Haim Evgi
Haim Evgi

Reputation: 125624

Absolute vs relative URLs

I would like to know the differences between these two types of URLs: relative URLs (for pictures, CSS files, JavaScript files, etc.) and absolute URLs.

In addition, which one is better to use?

Upvotes: 284

Views: 409729

Answers (14)

m3m3n70 m0r1
m3m3n70 m0r1

Reputation: 33

Relative URLs might be a bad idea from a security standpoint. The reason being that they can make it easier to bypass a Content-Security-Policy (CSP):

  • Assume you have a CSP that only allows scripts with a valid nonce
  • Assume you point to a script using a relative URL: <script src="/some-file.js" nonce="valid-nonce"></script>
  • Assume you have a XSS vulnerability in your page, i.e., an attacker is able to inject some HTML/JS

If an attacker tries to inject <script src="https://attacker.com/malicious.js"></script>, the CSP prevents execution because the script doesn't carry the correct nonce.

HOWEVER, the attacker can inject a <base href="https://attacker.com"> and host a malicious /some-file.js file. Now, <script src="/some-file.js" nonce="valid-nonce"></script> points to that malicious file and is ALLOWED by the CSP because it carries the correct nonce!

=> the attacker bypassed the CSP restriction though base tag injection

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 6792

I know there are a lot of answers here, but none point out several important factors affecting URL resolution.

The Difference:

  • Absolute URLs are complete URLs, and can be resolved independently.
  • Relative URLs are only a part of a URL, and require another URL to be completed and resolved.
    This other URL is generally the URL of the webpage that the relative URL appears on.
    Relative URLs must always resolve to absolute URLs in order to be loaded.

Absolute URL:

In general, here's a breakdown of a typical absolute URL:

  • http: Protocol
  • //example.com Domain / Hostname
  • :80 Port (Not required. Defaults to 80 or 443)
  • /some/path Path
  • ?s=hello Query
  • #section-1 Hash / Fragment (Not sent over the internet)

The protocol tells the browser what kind of connection is needed to obtain the resource. Browsers typically only support a few (http / https / ws / wss / ...) but other applications can be connected to the browser to support additional protocols.

The domain tells the browser what server to connect to in order to obtain the resource.

The port indicates which server port to connect to when reached. If not specified, it defaults to 80 when the protocol is http, and 443 when the protocol is https (and other ports for other protocols).

The path is sent to the server as part of the request to indicate which resource on the server to obtain.

The query is additional key-value metadata that is sent to the server, in case the path is insufficient.

The fragment indicates a section within the resource to the browser, once the resource is downloaded. Unlike the rest of the URL, the fragment portion is never sent to the server when fetching a resource over HTTP.

Relative URLs:

There are (at least?) three types of relative URLs, and there are various rules on how they resolve.

Protocol-relative URL:

No protocol: Inherits the protocol from the page it's on.

Example: //example.com/some/path:

  • From page https://somewebsite.com,
    it would resolve to https://example.com/some/path.

Root-anchored URL:

No domain: Inherits the protocol and domain from the page it's on.

Example: /some/path:

  • From page https://example.com/another/path,
    it would resolve to https://example.com/some/path

Page-relative URL:

Relative: Inherits the current protocol, domain, and path, replacing everything after the last slash.

Example: some/path:

  • From page https://example.com/another/page,
    it would resolve to https://example.com/another/some/path.
  • From page https://example.com/another/page/ (with trailing slash),
    it would resolve to https://example.com/another/page/some/path.
  • A major exception is when a <base> tag appears on the page.

    For example, from page https://example.com/another/page
    with <base href="http://example.com/"> within the page's <head>,
    it would resolve to https://example.com/some/path.

    Or, with <base href="http://example.com/another/path">,
    it would resolve to https://example.com/another/some/path

    Essentially it uses the URL in the <base> tag instead of the current page's URL.
    (Note, <base> tags have no effect on protocol-relative or root-anchored URLs.)

Relative Path Navigation:

Once a URL has been resolved to an absolute URL, the next step in the resolution process is relative path navigation, resolving occurrences of . and .. path parts. Note, this step only applies to and modifies the 'path' part of the URL.

