Reputation: 5955
Here's what I'm currently using, which I think gets the job done, but there's got to be a better way:
func isWindows() bool {
return os.PathSeparator == '\\' && os.PathListSeparator == ';'
As you can see, in my case all I need to know is how to detect windows but I'd like to know the way to detect any platform/os.
Upvotes: 130
Views: 128929
Reputation: 1
The first answer from @nemo is the most appropriate, i just wanted to point out that if you are currently a user of gopls language server the build tags may not work as intended.
There's no solution or workaround at the time of writing, the most you can do is change your editor's lsp configs (vscode, neovim, emacs, etc) to select a build tag in order to being able to edit the files with that tag without errors. Editing files with another tag will not work, and trying to select multiple tags fails as well. This is the current progress of the issue github@go/x/tools/gopls
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 143
I found this library, gets the job done.
package main
import (
func main() {
gi := goInfo.GetInfo()
GoOS: linux
Kernel: Linux
Core: 4.4.0
Platform: unknown
OS: GNU/Linux
Hostname: ec4f6b107fa7
CPUs: 8
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 69
Use path
package main
// Importing fmt and path/filepath
import (
// Calling main
func main() {
fmt.Println(filepath.Join("/", "/")) // out: /
fmt.Println(filepath.Join(""))// out:
fmt.Println(filepath.Join("dirname", "dirsubname")) // out: dirname/subdirname
fmt.Println(filepath.Join(".")) // out: .
Or use GOOS
os := runtime.GOOS
switch os {
case "windows":
case "darwin":
fmt.Println("MAC operating system")
case "linux":
fmt.Printf("%s.\n", os)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 38849
It's 2022 and the correct answer for go 1.18+ is:
At runtime you want:
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
// windows specific code here...
If you need to determine the filesystem path separator character
Use: os.PathSeparator
- c:\program files
- /usr/local/bin
If you need the Path List separator as used by the PATH
environment variable
Use: os.PathListSeparator
- /usr/local/bin:/usr/local:
- "C:\windows";"c:\windows\system32";
Upvotes: 13
Reputation: 51
I tested in Go 1.17.1 which really worked for me.
package main
import (
func main(){
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 57599
If you're doing this to have different implementations depending on the OS, it is more useful to
have separate files with the implementation of that feature and add build tags to each
of the files. This is used in many places in the standard library, for example in the os
These so-called "Build constraints" or "Build tags" are explained here.
Say you have the constant PATH_SEPARATOR
and you want that platform-dependent, you
would make two files, one for Windows and one for the (UNIX) rest:
The code of these files would then be:
// +build windows
package project
const PATH_SEPARATOR = '\\'
// +build !windows
package project
const PATH_SEPARATOR = '/'
You can now access PATH_SEPARATOR
in your code and have it platform dependant.
If you want to determine the operating system at runtime, use the runtime.GOOS
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
fmt.Println("Hello from Windows")
While this is compiled into the runtime and therefore ignores the environment,
you can nevertheless be relatively certain that the value is correct.
The reason for this is that every platform that is worth distinguishing needs
rebuilding due to different executable formats and thus has a new GOOS
Upvotes: 210
Reputation: 1012
Since this is an older question and answer I have found another solution.
You could simply use the constants defined in the os package. This const returns a rune
so you would need to use string conversion also.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 13594
With regards to detecting the platform, you can use Distribution Detector project to detect the Linux distribution being run.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 464
I just stumbled on this looking for something else and noticed the age of this post so I'll add a more updated addition. If you're just trying to handle the correct filepath I would use filepath.Join(). Its takes all of the guesswork out of os issues. If there is more you need, other than just filepath, using the runtime constants (runtime.GOOS
& runtime.GOARCH
) are the way to go: playground example
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5495
Have you looked at the runtime package? It has a GOOS const:
Upvotes: 23