Reputation: 143
Ok I am having a Problem using VBA from Excel 2010 to Query data in access, the problem comes when the variable Descripcheck, or Grouplocal, some of the descriptions have a "" in the excel cell so when it pulls the string itself this causes the query function gets a syntax error. Any ideas?
PMnum = Cells(B, 3)
Grouplocal = Cells(B, 4)
Descripcheck = Cells(B, 6)
DevTyp = Cells(B, 5)
TagName = Cells(B, 2)
If PMnum = "" Then
PMnum = " IS NULL"
PMnum = "=" & PMnum
End If
If Grouplocal = "" Then
Grouplocal = " IS NULL"
Grouplocal = "=" & Chr$(34) & Grouplocal & Chr$(34)
End If
If Descripcheck = "" Then
Descripcheck = " IS NULL"
Descripcheck = "=" & Chr$(34) & Descripcheck & Chr$(34)
End If
If DevTyp = "" Then
DevTyp = " IS NULL"
DevTyp = "=" & Chr$(34) & DevTyp & Chr$(34)
End If
If TagName = "" Then
TagName = " IS NULL"
TagName = "=" & Chr$(34) & TagName & Chr$(34)
End If
sCmndString = "SELECT Site_Data.Pass_Fail, Site_Data.Tag_Name, Site_Data.[PM_#],Site_Data.Group_Location_Reference, Site_Data.Device_Type, Site_Data.Description, Site_Data.Set_Point, Site_Data.Set_Point_Units, Site_Data.Fail_Low, Site_Data.Fail_High, Site_Data.As_Found, Site_Data.As_Left, Site_Data.Manufacturer_SN, Site_Data.Year_Put_Into_Service, Site_Data.Date_of_Test, Site_Data.Time_To_Complete, Site_Data.Service, Site_Data.Comments, Site_Data.Site, Site_Data.Year, Site_Data.Month " & _
"FROM Site_Data WHERE (((Site_Data.[PM_#])" & PMnum & ") AND " & _
"((Site_Data.Group_Location_Reference)" & Grouplocal & ") AND " & _
"((Site_Data.Device_Type)" & DevTyp & ") AND " & _
"((Site_Data.Description)" & Descripcheck & ") AND " & _
"((Site_Data.Site)=" & Chr$(34) & SiteName & Chr$(34) & ") AND " & _
"((Site_Data.Year)=" & Chr$(34) & yrs & Chr$(34) & ") AND " & _
"((Site_Data.Month)=" & Chr$(34) & Mnth & Chr$(34) & ") AND " & _
"((Site_Data.Tag_Name)" & TagName & "));"
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open sCmndString, cnt, 2, 3, 1
Upvotes: 1
Views: 315
Reputation: 123429
If you keep fooling around with those "
s and Chr$(34)
s you'll drive yourself crazy. Try using a parameterized query instead. Consider the following (simplified) example. It uses some test data in Access...
Site_ID Device_Type Description
------- ----------- ------------
1 Type1 test1
2 Type1
3 Type1
4 Type2 "some" value
5 Type2 "some" value
6 Type2
7 Type2
8 Type2 Excel sheet that looks like this...
...and the code behind the button is
Option Explicit
Public Sub AccessLookup()
Dim con As ADODB.Connection, cmd As ADODB.Command, rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim DevTyp As Variant, Descripcheck As Variant
Dim s As String, i As Long
s = Trim(CStr(Range("B1").Value))
DevTyp = IIf(Len(s) = 0, Null, s)
s = Trim(CStr(Range("B2").Value))
Descripcheck = IIf(Len(s) = 0, Null, s)
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
con.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Users\Public\Database1.accdb;"
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
cmd.ActiveConnection = con
cmd.CommandText = _
"SELECT COUNT(*) AS n FROM Site_Data " & _
"WHERE Device_Type " & IIf(IsNull(DevTyp), "IS NULL ", "= ? ") & _
"AND Description " & IIf(IsNull(Descripcheck), "IS NULL ", "= ? ")
i = 0
If Not IsNull(DevTyp) Then
cmd.CreateParameter "?", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 255
cmd.Parameters(i).Value = DevTyp
i = i + 1
End If
If Not IsNull(Descripcheck) Then
cmd.CreateParameter "?", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 255
cmd.Parameters(i).Value = Descripcheck
i = i + 1
End If
Set rst = cmd.Execute
Range("B6").Value = rst("n").Value
Set rst = Nothing
Set cmd = Nothing
Set con = Nothing
End Sub
Upvotes: 2