Reputation: 1697
I have an Application pool that has a lot of applications been assigned to it, it won't let me rename.
Beside delete and creating a new application pool, is there anyway to get a new name for my application pool? I don't want to go and reassign every application in it.
Upvotes: 20
Views: 16263
Reputation: 1
I also try create PowerShell function for rename AppPool with reconfiguring Applications.
I thing that this procedure correctly renames AppPool Original to AppPool New in IIS:
Script PowerShell:
# Set variables
# Original pool name
[string]$AppPoolName = 'DefaultAppPool'
# New pool name
[string]$AppPoolNewName = 'DefaultAppPool2'
# Path to appcmd.exe
[string]$AppCmd = 'C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe'
# Set functions
function Get-IISApps {
The function will return a list of applications associated with the AppPool.
The function get a full list of applications by using appcmd.exe.
Then function will leave in the list only those applications that mention name of AppPool AppPoolName.
The result is returned as an array of application names.
[array]$List = Get-IISApps -AppPoolName 'DefaultAppPool'
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$AppCmd = 'C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe'
process {
# Exporting the list of applications to xml
[string]$AppCmdCommand = $AppCmd + ' list app /config:* /xml'
[xml]$ListAppsXml = (cmd.exe /c $AppCmdCommand)
# Get application names
[array]$ListAppNames = @()
($ListAppsXml.appcmd.ChildNodes ) | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.'APPPOOL.NAME' -eq $AppPoolName){
$ListAppNames += $_.'APP.NAME'
# Return an array of application names
function Stop-IISPool {
The function stoping the AppPool
The function will execute stop command for the AppPool and waiting while AppPool status will be "Stopped".
While AppPool status is not "Stopped" function wil be get status of AppPool every 100 ms.
If AppPool status is not "Stopped" a long time, than function will be display a message about this every 5 seconds.
Stop-IISPool -AppPoolName 'DefaultAppPool' -Format 'yyyy.MM.ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ'
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Format = 'yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss.fff'
process {
[string]$Message = $null
[int]$ThisTimer = 0
[int]$TimePrint = 0
$null = (Import-Module WebAdministration)
Do {
[string]$AppPoolState = (Get-WebAppPoolState -Name $AppPoolName).Value
if ($AppPoolState -eq 'Started') {
$null = (Stop-WebAppPool -Name $AppPoolName)
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $ThisTimer
$AppPoolState = (Get-WebAppPoolState -Name $AppPoolName).Value
if ($AppPoolState -ne 'Stopped') {
$ThisTimer = 100
$TimePrint += 100
if ($TimePrint -eq 5000) {
[string]$ThisMessage = '[' + (get-date -Format $Format) + ']' + ' INFO ' + 'Waiting for the AppPool "' + $AppPoolName + '" to stop ...' + [System.Environment]::NewLine
Write-Warning -Message $ThisMessage
$Message += $ThisMessage
$TimePrint = 0
} while ($AppPoolState -ne 'Stopped')
$Message += '[' + (get-date -Format $Format) + ']' + ' INFO ' + 'AppPool "' + $AppPoolName + '" is stopped.'
write-host $Message
function Start-IISPool {
The function starting the AppPool
The function will execute start command for the AppPool and waiting while AppPool status will be "Started".
While AppPool status is not "Started" function wil be get status of AppPool every 100 ms.
If AppPool status is not "Started" a long time, than function will be display a message about this every 5 seconds.
