
Reputation: 2823 c# using session data to output more data

Ok guy, i have made a simple program that has a web form where you fill in details fruit name, kg and cal count. i have then used session variables to get the fruit name from the form on default page and display them on about page in a drop down menu. that's all working fine, what i cant seem to work out is on the about page how to get it so the user selects a item from the drop down (created from form on default page) then enter a int how many they want (in text box) and have there selection and amount output on a list box on about page. il post the code i have so far any help would be much appreciated.

default page

 public class Fruit

        private string fName;
        private int grams, calsPerGram;
        private bool edible;

        public Fruit(string n, int g, int c, bool e)
            grams = g;
            calsPerGram = c;
            edible = e;
            fName = n;

        public int totalCalories()
            return grams * calsPerGram;
        public string getFruitInfo()
            string s;
            if (edible == true)
                s = fName + " is yummy and it has " + totalCalories() +
                s = "Hands off! Not edible";
            return s;

    public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page

        List<Fruit> myBasket;

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                myBasket = new List<Fruit>();
                Session["listSession"] = myBasket;// seassion start

        protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)

           // Session["Fruitname"] = TbxName.Text; // my session i have made

            MyFruit = Session["Fruitname"] as List<string>;
            //Create new, if null
            if (MyFruit == null)
                MyFruit = new List<string>();


            Session["Fruitname"] = MyFruit;

            Fruit f = new Fruit(TbxName.Text, int.Parse(TbxWeight.Text),
            int.Parse(TbxCal.Text), CheckBox1.Checked);

            myBasket = (List<Fruit>)Session["listSession"]; // session used
            foreach (var item in myBasket)

                abc.Items.Add(item.getFruitInfo()); // List box used

        public List<string> MyFruit { get; set; }

About page

public partial class About : Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        MyFruit = Session["Fruitname"] as List<string>;
        //Create new, if null
        if (MyFruit == null)
            MyFruit = new List<string>();
        DropDownList1.DataSource = MyFruit;


    protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Drinklabel.Text = "Your Chosen Beverage is A " + DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString() + " Drink.";

    public List<string> MyFruit { get; set; }

Upvotes: 1

Views: 677

Answers (1)

Karl Anderson
Karl Anderson

Reputation: 34844

You do not necessarily need a separate class for calculating cost, but I recommend that you use a Label to display the selected fruit, amount desired and total price, like this in your About page:

Create a Button with Calculate text that has a click event handler, a calculatePrice method, a TextBox for quantity and a Label for display, like this:

protected void ButtonCalculate_Click(sender object, EventArgs e)
    decimal total = calculatePrice(DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text,  

    LabelResult.Text = "You would like " + TextBoxQuantity.Text.Trim() + 
        DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text + "(s) for a total of $" + 

private decimal calculatePrice(string fruitName, int quantity)
    // Ask the database for the price of this particular piece of fruit by name
    decimal costEach = GoToDatabaseAndGetPriceOfFruitByName(fruitName);

    return costEach * quantity;

Upvotes: 1

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