Reputation: 151
I am attempting to write a small utility routine that can take a list of menu entries as strings (ideally, defined explicitly in the subroutine call), present these strings as numbered options, and ask the user to choose one. The responsibility for validation is left to the calling routine. My first attempt, using an explicit array of strings defined in the same manner as an array initialization statement, failed, so I tried the approach of sending a single explicit string with 'marker' characters, using continuation lines.
The following seems to work in gfortran 4.7.3 under Cygwin:
PROGRAM menutest
CALL menu(n, 'This is option 1$&
Option Two$&
Option number three$' )
WRITE(*,*) 'You chose option ' ,n
END PROGRAM menutest
SUBROUTINE menu(n, entrylist)
INTEGER :: n, i, nitems,pos1,pos2
CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: entrylist
pos1 = 1
pos2 = 1
! Loop over entries
entrylist = entrylist(pos1:)
pos2 = INDEX(entrylist,'$')
IF (pos2 == 0) THEN
WRITE (*,'(A,I2,A,A)') '(',i,') ',entrylist(:pos2-1)
i = i+1
pos1 = pos2+1
WRITE(*,*) 'Choose an option from the menu'
READ(*,*) n
Unfortunately this fails using Linux gfortran 4.5.x. I need a solution that will work reliably on as many F95 compilers on as many compilers as possible, and on as many platforms as possible. I want to be able to call it many times in my program, with different lengths of lists of different lengths of strings.
Does anyone have a better solution?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 137
Reputation: 60078
You can of course send an array of strings:
CALL menu(n, [character(20) :: 'This is option 1', &
'Option Two', &
'Option number three'] )
write(*,*) 'You chose option ' ,n
subroutine menu(n, entrylist)
CHARACTER(len=*),intent(in) :: entrylist(:)
integer, intent(out) :: n
integer i
do i=1,size(entrylist)
write(*,*) trim(entrylist(i))
end do
read(*,*) n
end subroutine
This form of array constructor is Fortran 2003. If you have to avoid it, then build the array by normal assignments of elements.
strings(1) = 'This is option 1'
strings(2) = 'Option Two'
strings(3) = 'Option number three'
call menu(n, strings)
Note, that the subroutine requires an explicit interface, therefore it is an internal procedure in this short example. You want it typically in a module in full scale programs.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 6999
the simple fix, do not modify the string that was passed as literal:
! entrylist = entrylist(pos1:) <-- get rid of this offending line
pos2 = pos1-1+INDEX(entrylist(pos1:),'$')
IF (pos2 == pos1-1) THEN
WRITE (*,'(A,I2,A,A)') '(',i,') ',entrylist(pos1:pos2-1)
tested with gfortran 4.x
Upvotes: 0