Reputation: 703
I’ve created a program with a login system where the user enters his information and the program checks the database the program is connected to to see if the results match and then logs the user in. I want to make a log file for each time a user logs in. The log file’s name should contain the user’s username and the date and time the user logged in. I’m using the following code to check for the user’s credentials and write his details to a log file. Also I want the date in the file name to be something like 23 January 2013.. So the coding for that is before the "with dmPredictGame do..."
sDate := DateToStr(Date());
sTime := TimeToStr(Time());
iYear := StrToInt(Copy(sDate,1,4));
iDay := StrToInt(Copy(sDate,9,2));
K := StrToInt(Copy(sDate,6,2));
Case K of
1 : sMonth := 'January';
2 : sMonth := 'February';
3 : sMonth := 'March';
4 : sMonth := 'April';
5 : sMonth := 'May';
6 : sMonth := 'June';
7 : sMonth := 'July'; //Check for the current month
8 : sMonth := 'August';
9 : sMonth := 'September';
10 : sMonth := 'Oktober';
11 : sMonth := 'November';
12 : sMonth := 'December';
sTime1 := copy(sTime,1,2);
sTime2 := copy(sTime,4,2);
sLoginTime := sTime1 + ';' + sTime2; //Use ; because windows does not allow : in file names
sLoginDate := IntToStr(iDay) + ' ' + sMonth + ' ' + IntToStr(iYear);
with dmPredictGame do
if tblUserInfo.Locate('Username', edtUsername.Text, []) AND ((edtPassword.Text) = tblUserInfo['Password']) then //Check if the username and password is correct.
MessageDlg('Login was successful! Welcome back ' + edtUsername.Text, mtInformation, [mbOK],0);
edtUsername.Text := tblUserInfo['Username'];
sUsername := edtUsername.Text;
sPassword := tblUserInfo['Password'];
sName := tblUserInfo['Name'];
sSurname := tblUserInfo['Surname'];
assignFile(UserLogFile, 'Log ' + sUsername + ' (' + sLoginDate + ') ' + sLoginTime + '.txt');
writeln(UserLogFile, 'Username: ' + sUsername);
writeln(UserLogFile, 'Password: ' + sPassword);
writeln(UserLogFile, 'Name: ' + sName);
writeln(UserLogFile, 'Surname: ' + sSurname);
writeln(UserLogFile, 'Date Logged In: ' + sDate);
writeln(UserLogFile, 'Time Logged In: ' + sTime);
Now my question: How can I create the text file in a different directory than the current directory that the program is in? I have a folder named “Logs” in the same folder that the program itself is in. I want the logs to be saved to that folder when they are created.
Any advice?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 4184
Reputation: 125619
Just retrieve the application's path first, append the \Log\
and filename, and then provide the full path to AssignFile
(All of the following presumes that you actually have write access to the application's directory, of course. Note that if your app is installed in the Windows %ProgramFiles%
folder, it doesn't typically have write access to the installation folder.)
LogFile: string;
// ... other code
LogFile := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName);
LogFile := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(LogFile) + 'Logs';
LogFile := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(LogFile);
LogFile := LogFile +
'Log ' +
sUserName +
' (' + sLoginDate
+ ') ' + sLoginTime + '.txt';
AssignFile(UserLogFile, LogFile);
// Write to log and other code
If you're using a more modern version of Delphi, you can use the functionality in TPath
to make this a little easier:
IOUtils; // For TPath
LogFile: string;
LogFile := TPath.Combine(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)), 'Log');
LogFile := TPath.Combine(LogFile,
'Log ' +
sUserName +
' (' + sLoginDate
+ ') ' + sLoginTime + '.txt';
AssignFile(UserLogFile, LogFile);
For the filename part, I much prefer using Format
instead of all of the concatenations:
LogFileTemplate = 'Log %s(%s)%s.txt';
LogFile: string;
LogFile := TPath.Combine(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)), 'Log');
LogFile := TPath.Combine(LogFile,
[sUserName, sLoginDate, sLoginTime]));
AssignFile(UserLogFile, LogFile);
// Other code
To address your file naming question (the date/time portion), you're going about it totally wrong. :-) You're doing far too much work:
sDate: string;
sDate := FormatDateTime('(dd mmmm yyyy) hhmm', Now);
// Run now on my system shows (22 November 2013) 1645
This means your filename is simplified. Replace sLoginDate
and sLoginTime
with a single sTimeStamp: string;
, and use something like this:
sTimeStamp := FormatDateTime('(dd mmmm yyyy) hhmm', Now);
LogFile := LogFile +
'Log ' +
sUserName +
sTimeStamp +
Upvotes: 11