Reputation: 4093
I've a txt-file in a /directoryfolder:
~/hej/git_testing(master ✗) git status inside I've: a file.txt
Now when I want to know the status of this file : git status. I get this (see below)
It seems like I'm adding/committing the whole USER-name -account?
How can I reverse this problem? I just want to know the status of a single file within a specific folder/directory..
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# deleted: ../../Documents/tutsTutorials/ruby/tealeaf/w_development/tl-blackjack-webapp/.DS_Store
# deleted: ../../Documents/tutsTutorials/ruby/tealeaf/w_development/tl-blackjack-webapp/.idea/.name
# deleted: ../../Documents/tutsTutorials/ruby/tealeaf/w_development/tl-blackjack-webapp/.idea/encodings.xml
# deleted: ../../Documents/tutsTutorials/ruby/tealeaf/w_development/tl-blackjack-webapp/.idea/misc.xml
# deleted: ../../Documents/tutsTutorials/ruby/tealeaf/w_development/tl-blackjack-webapp/.idea/modules.xml
# deleted: ../../Documents/tutsTutorials/ruby/tealeaf/w_development/tl-blackjack-webapp/.idea/scopes/scope_settings.xml
# deleted: ../../Documents/tutsTutorials/ruby/tealeaf/w_development/tl-blackjack-webapp/.idea/tl-blackjack-webapp.iml
# deleted: ../../Documents/tutsTutorials/ruby/tealeaf/w_development/tl-blackjack-webapp/.idea/vcs.xml
# deleted: ../../Documents/tutsTutorials/ruby/tealeaf/w_development/tl-blackjack-webapp/.idea/workspace.xml
# deleted: ../../Documents/tutsTutorials/ruby/tealeaf/w_development/tl-blackjack-webapp/Gemfile
# deleted: ../../Documents/tutsTutorials/ruby/tealeaf/w_development/tl-blackjack-webapp/Gemfile.lock
# deleted: ../../Documents/tutsTutorials/ruby/tealeaf/w_development/tl-blackjack-webapp/README
# deleted: ../../Documents/tutsTutorials/ruby/tealeaf/w_development/tl-blackjack-webapp/
# deleted: ../..
and keep going.....
and then
Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# ../../.CFUserTextEncoding
# ../../.Trash/
# ../../.Xauthority
# ../../.adobe/
# ../../.bash_history
# ../../.bash_login.swp
# ../../.bash_profile
# ../../.bashrc
# ../../.codeintel/
# ../../.config/
# ../../.crash_report_checksum
# ../../.crash_report_frames
# ../../.crash_report_preview
# ../../.dbshell
# ../../.dropbox/
# ../../.filezilla/
# ../../.fontconfig/
# ../../.gem/
# ../../.gitconfig
# ../../.gitignore
# ../../.gitk
# ../../.heroku/
# ../../.ievms/
# ../../.irb-history
# ../../.irb_history
# ../../.lesshst
# ../../.local/
# ../../.mongorc.js
# ../../.mysql_history
# ../../.nchsoftware/
# ../../.netrc
# ../../.npm/
and keep going.....
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") ~/hej/git_testing(master ✗)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 74
Reputation: 10053
The git has been initialized accidentally on the entire home folder which has resulted in tracking of all the files. It should be initialized inside a /directoryfolder which contains the txt-file
Remove the .git folder from home directory as it will create confusion and conflict.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 17858
You have created git repository in your home directory. Simply delete ~/.git
Upvotes: 1