  • A /./ in the URL path resolves to the same location.
    To resolve:
    Repetitively replace all occurrences of /./ in the URL path with just /.
  • A /../ in the URL path resolves one level up.
    To resolve:
    Repetitively replace all occurrences of /<part>/../ with just / in the URL path.
    (Note, as it applies to the path only, /<part>/ is never the domain).
    Then, repetitively replace any remaining occurrences of /../ at the root of the path with just /.
    (Navigating up a level from the top-level has no effect.)

Conclusion and Best-Practice:

In my opinion, best practice is:

  • Use root-anchored relative URLs when pointing to other pages / resources on the same site. This ensures that (as others mention), if your code is moved to another domain or protocol, the site will still function fine.
  • For all external links, absolute URLs are generally best. Although, protocol-relative URLs can be better in rare cases.
  • But I always try to avoid using non-root-anchored relative paths, as they tend toward a lot of confusion and issues, such as when the url of the page you're on happens to have a trailing slash when it shouldn't.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 72729

Should I use absolute or relative URLs?

If by absolute URLs you mean URLs including scheme (e.g. HTTP / HTTPS) and the hostname (e.g. yourdomain.example) don't ever do that (for local resources) because it will be terrible to maintain and debug.

Let's say you have used absolute URL everywhere in your code like <img src="http://yourdomain.example/images/example.png">. Now what will happen when you are going to:

  • switch to another scheme (e.g. HTTP -> HTTPS)
  • switch domain names (test.yourdomain.example -> yourdomain.example)

In the first example what will happen is that you will get warnings about unsafe content being requested on the page. Because all your URLs are hard coded to use http(://yourdomain.example/images/example.png). And when running your pages over HTTPS the browser expects all resources to be loaded over HTTPS to prevent leaking of information.

In the second example, when putting your site live from the test environment, it would mean all resources are still pointing to your test domain instead of your live domain.

So to answer your question about whether to use absolute or relative URLs: always use relative URLs (for local resources).

What are the differences between the different URLs?

First lets have a look at the different types of URLs that we can use:

  • http://yourdomain.example/images/example.png
  • //yourdomain.example/images/example.png
  • /images/example.png
  • images/example.png

What resources do these URLs try to access on the server?

In the examples below I assume the website is running from the following location on the server /var/www/mywebsite.


The above (absolute) URL tries to access the resource /var/www/website/images/example.png. This type of URL is something you would always want to avoid for requesting resources from your own website for reason outlined above. However it does have its place. For example if you have a website http://yourdomain.example and you want to request a resource from an external domain over HTTPS you should use this. E.g., https://externalsite.example/path/to/image.png.


This URL is relative based on the current scheme used and should almost always be used when including external resources (images, JavaScript files, etc.).

This type of URL uses the current scheme of the page it is on. This means that you are on the page http://yourdomain.example and on that page is an image tag <img src="//yourdomain.example/images/example.png">, the URL of the image would resolve in http://yourdomain.example/images/example.png. When you would have been on the page https://yourdomain.example and on that page is an image tag <img src="//yourdomain.example/images/example.png"> the URL of the image would resolve in https://yourdomain.example/images/example.png.

This prevents loading resources over HTTPS when it is not needed and automatically makes sure the resource is requested over HTTPS when it is needed.

The above URL resolves in the same manner on the server side as the previous URL:

The above (absolute) URL tries to access the resource /var/www/website/images/example.png.


For local resources this is the preferred way of referencing them. This is a relative URL based on the document root (/var/www/mywebsite) of your website. This means when you have <img src="/images/example.png"> it will always resolve to /var/www/mywebsite/images/example.png.

If at some point you decide to switch domain it will still work because it is relative.


This is also a relative URL although a bit different than the previous one. This URL is relative to the current path. What this means is that it will resolve to different paths depending on where you are in the site.

For example, when you are on the page http://yourdomain.example and you use <img src="images/example.png"> it would resolve on the server to /var/www/mywebsite/images/example.png as expected, however when your are on the page http://yourdomain.example/some/path and you use the exact same image tag it suddenly will resolve to /var/www/mywebsite/some/path/images/example.png.

When should I use what?

When requesting external resources, you most likely want to use an URL relative to the scheme (unless you want to force a different scheme) and when dealing with local resources you want to use relative URLs based on the document root.

An example document:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <link href='//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:300italic,700italic,300,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
        <link href="/style/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"></style>
        <img src="/images/some/localimage.png" alt="">
        <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js" ></script>

Some (kind of) duplicates

Upvotes: 332


Reputation: 13953

I'm going to have to disagree with the majority here.

