
Reputation: 1159

image based count down clock

I have a count down clock which works absolutely fine. Now the question is can I display images as digits instead of html. I cant seem to figure out the logic how would I approach it. I really dont want to use a plugin for this so that is really not an option.

and the JS for the clock is this

    var future = new Date("Jan 20 2014 21:15:00 GMT+0200");
    var now = new Date();
    var difference = Math.floor((future.getTime() - now.getTime()) / 1000);

    var seconds = fixIntegers(difference % 60);
    difference = Math.floor(difference / 60);

    var minutes = fixIntegers(difference % 60);
    difference = Math.floor(difference / 60);

    var hours = fixIntegers(difference % 24);
    difference = Math.floor(difference / 24);

    var days = difference;

    $(".seconds").text(seconds + "s");
    $(".minutes").text(minutes + "m");
    $(".hours").text(hours + "h");
    $(".days").text(days + "d");
}, 1000);

function fixIntegers(integer)
    if (integer < 0)
        integer = 0;
    if (integer < 10)
        return "0" + integer;
    return "" + integer;

I have stored the images in an array which is this

var linkCons = ''

var num = [];
var linkCons = "";
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    num.push(linkCons + "nw" + i + ".png");

Thanks to stack overflow folks helping me cleaning the array. Really appriciate it

And here is the working fiddle

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2556

Answers (2)

Roko C. Buljan
Roko C. Buljan

Reputation: 206508

You can do it using only one sprite image and this bit of code I created:

enter image description here

jQuery(function($) { // DOM ready shorthand

  // CLOCK
  // Just a date in the future... Say 5 days from now
  var fut = new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 5); 
  // Number splitter
  function intSpl(i) {
    i = Math.floor(i);
    return [Math.floor(i / 10), i % 10]; // 37=[3,7] // 5=[0,5] // 0=[0,0] 
  var obj = {}; // {d:[7,7], h:[1,9], .....}

  function drawTime() {
    var now = new Date().getTime();
    var dif = now < fut ? Math.floor((fut - now) / 1000) : 0;
    obj.s = intSpl(dif % 60);
    obj.m = intSpl(dif / 60 % 60);
    obj.h = intSpl(dif / 60 / 60 % 24);
    obj.d = intSpl(dif / 60 / 60 / 24);

    for (var key in obj) {
      if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // get el ID number (0,1)
          $('#' + key + i).css({
            backgroundPosition: -obj[key][i] * 50
  setInterval(drawTime, 1000);

#clock span {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 50px;
  height: 85px;
  background: url('');
  background-position: 0 0;

#clock span:nth-child(even) {
  margin-right: 15px;
<script src=""></script>

<div id="clock">

  <span id="d0"></span>
  <span id="d1"></span>

  <span id="h0"></span>
  <span id="h1"></span>

  <span id="m0"></span>
  <span id="m1"></span>

  <span id="s0"></span>
  <span id="s1"></span>


To explain the idea:

  • Create elements, each will hold a one digit of the current 2 digits value;
  • Set a common bg image to all spans in CSS
  • Every second move each element's background-image left by -(witdh * number) px

While the listed above seems logic, the first problem you can see here is how to retrieve separately a JS time number (1 or 2 digits) keep leading zero if needed, and reference each digit to target the right element in HTML?

Let's start by splitting numbers:

35 == 3, 5 /// 0 == 0, 0 // this is an example of what we need.

var n  = 35;        // Set any 1 or 2 digit number.
var n1 = ~~(n/10);  // 3 //// ~~ "Double Bitwise NOT"
                                 // just instead of parseInt(time/10, 10).
var n2 = n%10;      // 5 //// %  "Mudulus operator" (reminder).

Example playground

JS Grouping

Now, how to group this two separated digits and say: "Hey you two are for my clock seconds!" ?
By simply putting them into an array! [3, 5], and for we'll have also minutes, hours and day - let's simply put all those arrays into an Object and assign a Key Name which will result in having an object like:

obj = {d:[7,4], h:[1,9], m:[2,9], s:[0,7]}

Reference to HTML

Having that Object and knowing that inside an loop we can retrieve the Key name and the array value like eg: obj['d'][0] === 7 obj['d'][5] === 4

means that we'll need a for loop to retrieve the 0 and 1 to get the values in our array positions [pos0, pos1]
all inside a loop that will get the KEY names : d, h, m, s

2pos x 4keyNames = 8 elements iterations/second

means that now we'll be able to target an ID element eg: #s0 and #s1
and all we need now is to retrieve the value and animate that element background by
-width * digit

Upvotes: 2

Ravindra Ranwala
Ravindra Ranwala

Reputation: 21124

Well, there's another way that you may use to solve the same problem. Here are the steps. Firstly I wrote one CSS class selector for each image position.

.list-group-item .digit-display{

.position-0 {
  background-position: 0 0;

.position-1 {
  background-position: -50px 0px !important;

Then I wrote a JavaScript function which takes a digit as an input and return the CSS class selector for that digit as below.

  displayDigit(digit) {
    const baseSelector = "digit-display position-";
    return `${baseSelector}${digit}`;

Finally this function is called inside the JSX element as below.

<span className = {this.displayDigit(remainingTime["h"].charAt(0))}></span>

That solved the issue.

However, if someone really needs to go with the jquery based approach specified above, we can still condense down that same code as below.

  secondsToTime(secs) {
    let hours = `${constants.ZERO}${Math.floor(secs / (60 * 60))}`.slice(-2);

    let divisorForMinutes = secs % (60 * 60);
    let minutes = `${constants.ZERO}${Math.floor(divisorForMinutes / 60)}`.slice(-2);

    let divisorForSeconds = divisorForMinutes % 60;
    let seconds = `${constants.ZERO}${Math.ceil(divisorForSeconds)}`.slice(-2);

    let obj = {
      "h": hours,
      "m": minutes,
      "s": seconds
    return obj;

handleFlipClockImage = () => {
     var myObj = this.secondsToTime(seconds);

     Object.keys(myObj).forEach(key => {
     let obj = myObj[key];
     var digits = obj.split(constants.EMPTY_SPACE_CHAR);
     digits.forEach((digit, index) => {
        jquery(`#${this.state.label}${key}${index}`).css({backgroundPosition: -digit*50 });

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