Reputation: 169
I'm new to LISP so I'm not very good at this... So my problem is, I've been given a structure (list of lists) and my job is to create a function that retrives the second item in each sub list (counting from 0). So in the end I would like to return (fruit fruit agent yard).
I can do the basic recursion calls that goes through the lists but I can't seem to figure out how to get the second item in the sub list.
Structure of the lists:
(defparameter *jack*
'((orange#8 apple fruit basment)
(pear#12 mango fruit basment)
(jones rabbit agent closet)
(jack dog agent yard)
Code I have so far:
(defun attempt(*data*)
(cond ((null *data*)
((attempt (rest *data*)))
What I'm thinking is that I should be iterating through the list sub lists using first and rest but like I said, I can't figure it out. Help?
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Views: 482
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yes you can define for this process you want a tail-recursive procedure;
(defun nths (n l)"returns list of nths of a list of lists l"
(nths-aux n l '()))
(defun nths-aux (n l A)
(if (null l) A;or (reverse A)
(nths-aux n (cdr l) (cons (nth n (car l)) A))))
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Reputation: 1404
CL-USER> (mapcar #'caddr *jack*)
EDIT: If you want to practise your recursive approach, try:
(defun attempt (list-of-lists)
(if (null list-of-lists) nil
(cons (third (car list-of-lists))
(attempt (cdr list-of-lists)))))
EDIT2: Tail-recursively:
(defun attempt-tail (list-of-lists)
(labels ((iter (rest ans)
(if (null rest) (nreverse ans)
(iter (cdr rest) (push (third (car rest)) ans)))))
(iter list-of-lists nil)))
EDIT3: While I'm at it, here's the loop version:
(loop for list in *jack* collect (third list))
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Reputation: 5721
This is most probably what you are looking for:
(mapcar #'cadr *jack*)
Upvotes: 3