I think the relative URL scheme is "fine" when you want to quickly get something up and running and not think outside the box, particularly if your project is small with few developers (or just yourself).

However, once you start working on big, fatty systems where you switch domains and protocols all the time, I believe that a more elegant approach is in order.

When you compare absolute and relative URLs in essence, absolute wins. Why? Because it won't ever break. Ever. An absolute URL is exactly what it says it is. The catch is when you have to maintain your absolute URLs.

The weak approach to absolute URL linking is actually hard coding the entire URL. It is not a great idea and is probably the culprit of why people see them as dangerous, evil, and annoying to maintain. A better approach is to write yourself an easy-to-use URL generator. These are easy to write, and can be incredibly powerful—automatically detecting your protocol, easy-to-configuration (literally set the URL once for the whole application), etc., and it injects your domain all by itself. The nice thing about that: You go on coding using relative URLs, and at run time the application inserts your URLs as full absolutes on the fly. Awesome.

Seeing as how practically all modern sites use some sort of dynamic back-end, it's in the best interest of said site to do it that way. Absolute URLs do more than just make you certain of where they point to—they also can improve SEO performance.

I might add that the argument that absolute URLs is somehow going to change the load time of the page is a myth. If your domain weighs more than a few bytes and you're on a dialup modem in the 1980s, sure. But that's just not the case anymore. https://stackoverflow.com/ is 25 bytes, whereas the "topbar-sprite.png" file that they use for the nav area of the site weighs in at more than 9 KB. That means that the additional URL data is 0.2% of the loaded data in comparison to the sprite file, and that file is not even considered a big performance hit.

That big, unoptimized, full-page background image is much more likely to slow your load times.

An interesting post about why relative URLs shouldn't be used is here: Why relative URLs should be forbidden for web developers

An issue that can arise with relatives, for instance, is that sometimes server mappings (mind you on big, messed up projects) don't line up with file names and the developer may make an assumption about a relative URL that just isn't true. I just saw that today on a project that I'm on and it brought an entire page down.

Or perhaps a developer forgot to switch a pointer and all of a sudden google indexed your entire test environment. Whoops- duplicate content (bad for SEO!).

Absolutes can be dangerous, but when used properly and in a way that can't break your build they are proven to be more reliable. Look at the article above which gives a bunch of reasons why the WordPress URL generator is super awesome.


Upvotes: 12

Roland Bouman
Roland Bouman

Reputation: 31991

See Example URIs (Wikipedia).

foo://username:[email protected]:8042/over/there/index.dtb;type=animal?name=ferret#nose
\ /   \________________/\_________/ \__/            \___/ \_/ \_________/ \_________/ \__/
 |           |               |       |                |    |       |           |       |
 |       userinfo         hostname  port              |    |       parameter query  fragment
 |    \_______________________________/ \_____________|____|____________/
scheme                |                               | |  |
 |                authority                           |path|
 |                                                    |    |
 |            path                       interpretable as filename
 |   ___________|____________                              |
/ \ /                        \                             |
urn:example:animal:ferret:nose               interpretable as extension

An absolute URL includes the parts before the "path" part - in other words, it includes the scheme (the http in http://foo/bar/baz) and the hostname (the foo in http://foo/bar/baz) (and optionally port, userinfo and port).

Relative URLs start with a path.

Absolute URLs are, well, absolute: the location of the resource can be resolved looking only at the URL itself. A relative URL is in a sense incomplete: to resolve it, you need the scheme and hostname, and these are typically taken from the current context. For example, in a web page at


you could put a link like so

<a href="pages/page1">click me</a>

In the href attribute of the link, a relative URLs used, and if it is clicked, it has to be resolved in order to follow it. In this case, the current context is


so the schema, hostname, and leading path of these are taken and prepended to pages/page1, yielding


If the link would have been:

<a href="/pages/page1">click me</a>

(note the / appearing at the start of the URL) then it would have been resolved as


because the leading / indicates the root of the host.

In a web application, I would advise to use relative URLs for all resources that belong to your app. That way, if you change the location of the pages, everything will continue to work. Any external resources (could be pages completely outside your application, but also static content that you deliver through a content delivery network) should always be pointed to using absolute URLs: if you don't there simply is no way to locate them, because they reside on a different server.

Upvotes: 82


Reputation: 66525

If it is for use within your website, it's better practice to use relative URLs like this. If you need to move the website to another domain name or just debug locally, you can.

