Reputation: 325
I want to use MATLAB's printmat
do display a matrix with labels. But this doesn't work for complex numbers:
N = 5;
x = rand(N,1);
y = rand(N,1);
z = x + 1i*y;
printmat([x,y,z],'fftdemo','N=1 2 3 4 5','x y x+iy');
fftdemo =
x y x+iy
N=1 0.84072 0.34998 0.84072
2 0.25428 0.19660 0.25428
3 0.81428 0.25108 0.81428
4 0.24352 0.61604 0.24352
5 0.92926 0.47329 0.92926
As you can see the imaginary part of z
isn't printed.
Is there a way to get Matlab to display complex numbers or another way to achieve this?
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Views: 679
Reputation: 470
Here is a slightly altered version of printmat
that will print complex numbers. Feel free to fiddle around a bit more with it for better looks :)
function [] = printmat2(a,name,rlab,clab)
%PRINTMAT Print matrix with labels.
% PRINTMAT(A,NAME,RLAB,CLAB) prints the matrix A with the row labels
% RLAB and column labels CLAB. NAME is a string used to name the
% matrix. RLAB and CLAB are string variables that contain the row
% and column labels delimited by spaces. For example, the string
% RLAB = 'alpha beta gamma';
% defines 'alpha' as the label for the first row, 'beta' for the
% second row and 'gamma' for the third row. RLAB and CLAB must
% contain the same number of space delimited labels as there are
% rows and columns respectively.
% PRINTMAT(A,NAME) prints the matrix A with numerical row and column
% labels. PRINTMAT(A) prints the matrix A without a name.
% See also: PRINTSYS.
% Clay M. Thompson 9-24-90
% Copyright 1986-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: 1.10 $ $Date: 2002/04/10 06:32:35 $
space = ' ';
[nrows,ncols] = size(a);
if nargin<2, name = []; end
if nargin==3, error('Wrong number of input arguments.'); end
if nargin<4,
rlab = []; clab = [];
for i=1:nrows, rlab = [rlab, sprintf('--%d--> ',i)]; end
for i=1:ncols, clab = [clab, sprintf('--%d--> ',i)]; end
if (nrows==0)|(ncols==0),
if ~isempty(name), disp(' '), disp(sprintf('%s = ',name)), end
disp(' ')
disp(' []')
disp(' ')
% Remove extra spaces (delimiters)
ndx1 = find(clab==' ');
ndx2 = find([ndx1,0]==[-1,ndx1+1]);
if ~isempty(clab), clab(ndx1(ndx2))=[]; end
ndx1 = find(rlab==' ');
ndx2 = find([ndx1,0]==[-1,ndx1+1]);
if ~isempty(rlab), rlab(ndx1(ndx2))=[]; end
% Determine position of delimiters
cpos = find(clab==' ');
if length(cpos)<ncols-1, error('Not enough column labels.'); end
cpos = [0,cpos,length(clab)+1];
rpos = find(rlab==' ');
if length(rpos)<nrows-1, error('Not enough row labels.'); end
rpos = [0,rpos,length(rlab)+1];
n = min(col_per_scrn-1,ncols-1);
disp(' ')
if ~isempty(name), disp(sprintf('%s = ',name)), end % Print name
while col<=ncols
% Print labels
s = space(ones(1,len+1));
for j=0:n,
lab = clab(cpos(col+j)+1:cpos(col+j+1)-1);
if length(lab)>len,
lab=[space(ones(1,len-length(lab))),lab]; end
s= [s,' ',lab];
for i=1:nrows,
s = rlab(rpos(i)+1:rpos(i+1)-1);
if length(s)>len, s=s(1:len); else s=[space(ones(1,len-length(s))),s]; end
s = [' ',s];
for j=0:n,
element = a(i,col+j);
if imag(element) ~= 0
s=[s,sprintf('%12.5f + %12.5fi',[real(element) imag(element)])];
if element==0,
s=[s,' 0'];
elseif (element>=1.e6)|(element<=-1.e5)|(abs(element)<.0001)
s=[s,sprintf(' %12.5e',element)];
s=[s,sprintf(' %12.5f',element)];
end % for
col = col+col_per_scrn;
disp(' ')
if (ncols-col<n), n=ncols-col; end
end % while
% end printmat
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 863
Any print function in matlab will only print real value of imaginary number. TO get both the parts you must call them explicitly.So correct usage would be
printmat([x,y,real(z),imag(z)],'fftdemo','N=1 2 3 4 5','x y x iy');
But this wont be of any use now since both are parts are getting printed twice.
Upvotes: 2