Reputation: 53
I am using add this to share content from my site but it is posting the wrong image thumnails any one to help.Then secondly my url is showing funny characters at the end anyone to help
$query = "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE autoid=".$_GET['id'];
$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error : ' . mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
$title = $row['title'];
$intro = $row['intro'];
$date = $row['timestamp'];
$user = $row['userid'];
$content = $row['body'];
$image1 = $row['image'];
$autoid = $row['autoid'];
$queryi = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE autoid=".$row['userid'];
$resulti = mysql_query($queryi) or die('Error : ' . mysql_error());
$rowi = mysql_fetch_array($resulti, MYSQL_ASSOC);
$fname = $rowi['fname'];
$lname = $rowi['lname'];
$author=$fname." ".$lname;
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<li><?php echo $title; ?></li>
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<header class="title2 big-title col-sm-12 col-lg-12">
<h2><?php echo $title; ?></h2>
<article class="blog-wrap content col-sm-12 col-lg-12">
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<img class="media-object" alt="" src="admin/<?php echo $image1; ?>">
<p><strong class="text-success"><?php echo $intro; ?></strong></p>
<p> <?php echo $content; ?></p>
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<?php echo $date;?>
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Upvotes: 0
Views: 2255
Reputation: 1086
You need to define meta og tag in the header part.
<meta property="og:image" content="<?php echo "".$row['image'];?>">
<meta property="og:image" content="">
each image should be in aspect ratio of 1.91:1, min 600px X 315px or max 1200px X 630px
after that you need to debug each url of your blog in FB debugger.
if there is on your site then you will see in debugger only one image which you specify in og tag.
Upvotes: 1