Reputation: 11
I'm struggling with a Prolog homework like below,
Prolog uses general trees, not binary trees. An example is
a(b,c,d(e,f,g)) where root a has 3 kids, as does kid d.
It is possible to define both preorder and postorder for general trees,
although inorder of course makes no sense.
For this assignment we are interested in postorder, which is defined as
to 'visit' a tree in postorder,
you visit the subtrees of the root, in left to right order,
in postorder, and then you visit the root
Thus the example above would yield the following postorder traversal:
b c e f g d a
Write Prolog code which will perform a postorder traversal of a Prolog
tree constant. Hint: you might use 'univ', or its cousins.
Sample dialog:
?- postorder(a(b,c,d(e,f,g))).
b c e f g d a true
Any help of this puzzle is appreciated.
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Views: 1377
Reputation: 418
postorder(Tree):- Tree =..[Parent|Children] , myfun(Children), write(Parent),write(' ').
myfun([First|Next]):- atom(First), write(First), write(' '), myfun(Next).
myfun([First|Next]):- postorder(First),myfun(Next).
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Reputation: 40768
I give you a solution that works for a cleaner data representation, which works solely by pattern matching and does not require any univ
etc. I uniformly present all trees in the form tree(Node, Children)
. Your example can be written in this representation as:
example(T) :-
T = tree(a, [tree(b,[]),
tree(d, [tree(e,[]),
Now, as you are describing a list of nodes, consider using a DCG. For example:
postorder(tree(Node, Children)) -->
postorder_([]) --> [].
postorder_([C|Cs]) -->
Example query with the above definitions and its result:
?- example(T), phrase(postorder(T), Ns).
T = tree(a, ...),
Ns = [b, c, e, f, g, d, a].
I leave it as a simple exercise to make this DCG work with your representation of trees (which I do not recommend, since you cannot describe solutions via pattern matching alone although that is clearly possible with a different representation, as I show above).
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1564
tree :-
Tree= [1,
[7, nil, nil],
[5, nil, nil]],
[8, nil, nil],
[9,nil, nil]],
write('preorder : '), preorder(Tree), nl,
write('inorder : '), inorder(Tree), nl,
write('postorder : '), postorder(Tree), nl,
write('level-order : '), level_order([Tree]),!.
preorder([Node, FG, FD]) :-
format('~w ', [Node]),
inorder([Node, FG, FD]) :-
format('~w ', [Node]),
postorder([Node, FG, FD]) :-
format('~w ', [Node]).
level_order(A) :-
level_order_(A, U-U, S),
level_order_([], S-[],S).
level_order_([[Node, FG, FD] | T], CS, FS) :-
format('~w ', [Node]),
append_dl(CS, [FG, FD|U]-U, CS1),
level_order_(T, CS1, FS).
level_order_([nil | T], CS, FS) :-
level_order_(T, CS, FS).
append_dl(X-Y, Y-Z, X-Z).
via Rosetta Code - Tree Traversal in Prolog
The code has preorder, inorder, postorder and level order.
Take a look at them all, you might find them useful.
?- tree.
preorder : 1 2 4 7 5 3 6 8 9
inorder : 7 4 2 5 1 8 6 9 3
postorder : 7 4 5 2 8 9 6 3 1
level-order : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
true .
Edit: At the end of the tree
query I added the !
so it will stop the backtracking on the first true.
. Otherwise after true.
, if you typed ;
you would get true.
again and again and again.
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