Reputation: 3432
I have jtable that has different three types of renderers. So, I don't see easy way to provide custom cell renderer. But I need custom border around cell which is currently selected. To achieve this I use prepareRenderer method. This works but has small bug - only top and bottom border is displayed but left and right borders are not displayed.
Please, copy,paste this to see the problem :
public class CellBorderDemo extends JFrame
private JTable dataSearchResultTable;
public CellBorderDemo()
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(2, 1, 5, 10));
panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 300));
dataSearchResultTable = new JTable(new MyTableModel())
private EmptyBorder emptyBorder = new EmptyBorder(0, 1, 0, 1);
private Border redBorder = new CompoundBorder(new MatteBorder(1, 0, 1, 0, Color.RED), emptyBorder);
private Border unselectedBorder = super.getBorder();
public Component prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer renderer, int row, int column)
Object value = getValueAt(row, column);
boolean isSelected = false;
boolean hasFocus = false;
// Only indicate the selection and focused cell if not printing
if (!isPaintingForPrint()) {
isSelected = isCellSelected(row, column);
boolean rowIsLead = (selectionModel.getLeadSelectionIndex() == row);
boolean colIsLead = (columnModel.getSelectionModel().getLeadSelectionIndex() == column);
hasFocus = (rowIsLead && colIsLead) && isFocusOwner();
JComponent cellRenderer = (JComponent) renderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(this, value, isSelected,
hasFocus, row, column);
if (isSelected && hasFocus) {
} else {
return cellRenderer;
dataSearchResultTable.setSelectionBackground(new Color(0xccccff));
// dataSearchResultTable.setIntercellSpacing(new Dimension(0, 0));
panel.add(new JScrollPane(dataSearchResultTable));
class MyTableModel extends AbstractTableModel
private String[] columnNames = { "First Name", "Last name", "Vegetarian" };
private Object[][] data;
data = new Object[][] { { "Vova", "KipokKipokKipokKipok", false }, { "Olia", "Duo", true },
{ "Ivan", "Brown", false } };
public int getColumnCount()
return columnNames.length;
public int getRowCount()
return data.length;
public String getColumnName(int col)
return columnNames[col];
public Object getValueAt(int row, int col)
if (data.length > 0 && data[0] != null) {
return data[row][col];
return null;
public Class getColumnClass(int c)
Object valueAt = getValueAt(0, c);
return valueAt == null ? Object.class : valueAt.getClass();
public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col)
return true;
public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col)
if (data.length > 0 && data[0] != null) {
data[row][col] = value;
fireTableCellUpdated(row, col);
public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException
new CellBorderDemo();
Do you have any ideas on how to have border on each side of cell of jtable?
Thank you!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1978
Reputation: 109823
is by default line Renderer
, is about hightlighting whole row
you have to set and test row and columns, both coordinates, when you want to change entire, single cell
Upvotes: 2