Reputation: 48654
In Real World Haskell, they describe combinators like this:
In Haskell, we refer to functions that take other functions as arguments and return new functions as combinators.
And then later they state that maybeIO
function is a combinator and its type signature looks like this:
maybeIO :: IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
But all I can see is that maybeIO
is a function that takes a value wrapped in IO monad and returns a value in IO monad. Then how does this function become a combinator ?
Upvotes: 14
Views: 6775
Reputation: 15028
There's no strict definition of a combinator, so it doesn't really mean anything in that sense. However, it is very common in Haskell to build more complex functions or values out of simpler ones, and sometimes functions doesn't fit together completely, so we use some glue to make them stick together. The bits of glue we use to do that we call combinators.
For example, if you want to compute the square root of a number rounded to the closest integer, you can write that function as
approxSqrt x = round (sqrt x)
You may also realise that what we are really doing here is taking two functions and building a more complex function using them as building blocks. We need some kind of glue to put them together, however, and that glue is (.)
approxSqrt = round . sqrt
So the function composition operator is a combinator of functions – it combines functions to create new functions. Another example is that perhaps you want to read each line of a file into a list. You could do this the obvious way:
contents <- readFile "my_file.txt"
let messages = lines contents
But! What would we do if we had a function that reads a file and returns the contents as strings? Then we could do
messages <- readFileLines "my_file.txt"
As it turns out, we have a function that reads a file and we have a function that takes a big string and returns a list of the lines in it. If we only had some glue to stick those two functions together in a meaningful way, we could build readFileLines
! But of course, this being Haskell, that glue is readily available.
readFileLines = fmap lines . readFile
Here we use two combinators! We use the (.)
from before, and fmap
is actually a very useful combinator as well. We say that it "lifts" a pure computation into the IO monad, and what we really mean is that lines
has the type signature
lines :: String -> [String]
but fmap lines
has the signature
fmap lines :: IO String -> IO [String]
so fmap
is useful when you want to combine pure computations with IO computations.
These have just been two very simple examples. As you learn more Haskell, you'll find yourself needing (and inventing) more and more combinator functions for yourself. Haskell is very powerful in the way you can take functions and transform them, combine them, turn them inside out and then stick them together. The bits of glue we sometimes need when we do that, those bits we call combinators.
Upvotes: 13
Reputation: 53881
There are really 2 things that we could mean when we say combinator. The word is a bit overloaded.
We usually mean a function which "combines" things. For example your function takes in an IO
value and builds up a more complex value. Using these "combinators" we can combine and create new complex IO
values from relatively few primitive functions to create IO
For example, rather than creating a function which reads 10 files, we use mapM_ readFile
. Here combinators are functions that we use to combine and build values
The stricter computer sciencey term is a "function with no free variables". So
-- The primitive combinators from a famous calculus, SKI calculus.
id a = a -- Not technically primitive, genApp const const
const a b = a
genApp x y z = x z (y z)
This is part of a grander field called "Combinatory logic" in which you seek to essentially eliminate free variables and replace it with combinators and a few primitive functions.
TLDR: usually when we say combinator, we refer to a more general notion called the "combinator pattern" where we have a handful of primitive functions and a lot of user-defined functions to build up more complex values.
Upvotes: 23
Reputation: 74344
"Combinator" is not exactly precisely defined in it's use in Haskell. It's most correct to use it to refer to functions which take other functions as arguments a la Combinator Calculus but in Haskell terminology it's frequently overloaded to also mean a "modification" or "combination" function, especially of a Functor
or Monad
. In this case you might say a combinator is a function which "takes some action or value in context and returns a new, modified action or value in context".
Your example, maybeIO
is often called optional
optional :: Alternative f => f a -> f (Maybe a)
optional fa = (Just <$> fa) <|> pure Nothing
and it has a combinator-like nature because it takes the computation f a
and modifies it generically to reflect failure in its value.
The reason these are called combinators as well has to do with how they're used. A typical place to see optional
(and indeed, Alternative
generally) is in parser combinator libraries. Here, we tend to build basic parsers using simple Parser
s like
satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
anyChar = satisfy (const True)
whitespace = satisfy isSpace
number = satisfy isNumeric
and then we "modify" their behavior using "combinators"
-- the many and some combinators
many :: Alternative f => f a -> f [a] -- zero or more successes
some :: Alternative f => f a -> f [a] -- one or more successes
many f = some f <|> pure []
some f = (:) <$> f <*> many f
-- the void combinator forgets what's inside the functor
void :: Functor f => f a -> f ()
void f = const () <$> f
-- from the external point of view, this is another "basic" Parser
-- ... but we know it's actually built from an even more basic one
-- and the judicious application of a few "combinators"
blankSpace = Parser ()
blankSpace = void (many whitespace)
word :: Parser String
word = many (satisfy $ not . isSpace)
Oftentimes we also call functions which combine multiple functions/Functors
"combinators" as well, which perhaps makes mnemonic sense
-- the combine combinator
combine :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f (a, b)
combine fa fb = (,) <$> fa <*> fb
-- the ignore-what's-next combinator
(<*) :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f a
fa <* fb = const <$> fa <*> fb
-- the do-me-then-forget-me combinator
(*>) :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f b
fa *> fb = flip const <$> fa <*> fb
line = Parser String
line = many (satisfy $ \c -> c /= '\n') <* satisfy (=='\n')
But ultimately, combinators are more about the intent and usage of an API than its strict denotation. You'll frequently see libraries built up from "basic pieces" like functions or satisfy
which are then modified and combined with a set of "combinators". The Parser
example above is a quintessential example, but altogether this is a very common Haskell pattern.
Upvotes: 5