Reputation: 1
***Rules: --- Do not use a join of any kind and do not use a correlated subquery. --- Do not use a comma join. --- If you use a join, you will get no points for that task. A From clause will reference only one table. --- DO not use a variable.
***Here is my problem: Display the book id and title for any books which someone has ordered and the book is both an SQL book and a atabase book. Use the Topic_id to filter for DB and SQL. Sort by the book_id.
***My answwer:
select book_id, title
From a_bkinfo.books
Where book_id IN
(Select book_id
From a_bkinfo.book_topics
Where topic_id = 'DB')
And book_id in
(Select book_id
From a_bkinfo.book_topics
Where topic_id = 'SQL')
order by book_id;
I received -2 on this problem. My teachers response: -2 * did not check that this book has been ordered.
***Here are the relevant tables.* Tables:
---- create order_details ------
create table a_bkorders.order_details (
order_id integer not null
, order_line integer not null
, book_id integer not null
, quantity integer not null
, order_price numeric(6,2) not null
, constraint bk_orderline_pk primary key (order_id, order_line)
, constraint bk_orderline_order_fk foreign key (order_id)
references a_bkorders.order_headers(order_id) on delete cascade
, constraint bk_orderline_book_fk foreign key (book_id )
references a_bkinfo.books(book_id)
, constraint bk_quantity_ck check (quantity > 0)
, constraint bk_ordprice_ck check (order_price >= 0)
)engine = INNODB;
---- create book_topics ----
create table a_bkinfo.book_topics (
book_id integer not null
, topic_id varchar(5) not null
, constraint bk_book_topics_pk primary key (book_id, topic_id)
, constraint bk_books_topics_fk foreign key(topic_id)
references a_bkinfo.topics(topic_id)
, constraint bk_books_id_fk foreign key(book_id)
references a_bkinfo.books(book_id)
)engine = INNODB;
------ create books ------
create table a_bkinfo.books (
book_id integer not null
, title varchar(75) not null
, publ_id integer null
, year_publd integer not null
, isbn varchar(17) null
, page_count integer null
, list_price numeric(6,2) null
, constraint bk_books_pk primary key (book_id)
, constraint bk_books_publ_fk foreign key(publ_id)
references a_bkinfo.publishers (publ_id)
, constraint book_id_range check (book_id > 1000)
, constraint bk_page_count_ck check (page_count >= 0)
, constraint bk_price_ck check (list_price >= 0)
, constraint bk_books_year_ck check (year_publd >= 1850)
)engine = INNODB;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 116
Reputation: 108400
and book_id in
( select d.book_id
from a_bkorders.order_details d
where d.quantity > 0
Display the ID and title of the book(s) with the largest number of sales; include ties. For this query, use the total quantity sold. when determining the sales of a book
Without any JOIN operations or correlated subqueries, this will return the specified resultset:
SELECT b.book_id
, b.title
FROM a_bkinfo.books b
WHERE b.book_id IN
SELECT d.book_id
FROM a_bkorders.order_details d
GROUP BY d.book_id
HAVING SUM(d.quantity) =
SELECT MAX(t.tot_quantity)
SELECT s.book_id
, SUM(s.quantity) AS tot_quantity
FROM a_bkorders.order_details s
GROUP BY s.book_id
) t
N.B. MySQL does not enforce CHECK constraints.
Upvotes: 1