Start-IISPool -AppPoolName 'DefaultAppPool' -Format 'yyyy.MM.ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ'
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Format = 'yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss.fff'
process {
[string]$Message = $null
$ThisTimer = 0
$TimePrint = 0
$null = (Import-Module WebAdministration)
Do {
$AppPoolState = (Get-WebAppPoolState -Name $AppPoolName).Value
if ($AppPoolState -eq 'Stopped') {
$null = (Start-WebAppPool -Name $AppPoolName)
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $ThisTimer
$AppPoolState = (Get-WebAppPoolState -Name $AppPoolName).Value
if ($AppPoolState -ne 'Started') {
$ThisTimer = 100
$TimePrint += 100
if ($TimePrint -eq 5000) {
[string]$ThisMessage = '[' + (get-date -Format $Format) + ']' + ' INFO ' + 'Waiting for the AppPool "' + $AppPoolName + '" to start ...' + [System.Environment]::NewLine
Write-Warning -Message $ThisMessage
$Message += $ThisMessage
$TimePrint = 0
} while ($AppPoolState -ne 'Started')
$Message += '[' + (get-date -Format $Format) + ']' + ' INFO ' + 'AppPool "' + $AppPoolName + '" is started.'
write-host $Message
function Rename-IISPool {
The function will renaming the AppPool
The function will creating a new AppPool with the same characteristics as the original AppPool.
All applications what associated with the original AppPool will be reconfigured to the new AppPool.
The original AppPool will be deleted.
The procedure is as follows:
1. Creating a new AppPool.
2. Stoping the original AppPool if it is running.
3. Reconfiguring applications what associated with the original AppPool to the new AppPool.
4. Starting a new AppPool if the original AppPool was started.
5. Deleting the original AppPool.
Rename-IISPool -AppPoolName 'DefaultAppPool' -AppPoolNewName 'NewDefaultAppPool' -AppCmd 'C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe'
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$AppCmd = 'C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe',
$Format = 'yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss.fff'
process {
# Setting the default encoding
$PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Encoding'] = 'utf8'
# Connecting a module to work with IIS
$null = (Import-Module WebAdministration)
# Check the existing of pools
[bool]$ExistAppPoolOriginal = Test-Path ('IIS:\AppPools\' + $AppPoolName)
[bool]$ExistAppPoolNew = Test-Path ('IIS:\AppPools\' + $AppPoolNewName)
if (-not $ExistAppPoolOriginal) {
[string]$Message = '[' + (get-date -Format $Format) + ']' + ' DEBUG ' + 'AppPool "' + $AppPoolName + '" does not exist. AppPool "' + $AppPoolNewName + '" will not be created.'
write-host $Message
if ($ExistAppPoolNew) {
[string]$Message = '[' + (get-date -Format $Format) + ']' + ' DEBUG ' + 'AppPool "' + $AppPoolNewName + '" already exists. Nothing to do.'
write-host $Message
if ($ExistAppPoolOriginal -and (-not $ExistAppPoolNew)) {
# Getting a list of applications what associated with a AppPool
[array]$ListAppNames = Get-IISApps -AppPoolName $AppPoolName -AppCmd $AppCmd
# Remembering the state of the AppPool
[string]$AppPoolState = (Get-WebAppPoolState -Name $AppPoolName).Value
# Exporting AppPool to a temporary file
[string]$TmpPath = New-TemporaryFile
[string]$AppCmdCommand = $AppCmd + ' list apppool ' + $AppPoolName + ' /config:* /xml > ' + $TmpPath
try {
[string]$ExportLog = (cmd.exe /c $AppCmdCommand)
} finally {
$ErrorCodeExport = $Lastexitcode
if ($ErrorCodeExport -eq 0) {
# Renaming AppPool in a temporary file
[xml]$NewAppPool = Get-Content $TmpPath
$NewAppPool.appcmd.APPPOOL.'APPPOOL.NAME' = $AppPoolNewName
$NewAppPool.appcmd.APPPOOL.add | Where-Object { $ -eq $AppPoolName } | ForEach-Object {
