Reputation: 16555
I have simply spring ws client which sending request to some url:
private JAXBElement<O> sendSyncSoapRequest(final JAXBElement<I> req, final String iszrUrl) {
if (iszrUrl != null) {
return (JAXBElement<O>) this.wsTemplate.marshalSendAndReceive(iszrUrl, req);
} else {
return (JAXBElement<O>) this.wsTemplate.marshalSendAndReceive(req);
Now I need attach chain of certificate to the soap request. How should I do this ? Please help
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Views: 3800
Reputation: 16555
So I already solve this problem. I need to create WebServiceMessageSender with new httpClient which contains sslFactory with my certificates:
WebServiceMessageSender sender = new HttpComponentsMessageSender(HttpClients.custom()
.addInterceptorFirst(new RemoveSoapHeadersInterceptor()).setSSLSocketFactory(factory));
// copy & paste from HttpComponentsMessageSender:
* HttpClient {@link org.apache.http.HttpRequestInterceptor} implementation that removes {@code Content-Length} and
* {@code Transfer-Encoding} headers from the request. Necessary, because SAAJ and other SOAP implementations set
* these headers themselves, and HttpClient throws an exception if they have been set.
public static class RemoveSoapHeadersInterceptor implements HttpRequestInterceptor {
public void process(HttpRequest request, HttpContext context) throws HttpException, IOException {
if (request instanceof HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) {
if (request.containsHeader(HTTP.TRANSFER_ENCODING)) {
if (request.containsHeader(HTTP.CONTENT_LEN)) {
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 9490
I'm not aware of any syntactic sugar in Spring for using certificate authentication on the client. However there may now be something I have missed. In the absence of someone else pointing out that there's a simple annotation that you can apply to your web service template, here's my thinking.
This isn't a fully step-by-step answer, but it should get you part way there. By using a WebServiceMessageCallback, you can modify the headers in your SOAP message before the message is sent. The code below demonstrates doing that to add a username and password to the headers.
You should be able to use the same mechanism to add certificates to the security headers in a similar manner. Take a look at the following document, which explains SOAP certificate-based authentication and shows example security headers for this on page 9.
Object response = getWebServiceTemplate().marshalSendAndReceive(
new WebServiceMessageCallback() {
* The doWithMessage callback enables us to modify the message after it has
* been built using the nice Spring/JAXB marshalling, just before it gets
* sent out.
public void doWithMessage(WebServiceMessage message)
throws IOException, TransformerException {
applySecurityHeaders(message, SOAP_ACTION);
* Add security headers to the outgoing message, so that the client is
* authenticated against the web service.
private void applySecurityHeaders(WebServiceMessage message, String soapAction)
throws IOException, TransformerException {
Assert.isInstanceOf(SoapMessage.class, message);
SoapMessage soapMessage = (SoapMessage) message;
SoapHeader header = soapMessage.getSoapHeader();
Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
transformer.transform(getSecurityHeaderSource(), header.getResult());
soapMessage.writeTo(new LoggingOutputStream(log));
* Returns the content required for a basic SOAP security header.
private StringSource getSecurityHeaderSource() {
return new StringSource(
"<Security xmlns=\"\">\n "
+ "<UsernameToken>\n"
+ "<Username><![CDATA[" + username + "]]></Username>\n "
+ "<Password><![CDATA[" + password + "]]></Password>\n "
+ "</UsernameToken>\n"
+ "</Security>\n");
Upvotes: 1