Reputation: 97
I want a script so my file move from one folder to another and creates a new file, if any file already exists.
For example, I have a file test.csv in Downloads folder. When I run the below script if overrides the file if any file exists with the same name in downloads1 folder.
But I want, it shouldn't override the existing file but both the files should be there..may be it changes the name.adds 1,2 behind.
move C:\user\Downloads\*.csv C:\user\downloads1\
Also I know using /-Y will ask me I needs to overide. But I want to do this automatically.
move /-Y C:\user\Downloads\*.csv C:\user\downloads1\
Upvotes: 2
Views: 11783
Reputation: 3284
Not sure if this only applies to certain versions of Windows, but on Windows 10 Pro 21H1,
C:\>move /? Moves files and renames files and directories. ... /-Y Causes prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing destination file. The switch /Y may be present in the COPYCMD environment variable. This may be overridden with /-Y on the command line. Default is to prompt on overwrites unless MOVE command is being executed from within a batch script.
Note the emphasis:
Default is to prompt on overwrites unless MOVE command is being executed from within a batch script.
So if you are executing move
from a batch script, you shouldn't come across your prompting issue (i.e. echo No|
is not required).
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 57252
The easiest way:
echo No|move /-Y .\file1 .\file2
You can use also wildcards:
echo NO|move /-Y "C:\user\Downloads\*.csv" "C:\user\downloads1\"
Also in your case:
for %%f in ("C:\user\Downloads\*.csv") do (
echo No|move /-Y "%%~dpfnxf" "C:\user\downloads1\"
for %%f in ("C:\user\Downloads\*.csv") do (
if exist "C:\user\downloads1\%%~nxf" (
rem move "C:\user\downloads1\%%~nxf" "C:\user\downloads1\%%~nxf.bkp"
move "C:\user\downloads1\%%~nxf" "C:\user\downloads1\%%~nf-%%N.%%~xf"
move /Y "%%~dpfnxf" "C:\user\downloads1\"
Check also this : Copy files without overwrite
One more edit:
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for %%f in ("C:\user\Downloads\*.csv") do (
set "moved="
if exist "C:\user\downloads1\%%~nxf" (
for /l %%N in (1,1,50) do (
if not defined moved if not exist "C:\user\downloads1\%%~nxf.%%N" (
move "C:\user\downloads1\%%~nxf" "C:\user\downloads1\%%~nxf.%%N"
set moved=yes
move /Y "%%~dpfnxf" "C:\user\downloads1\"
not tested.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 70923
You can move first non existing files, then rename the remainig files in source directory and then copy to target.
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
rem configure directories
set "source=c:\user\Downloads"
set "target=c:\user\Downloads1"
rem move non existing files to target
call :doMove
rem if we still have files
if exist "%source%\*.csv" (
rem generate a timestamp
set timestamp=_%date:/=%_%time::=%
set timestamp=!timestamp:,=!
rem rename the remaining files with timestamp
ren "%source%\*.csv" "*.!timestamp!.csv"
rem and move the remainig files to target
call :doMove
exit /b
robocopy "%source%" "%target%" "*.csv" /fp /njh /njs /ndl /xc /xn /xo /xx /mov
goto :EOF
Upvotes: 1