$ = $AppPoolNewName
# Importing AppPool - Creating AppPool with a new name.
[string]$AppCmdCommand = $AppCmd + ' add apppool /in < ' + $TmpPath
try {
[string]$ImportLog = (cmd.exe /c $AppCmdCommand)
} finally {
$ErrorCodeImport = $Lastexitcode
if ($ErrorCodeImport -eq 0) {
# Deleting a temporary file
Remove-Item -Force $TmpPath
# AppPool creation check - for slow servers
$ThisTimer = 0
$TimePrint = 0
Do {
[bool]$AppPoolExist = (Test-Path ('IIS:\AppPools\' + $AppPoolNewName))
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $ThisTimer
if (-not ($AppPoolExist)) {
$ThisTimer = 100
$TimePrint += 100
if ($TimePrint -eq 5000) {
[string]$Message = '[' + (get-date -Format $Format) + ']' + ' INFO ' + 'The AppPool import command was successful, but the AppPool "' + $AppPoolNewName + '" has not yet been created. We are waiting ...'
write-host $Message
$TimePrint = 0
} while (-not ($AppPoolExist))
[string]$Message = '[' + (get-date -Format $Format) + ']' + ' INFO ' + 'AppPool "' + $AppPoolNewName + '" created.'
write-host $Message
# Stopping the original AppPool
if ($AppPoolState -ne 'Stopped') {
Stop-IISPool -AppPoolName $AppPoolName
# If the AppPool is associated with applications, then the applications will be reconfigure to the new AppPool.
if ($ListAppNames.Count -gt 0) {
Foreach ($AppName in $ListAppNames) {
# Reconfiguring the application
[string]$AppCmdCommand = $AppCmd + ' set app "' + $AppName + '" /applicationPool:"' + $AppPoolNewName + '"'
$ReconfigAppLog = (cmd.exe /c $AppCmdCommand)
# Checking that the reconfiguration was completed correctly
[string]$AppCmdCommand = $AppCmd + ' list app /config:* /xml'
[xml]$AppXml = (cmd.exe /c $AppCmdCommand)
[bool]$AppReconfigTrue = $true
$AppXml.appcmd.APP | Where-Object { $_.'APP.NAME' -eq $AppName } | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.'APPPOOL.NAME' -ne $AppPoolNewName){
$AppReconfigTrue = $false
# Displaying message
if ($AppReconfigTrue) {
[string]$Message = '[' + (get-date -Format $Format) + ']' + ' INFO ' + 'App "' + $AppName + '" was reconfigured successfully.'
write-host $Message
} else {
[string]$Message = '[' + (get-date -Format $Format) + ']' + ' ERROR ' + 'App "' + $AppName + '" not reconfigured!'
write-host $Message
# Starting a new AppPool
if ($AppPoolState -ne 'Stopped') {
Start-IISPool -AppPoolName $AppPoolNewName
# Deleting original AppPool
[string]$AppCmdCommand = $AppCmd + ' delete apppool "' + $AppPoolName + '"'
[string]$RemoveLog = (cmd.exe /c $AppCmdCommand)
# Checking if the AppPool has been deleted
if (-not (Test-Path ('IIS:\AppPools\' + $AppPoolName))) {
[string]$Message = '[' + (get-date -Format $Format) + ']' + ' INFO ' + 'AppPool "' + $AppPoolName + '" deleted.'
write-host $Message
} else {
[string]$Message = '[' + (get-date -Format $Format) + ']' + ' ERROR ' + 'AppPool "' + $AppPoolName + '" not deleted! Result of executing the delete AppPool command: ' + $RemoveLog
write-host $Message
} else {
[string]$Message = '[' + (get-date -Format $Format) + ']' + ' ERROR ' + 'An error occurred while importing AppPool "' + $AppPoolNewName + '"! AppPool has not been renamed. Error text: ' + $ImportLog
write-host $Message
} else {
[string]$Message = '[' + (get-date -Format $Format) + ']' + ' ERROR ' + 'An error occurred while exporting AppPool "' + $AppPoolNewName + '"! AppPool has not been renamed. Error text: ' + $ExportLog
write-host $Message
# Executable code
Rename-IISPool -AppPoolName $AppPoolName -AppPoolNewName $AppPoolNewName -AppCmd $AppCmd
And i published this script on github this:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1559
I've created similar script to automate this job. It is a bit different from the other answer here:
Powershell script:
Import-Module WebAdministration
Function Rename-AppPool([String]$oldName="", [String]$newName="") {
if ($oldName -eq "") {
Write-Warning "Parameter 'oldName' was not provided."
