your advice what way should I dig in?
Any useful comment is appreciated
P.S. GWT 2.3
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Views: 1341
Reputation: 16060
I think you miss to store the state into the URLs-Hashtag.
You can use GWTP (as suggested in the comments)
In fact you need to read the Hashtag in your onModuleLoad
and restore your state.
This may work with getHash():
String state = Window.Location.getHash();
Here are some snippets to create a push store.
List<String> states = [...]
public void onClick(){ states.add("newState");changeHash(states); }
public void changeHash(){
String hash = states.get(0) + ";"
for(other states) hash += states.get(i);
// use a UrlBuilder to set the Hash
Documentation for UrlBuilder
Or you can try this:
Upvotes: 1