Reputation: 63
I'm new to the language prolog and have been given an assignment regarding parsing in prolog. I need some help in solving the problem.
In the assingment we have the grammar:
Expr ::= + Expr Expr | * Expr Expr | Num | Xer
Xer ::= x | ^ x Num
Num ::= 2 | 3 | .... a Integer (bigger than 1) ...
The token ^
is the same as in math. 5^5
equals 25
Parse needs to work both ways: a call with an instantiated list to generate an Ast, while a call with an instantiated Ast should generate similar prefix list.
My assingment says that I need to make a prefix parse that does this:
Example(with the value of Ast removed):
?- parse([+, *, 2, x, ^, x, 5 ], Ast), parse(L, Ast).
X = ...,
L = [+, *, 2, x, ^, x, 5]
I would also like to know how the parse tree will look like.
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Views: 5738
Reputation: 10142
Prolog has a particular formalism to handle context-free grammars directly: DCGs (Definite Clause Grammars). Your example translates almost immediately into a DCG:
expr --> [+], expr, expr | [*], expr, expr | num | xer.
xer --> [x] | [^], [x], num.
num --> [2] | [3] | [4] | [5].
Now, you already can test sentences:
?- phrase(expr, [+,*,2,x,^,x,5]).
; false.
?- phrase(expr, [+,*,*,2,x,^,x,5]).
You can even generate all possible sentences like so:
?- length(L, N), phrase(expr, L).
L = [2], N = 1
; L = [3], N = 1
; ... .
And, finally, you can add the abstract syntax tree to your definition.
expr(plus(A,B)) --> [+], expr(A), expr(B).
expr(mul(A,B)) --> [*], expr(A), expr(B).
expr(Num) --> num(Num).
expr(Xer) --> xer(Xer).
xer(var(x)) --> [x].
xer(pow(var(x),N)) --> [^], [x], num(N).
num(num(2)) --> [2].
num(num(3)) --> [3].
num(num(4)) --> [4].
num(num(5)) --> [5].
So now you can use it as desired:
?- phrase(expr(AST), [+,*,2,x,^,x,5]), phrase(expr(AST),L).
AST = plus(mul(num(2),var(x)),pow(var(x),num(5))),
L = [+,*,2,x,^,x,5]
; false.
Just a nitpick: The interface predicate to DCGs is phrase/2
not parse/2
Upvotes: 9