Take a look at what's Stack Overflow is doing (Ctrl + U in Firefox):

<a href="/users/recent/90691"> // Link to an internal element

In some cases they use absolute URLs:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://sstatic.net/so/all.css?v=5934">

... but this is only it's a best practice to improve speed. In your case, it doesn't look like you're doing anything like that so I wouldn't worry about it.

Upvotes: 6


Reputation: 22646

Let's say you have a site www.yourserver.example. In the root directory for web documents you have an images sub-directoy and in that you have myimage.jpg.

An absolute URL defines the exact location of the document, for example:


A relative URL defines the location relative to the current directory, for example, given you are in the root web directory your image is in:


(relative to that root directory)

You should always use relative URLs where possible. If you move the site to www.anotherserver.com you would have to update all the absolute URLs that were pointing at www.yourserver.example, relative ones will just keep working as is.

Upvotes: 3

Vlad Alivanov
Vlad Alivanov

Reputation: 1234

Assume we are creating a subsite whose files are in the folder http://site.ru/shop.

1. Absolute URL

Link to home page

Link to the product page

2. Relative URL

Link from home page to product page

Link from product page to home page

Although relative URL look shorter than absolute one, but the absolute URLs are more preferable, since a link can be used unchanged on any page of site.

Intermediate cases

We have considered two extreme cases: "absolutely" absolute and "absolutely" relative URLs. But everything is relative in this world. This also applies to URLs. Every time you say about absolute URL, you should always specify relative to what.

3. Protocol-relative URL

Link to home page

Link to product page

Google recommends such URL. Now, however, it is generally considered that http:// and https:// are different sites.

4. Root-relative URL

I.e. relative to the root folder of the domain.

Link to home page

Link to product page

It is a good choice if all pages are within the same domain. When you move your site to another domain, you don't have to do a mass replacements of the domain name in the URLs.

5. Base-relative URL (home-page-relative)

The tag <base> specifies the base URL, which is automatically added to all relative links and anchors. The base tag does not affect absolute links. As a base URL we'll specify the home page: <base href="http://sites.ru/shop/">.

Link to home page

Link to product page

Now you can move your site not only to any domain, but in any subfolder. Just keep in mind that, although URLs look like relative, in fact they are absolute. Especially pay attention to anchors. To navigate within the current page we have to write href="t-shirts/t-shirt-life-is-good/#comments" not href="#comments". The latter will throw on home page.


For internal links I use base-relative URLs (5). For external links and newsletters I use absolute URLs (1).

Upvotes: 67


Reputation: 5649

There are really three types that should be discussed explicitly. In practice though URLs have been abstracted to be handled at a lower level and I would go as far as to say that developers could go through their entire lives without writing a single URL by hand.


Absolute URLs tie your code to the protocol and domain. This can be overcome with dynamic URLs.

<a href=“https://dev.example.com/a.html?q=”>https://dev.example.com/a.html?q=</a>

Absolute Pros:

  1. Control - The subdomain and protocol can be controlled. People that enter through an obscure subdomain will be funneled into the proper subdomain. You can hop back and forth between secure and non-secure as appropriate.

  2. Configurable - Developers love things to be absolute. You can design neat algorithms when using absolute URLs. URLs can be made configurable so that a URL can be updated site-wide with a single change in a single configuration file.

  3. Clairvoyance - You can search for the people scraping your site or maybe pick up some extra external links.

Root Relative

Root Relative URLs tie your code to the base url. This can be overcome with dynamic URLs and/or base tags.

<a href=“/index.php?q=”>.example.com/index.php?q=</a>

Root Relative Pros:

  1. Configurable - The base tag makes them relative to any root you choose making switching domains and implementing templates easy.


Relative URLs tie your code to the directory structure. There is no way to overcome this. Relative URLs are only useful in file systems for traversing directories or as a shortcut for a menial task.

<a href=“index.php?q=”>index.php?q=</a>
<link src=“../.././../css/default.css” />

Relative Cons:

  1. CONFUSING - How many dots is that? how many folders is that? Where is the file? Why isn't it working?

  2. MAINTENANCE - If a file is accidentally moved resources quit loading, links send the user to the wrong pages, form data might be sent to the incorrect page. If a file NEEDS to be moved all the resources that are going to quit loading and all the links that are going to be incorrect need to be updated.