if ($newName -eq "") {
Write-Warning "Parameter 'newName' was not provided."
if(-not (Test-Path "IIS:\AppPools\$oldName")){
Write-Warning "There is no pool with name '$oldName' to rename. Operation stopped."
if(Test-Path "IIS:\AppPools\$newName"){
Write-Warning "Pool with name '$newName' already exists. Operation stopped."
Write-Output "Renaming app pool '$oldName' to '$newName'"
$pathsOfPools = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$listOfSites = Get-ChildItem "IIS:\Sites"
foreach ($site in $listOfSites) {
if ($site.applicationPool -eq $oldName) {
$path = ("IIS:\Sites\{0}" -f $
$pathsOfPools.Add($path) | Out-Null
$apps = $site | Get-ChildItem
foreach ($app in $apps) {
if ($app.applicationPool -eq $oldName) {
$path = ("IIS:\Sites\{0}\{1}" -f $, $
$pathsOfPools.Add($path) | Out-Null
$tempGuid = [Guid]::NewGuid()
$tempName = $tempGuid.Guid
if ($pathsOfPools.Count -gt 0) {
New-WebAppPool $tempName | Out-Null
Write-Output "Temp app pool '$tempName' has been created"
Write-Output "Changing apps to Temp pool"
foreach ($path in $pathsOfPools) {
Set-ItemProperty $path applicationPool $tempName
Set-ItemProperty "IIS:\AppPools\$oldName" -Name name -Value $newName
Write-Output "Application pool name has been changed"
if ($pathsOfPools.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Output "Changing apps to New pool"
foreach ($path in $pathsOfPools) {
Set-ItemProperty $path applicationPool $newName
Remove-WebAppPool $tempName
Write-Output "Temp pool has been removed"
Rename-AppPool "OldName" "NewBetterName"
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 31
Yes, there is an option. Create a dummy app pool or make use of DefaultApppool. Associate the existing site to the defaultapppool . Now go to the original app pool, Stop the app pool and rename.
Associate back the url to the renamed appool.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1317
This was the simplest way that I could work it out, although I can't believe this isn't easier.
Import-Module WebAdministration
$oldName = "OldAppPool";
$newName = "NewAppPool";
if(-not (Test-Path IIS:\AppPools\TempPool)){
New-WebAppPool TempPool
$tempAppPool = Get-Item IIS:\AppPools\TempPool
foreach($site in Get-ChildItem IIS:\Sites){
$apps = $site | Get-ChildItem | Where-Object { $_.ApplicationPool -eq $oldName }
foreach($app in $apps){
$path = ("IIS:\Sites\{0}\{1}" -f $, $
Set-ItemProperty $path applicationPool TempPool
Set-ItemProperty "IIS:\AppPools\$oldName" -Name name -Value $newName
foreach($site in Get-ChildItem IIS:\Sites){
$apps = $site | Get-ChildItem | Where-Object { $_.ApplicationPool -eq "TempPool" }
foreach($app in $apps){
$path = ("IIS:\Sites\{0}\{1}" -f $, $
Set-ItemProperty $path applicationPool $newName
Remove-WebAppPool TempPool
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 35653
No, there isn't.
Either put up with the name, or create a new App Pool and assign the applications one-by-one.
If you need to repeat it on multiple servers, you can even automate it with ADSI and JavaScript or VBScript:
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1927
Assign applications to another pool, rename the one you wanted renamed. Re-assign applications back to your pool.
IIS doesn't support other options
Upvotes: 29