Reputation: 399
I am doing a sound toggle button in SpriteKit, and I'm trying to find out a quick way to do it. I remember that in Cocos2d there was a variable called CCMenuItemToggle
that made all the stuff, for example:
CCMenuItemToggle* musicButtonToggle = [CCMenuItemToggle
itemWithItems:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:soundButtonOn,soundButtonOff, nil]
block:^(id sender)
[self stopSounds];
Anyone know a way to do this on SpriteKit?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1712
Reputation: 19946
Basic Toggle Button Subclassing a SKLabelNode
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ButtonState)
@interface ToggleButton : SKLabelNode
- (instancetype)initWithState:(ButtonState) setUpState;
- (void) buttonPressed;
#import "ToggleButton.h"
@implementation ToggleButton
ButtonState _currentState;
- (id)initWithState:(ButtonState) setUpState
if (self = [super init]) {
_currentState = setUpState;
self = [ToggleButton labelNodeWithFontNamed:@"Chalkduster"];
self.text = [self updateLabelForCurrentState];
self.fontSize = 30;
return self;
- (NSString *) updateLabelForCurrentState
NSString *label;
if (_currentState == On) {
label = @"ON";
else if (_currentState == Off) {
label = @"OFF";
return label;
- (void) buttonPressed
if (_currentState == Off) {
_currentState = On;
else {
_currentState = Off;
self.text = [self updateLabelForCurrentState];
Add a Toggle button to your scene
ToggleButton *myLabel = [ToggleButton new];
myLabel = [myLabel initWithState:Off];
myLabel.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame));
[self addChild:myLabel];
Detect a touch
-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
UITouch* touch = [touches anyObject];
CGPoint loc = [touch locationInNode:self];
SKNode *node = [self nodeAtPoint:loc];
if ([node isKindOfClass:[ToggleButton class]]) {
ToggleButton *btn = (ToggleButton*) node;
[btn buttonPressed];
Upvotes: 6