  3. DOES NOT SCALE - When webpages become more complex and views start getting reused across multiple pages the relative links will be relative to the file that they were included into. If you have a navigation snippet of HTML that is going to be on every page then relative will be relative to a lot of different places. The first thing people realize when they start creating a template is that they need a way to manage the URLs.

  4. COMPUTED - They are implemented by your browser (hopefully according to RFC). See chapter 5 in RFC3986.

  5. OOPS! - Errors or typos can result in spider traps.

The Evolution of Routes

Developers have stopped writing URLs in the sense being discussed here. All requests are for a website's index file and contain a query string, aka a route. The route can be thought of as a mini URL that tells your application the content to be generated.

<a href="<?=Route::url('named_url', array('first' => 'my', 'last' => 'whacky'))?>">

Routes Pros:

  1. All the advantages of absolute urls.
  2. Use of any character in URL.
  3. More control (Good for SEO).
  4. Ability to algorithmically generate URLs. This allows the URLs to be configurable. Altering the URL is a single change in a single file.
  5. No need for 404 not founds. Fallback routes can display a site map or error page.
  6. Convenient security of indirect access to application files. Guard statements can make sure that everybody is arriving through the proper channels.
  7. Practicality in MVC approach.

My Take

Most people will make use of all three forms in their projects in some way or another. The key is to understand them and to choose the one best suited for the task.

Upvotes: 25


Reputation: 198247

For every system that support relative URI resolution, both relative and absolute URIs do serve the same goal: referencing. And they can be used interchangeably. So you could decide in each case differently. Technically, they provide the same referencing.

To be precise, with each relative URI there already is an absolute URI. And that's the base-URI that relative URI is resolved against. So a relative URI is actually a feature on top of absolute URIs.

And that's also why with relative URIs you can do more as with an absolute URI alone - this is especially important for static websites which otherwise couldn't be as flexible to maintain as compared to absolute URIs.

These positive effects of relative URI resolution can be exploited for dynamic web-application development as well. The inflexibility absolute URIs do introduce are also easier to cope up with, in a dynamic environment, so for some developers that are unsure about URI resolution and how to properly implement and manage it (not that it's always easy) do often opt into using absolute URIs in a dynamic part of a website as they can introduce other dynamic features (e.g. configuration variable containing the URI prefix) so to work around the inflexibility.

So what is the benefit then in using absolute URIs? Technically there ain't, but one I'd say: Relative URIs are more complex because they need to be resolved against the so called absolute base-URI. Even the resolution is strictly define since years, you might run over a client that has a mistake in URI resolution. As absolute URIs do not need any resolution, using absolute URIs have no risk to run into faulty client behaviour with relative URI resolution. So how high is that risk actually? Well, it's very rare. I only know about one Internet browser that had an issue with relative URI resolution. And that was not generally but only in a very (obscure) case.

Next to the HTTP client (browser) it's perhaps more complex for an author of hypertext documents or code as well. Here the absolute URI has the benefit that it is easier to test, as you can just enter it as-is into your browsers address bar. However, if it's not just your one-hour job, it's most often of more benefit to you to actually understand absolute and relative URI handling so that you can actually exploit the benefits of relative linking.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 1067

I would heartily recommend relative URLs for pointing bits of the same site to other bits of the same site.

Don't forget that a change to HTTPS - even if in the same site - is going to need an absolute URL.

Upvotes: -4


Reputation: 655785

A URL that starts with the URL scheme and scheme specific part (http://, https://, ftp://, etc.) is an absolute URL.

Any other URL is a relative URL and needs a base URL the relative URL is resolved from (and thus depend on) that is the URL of the resource the reference is used in if not declared otherwise.

Take a look at RFC 2396 – Appendix C for examples of resolving relative URLs.

Upvotes: 5

Ben Everard
Ben Everard

Reputation: 13804

In most instances relative URLs are the way to go, they are portable by nature, which means if you wanted to lift your site and put it someone where else it would work instantly, reducing possibly hours of debugging.

There is a pretty decent article on absolute vs relative URLs, check it out.

Upvotes: 4

Daniel Vassallo
Daniel Vassallo

Reputation: 344551

In general, it is considered best-practice to use relative URLs, so that your website will not be bound to the base URL of where it is currently deployed. For example, it will be able to work on localhost, as well as on your public domain, without modifications.

Upvotes: 213

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