Reputation: 7728
I am currently running a unknown number of workers producing an unknown number of results which are put into an MVar and printed if the new result is better then the previous. This happens in the printMaxResult
function shown below.
main = do
startTime <- getCurrentTime
-- Read problem
numbers <- parseList
target <- parseTargetNumber
-- Create mvar to communicate
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
-- Start solving the actual problem
-- The solve methods will write their results
-- into the given mvar
forkIO $ SimpleAdd.solve (Problem target numbers) mvar
forkIO $ IncrementDecrement.solve (Problem target numbers) mvar incOps decOps
-- Read the first result and use it to go into the "main loop"
expr <- takeMVar mvar
debugPrintExpr expr startTime
printMaxResult mvar expr startTime
return ()
-- Extracts a new result from the given mvar and compares
-- it with the previous result. If the new result has a
-- better score it remembers it and prints it.
printMaxResult :: MVar Expr -> Expr -> UTCTime -> IO ()
printMaxResult mvar expr startTime = do
newExpr <- takeMVar mvar
if score newExpr > score expr
then do
debugPrintExpr newExpr startTime
printMaxResult mvar newExpr startTime
printMaxResult mvar expr startTime
Problem is, that once all threads are finished the program crashes with the following exception: main: thread blocked indefinitely in an MVar operation
. Of course that message is correct: There is no way that MVar will receive some new input anytime.
But how would I handle this condition gracefully? I would be fine with handling that exception and do "exit(0)" sort of operation. I tried to understand how exception handling works in Haskell but I cant really wrap my mind around it.
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Views: 116
Reputation: 153212
The poor-man's protocol is to let your MVar
carry two kinds of messages: one is notifications of new candidates (which may or may not be better than the best one you've seen so far), and the other is a notification that one of your threads is done producing candidates. So your two solving threads might look like this:
solve mvar = do
-- do some complicated work and report some candidates
replicateM_ 3000 $ putMVar mvar (Just 42)
-- when you're done, say so
putMVar mvar Nothing
and your debugging thread looks like this:
printMaxResult mvar expr 0 startTime = return ()
printMaxResult mvar expr numRunning startTime = do
v <- mvar
case v of
Nothing -> printMaxResult mvar expr (numRunning-1) startTime
Just newExpr | score newExpr > score expr -> ...
| otherwise -> ...
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 35099
This is exactly the sort of problem that pipes-concurrency
was designed to solve: it lets you write concurrent code that avoids deadlocks.
Like you mentioned, it might seem impossible to write something like this, because there is no way to statically know that the MVar
might not be used in the future. The way pipes-concurrency
solves this problem is that it instruments concurrent channels with code that detects when either the input or output end of the channel is garbage collected. This allows it to notify the opposing end of the channel to quit and avoid triggering a deadlock.
I recommend that you read the pipes-concurrency
tutorial, which is extraordinarily detailed. The third section on Termination is particularly relevant to the problem you just described and it explains how pipes-concurrency
gets a listener to terminate when all the upstream writers are done.
The pipes-concurrency
tutorial assumes basic knowledge of the pipes
library, so if you are new to pipes
then you may also want to read the official pipes
Upvotes: 1