Reputation: 95
I've attempted to research this around the interwebz but to no avail.
I have this code that searches a folder to see if a file exists. The problem is I don't know the complete file name so I used a wildcard. The file with wildcard "Provider*_extra"&".csv" - the wildcard represents a date and a string - for example Provider_20131126_purple_extra.csv.
I want to know what that wildcard value is - e.g. I want to call the "20131126_purple" or whatever it is. Does anyone know how to do this in VBA? Thank you in advance.
FileName = Dir$(MyPath & "PROVIDER*_EXTRA" & ".csv")
If (Len(FileName) > 0) Then
wb1.Sheets("Found Files").Activate
LastRow = Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Range("E" & LastRow).Activate
End If
Upvotes: 3
Views: 535
Reputation: 38500
This will do what you want.
I have this pair of functions which I wrote and use all the time:
Function GetFilenamesMatchingPattern(ByVal pathPattern As String, _
Optional attributes As VbFileAttribute = vbNormal) As String()
Dim i As Long
Dim nFiles As Long
Dim filenames() As String
nFiles = CountFilesMatchingPattern(pathPattern, attributes)
If nFiles > 0 Then
ReDim filenames(1 To nFiles)
filenames(1) = dir(pathPattern, attributes)
For i = 2 To nFiles
filenames(i) = dir()
Next i
'Return unallocated array
End If
GetFilenamesMatchingPattern = filenames
End Function
Function CountFilesMatchingPattern(ByVal pathPattern As String, _
Optional attributes As VbFileAttribute = vbNormal) As Long
Dim nFiles As Long
If dir(pathPattern, attributes) = "" Then
nFiles = 0
nFiles = 1
Do While dir() <> ""
nFiles = nFiles + 1
End If
CountFilesMatchingPattern = nFiles
End Function
Apologies if anyone doesn't like the style!
Example usage with wildcard:
Dim filenames() As String
filenames = GetFilenamesMatchingPattern("C:\Users\myName\Documents\Book*.xlsm")
'returns an array of Strings:
'{"Book1.xlsm", "Book2.xlsm", "Book2_test.xlsm"}
Now for your specific problem, namely getting the various wildcard values:
Dim i As Long
Dim filenames() As String
Dim wildcardValues() As String
Dim part1 As String
Dim part2 As String
part1 = "Book" ' yours would be "Provider_"
part2 = ".xlsm" ' yours would be "_extra.csv"
filenames = GetFilenamesMatchingPattern("C:\Users\myName\Documents\" _
& part1 & "*" & part2)
ReDim wildcardValues(LBound(filenames) To UBound(filenames))
For i = LBound(filenames) To UBound(filenames)
wildcardValues(i) = Replace(Replace(filenames(i), part1, ""), part2, "")
Next i
'wildcardValues is now:
'{"1", "2", "2_test"}
Upvotes: 2
you can use
Debug.print FileName
to get the name of the file you're currently using.
if you want to loop through all files in a folder please see this
short sample:
Public Const PathToFolder As String = "C:\SampleFolder\"
Sub PrintFilesNames()
Dim file As String
file = Dir$(PathToFolder)
While (Len(file) > 0)
Debug.Print file
file = Dir
End Sub
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 538
You can try it with the REPLACE function:
wildcard = Replace(FileName, "Provider", "")
wildcard = Replace(wildcard, "_extra.csv", "")
Upvotes: 2