Reputation: 11
I have been learning some Haskell and I came up with a solution to one of my exercise which I was trying to figure out .
changeStr :: Int -> Char -> String -> String
changeStr x char zs = (take (x-1) zs) ++ [(changeChar (head (take x zs)) char)] ++ (drop x zs)
changeChar :: Char -> Char -> Char
changeChar x y = y
I just wanted to ask is there any other way in which I could do this in a more simpler way using different methods ?
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The thing that screams for generalization is changeChar
. It's actually very close to a very common Haskell Prelude
function called const
. To get changeChar
we just need to flip const
const :: a -> b -> a
const a b = a
changeChar :: Char -> Char -> Char
changeChar = flip const
-- = flip (\a _ -> a)
-- = \_ a -> a
-- _ a = a
Beyond that, your code is fairly reasonable, but can be cleaned up by using a function splitAt
splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
splitAt n xs = (take n xs, drop n xs)
changeChar x char xs =
let (before, _it:after) = splitAt (x - 1)
in before ++ (char:after)
which also highlights a slight problem with this definition in that if your index is too large it will throw a pattern matching failure. We could fix that by making the function return an unmodified string if we "fall off the end"
changeChar x char xs =
let (before, after) = splitAt (x - 1)
in case after of
[] -> []
(_:rest) -> char:rest
There's a general pattern here as well of applying a modifying function at a particular place in a list. Here's how we can extract that.
changeAt :: Int -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
changeAt n f xs =
let (before, after) = splitAt (n-1)
in case after of
[] -> []
(x:rest) -> (f x):rest
We can use this to iterate the notion
-- | Replaces an element in a list of lists treated as a matrix.
changeMatrix :: (Int, Int) -> a -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
changeMatrix (i, j) x = changeAt i (changeAt j (const x))
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 54078
What you have is pretty much what you need, except the function changeChar
is just flip const
, and you could rewrite yours as
changeStr x char zs = take (x-1) zs ++ [char] ++ drop x zs
If you wanted to be complicated, you could use splitAt
from Data.List
and the fact that fmap f (a, b) = (a, f b)
changeStr idx c str = uncurry (++) $ fmap ((c:) . tail) $ splitAt (idx - 1) str
And if you wanted to be really complicated, you could ask the pointfree
bot how to write it without explicit function arguments
changeStr = ((uncurry (++) .) .) . flip ((.) . fmap . (. tail) . (:)) . splitAt . subtract 1
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