Reputation: 1
I'm making a script to add some user from a csv to my AD and it doesn't work for some reason that i can't find out ^^'.
I'm using the file ADlog to see where my code goes or not and it goes in the "else (Woot?)" so maybe it can't access to my AD thx to a mistake in my code or ... dunno
#connection to the Active Directory
if($objOU.Children -ne $null) {
# import data from the csv file
$dataSource=import-csv ("\user.csv")
ForEach($dataRecord in $dataSource) {
#checking the existance of the UO
if(($objOU.Children | where {$_.Path -match "OU=$ou"}) -eq $null){
#if it doesn't, we creat it
$objOU = $objOU.create("organizationalUnit", "ou="+$ou)
"UO not there" | Add-Content C:\ADlog.txt
else {
#if it does exist we point on it to creat the new user
$objOU = $objOU.Children.Find("OU=$ou")
"WOOT ?" | Add-Content C:\ADlog.txt
$cn=$GivenName + " " + $sn
$UserPrincipalname=$SamAccountName +"@"+$DNS_DomainName
#we create the obj user in the AD
#empty to make the user choise his own passwd
#we activate the account
#we check that the acc is created
if(($objOU.Children | where {$_.Path -match "CN=$cn"}) -ne $null) {
"User : "+$UserPrincipalName+" Ok" | Add-Content C:\ADlog.txt
Write-Host "Sucess!"
#Delete the reg key
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"-Name "Unattend*"
else {
"Failure" | Add-Content C:\ADlog.txt
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Views: 189