
Reputation: 1017

PowerShell script to check the status of a URL

Similar to this question here I am trying to monitor if a set of website links are up and running or not responding. I have found the same PowerShell script over the Internet.

However, instead of direct website links I need to check more specific links, for example:


When I am trying to check on the status of these links, I get the following output:

URL    StatusCode    StatusDescription    ResponseLength    TimeTaken    0
http://maypage2:9080/portal/site/hotpot/    0

The above links requires me to be connected to the VPN, but I can access these links from the browser.

Output of Invoke-WebRequest -Uri

PS C:\Users\682126> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri

The term 'Invoke-WebRequest' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

At line:1 char:18
+ Invoke-WebRequest <<<<  -Uri > tmp.txt
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Invoke-WebRequest:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException


Name                           Value
----                           -----
CLRVersion                     2.0.50727.5472
BuildVersion                   6.1.7601.17514
PSVersion                      2.0
WSManStackVersion              2.0
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0}
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.1

Upvotes: 37

Views: 292224

Answers (10)

Vasili Syrakis
Vasili Syrakis

Reputation: 9591

I recently set up a script that does this.

As David Brabant pointed out, you can use the System.Net.WebRequest class to do an HTTP request.

To check whether it is operational, you should use the following example code:

# First we create the request.
$HTTP_Request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create('')

# We then get a response from the site.
$HTTP_Response = $HTTP_Request.GetResponse()

# We then get the HTTP code as an integer.
$HTTP_Status = [int]$HTTP_Response.StatusCode

If ($HTTP_Status -eq 200) {
    Write-Host "Site is OK!"
Else {
    Write-Host "The Site may be down, please check!"

# Finally, we clean up the http request by closing it.
If ($HTTP_Response -ne $null) { $HTTP_Response.Close() }

Upvotes: 94


Reputation: 71


$statusCode ="0"
# I am assigning the statuscode as 0. if website is running then next step will change it it 200 if website is not running then it will be 0 only
$statusCode = wget -UseBasicParsing | % {$_.StatusCode}
If ($statusCode -eq 200)
      # run your script here ($NewResult = "1")
      # run your script here ($NewResult = "0")


Upvotes: 1

Chris Schneider
Chris Schneider

Reputation: 67

this is a way to use cmd.exe to do the same/similar:

if you install curl for windows you can do a one liner like this:

FOR /F %i IN (myurls.txt) DO (echo %i && c:\curl\bin\curl.exe -I %i | findstr HTTP) >> output.txt

this will echo the url used and write the HTTP response below it.

note: output.txt would need to exist but be empty and be in the same folder you run the command. change the curl.exe path to match where it installs, if not put in the environment path

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 41

I use this and works, (Returns "Ok" if link is available) but it shows the red letters of the error if link is not working. How can I remove the error reporting on this snippet?

$DownloadLink = ""

$NetAvailable = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DownloadLink -UseBasicParsing -DisableKeepAlive -Method Head).StatusDescription

$NetAvailable = OK

    If ($NetAvailable -eq "OK") {Write-Host "Attempting Download";wget -O "$Destination\$FileName" "$DownloadLink"}
Else {"";Write-Warning "Could NOT Download, Manually Copy $ProgramName to $Destination BEFORE Proceeding!";"";PAUSE}

But if link is not working will give me an error and then move to the "Else" It works, I would just like to get rid of the error letters.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 49150

For powershell (7) core, this works:

curl -I


HTTP/1.1 308 Permanent Redirect
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2021 20:29:43 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Connection: keep-alive
Refresh: 0;url=
server: Vercel
x-vercel-id: bom1::zfh9m-1618345783130-62d01e38e332




StatusCode        : 200
StatusDescription : OK
Content           : <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en-US"><head><script async=""
                                window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
RawContent        : HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Upvotes: 3

Shinish Sasidharan
Shinish Sasidharan

Reputation: 91

You must update the Windows PowerShell to minimum of version 4.0 for the script below to work.

[array]$SiteLinks = ""

foreach($url in $SiteLinks) {

   try {
      Write-host "Verifying $url" -ForegroundColor Yellow
      $checkConnection = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url
      if ($checkConnection.StatusCode -eq 200) {
         Write-Host "Connection Verified!" -ForegroundColor Green

   catch [System.Net.WebException] {
      $exceptionMessage = $Error[0].Exception
      if ($exceptionMessage -match "503") {
         Write-Host "Server Unavaiable" -ForegroundColor Red
      elseif ($exceptionMessage -match "404") {
         Write-Host "Page Not found" -ForegroundColor Red


Upvotes: 7


Reputation: 13010

Below is the PowerShell code that I use for basic web URL testing. It includes the ability to accept invalid certs and get detailed information about the results of checking the certificate.

$CertificateValidatorClass = @'
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

namespace CertificateValidation
    public class CertificateValidationResult
        public string Subject { get; internal set; }
        public string Thumbprint { get; internal set; }
        public DateTime Expiration { get; internal set; }
        public DateTime ValidationTime { get; internal set; }
        public bool IsValid { get; internal set; }
        public bool Accepted { get; internal set; }
        public string Message { get; internal set; }

        public CertificateValidationResult()
            ValidationTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

    public static class CertificateValidator
        private static ConcurrentStack<CertificateValidationResult> certificateValidationResults = new ConcurrentStack<CertificateValidationResult>();

        public static CertificateValidationResult[] CertificateValidationResults
                return certificateValidationResults.ToArray();

        public static CertificateValidationResult LastCertificateValidationResult
                CertificateValidationResult lastCertificateValidationResult = null;
                certificateValidationResults.TryPeek(out lastCertificateValidationResult);

                return lastCertificateValidationResult;

        public static bool ServicePointManager_ServerCertificateValidationCallback(object sender, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate certificate, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain chain, System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
            StringBuilder certificateValidationMessage = new StringBuilder();
            bool allowCertificate = true;

            if (sslPolicyErrors != System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.None)
                if ((sslPolicyErrors & System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNameMismatch) == System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNameMismatch)
                    certificateValidationMessage.AppendFormat("The remote certificate name does not match.\r\n", certificate.Subject);

                if ((sslPolicyErrors & System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateChainErrors) == System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateChainErrors)
                    certificateValidationMessage.AppendLine("The certificate chain has the following errors:");
                    foreach (System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatus chainStatus in chain.ChainStatus)
                        certificateValidationMessage.AppendFormat("\t{0}", chainStatus.StatusInformation);

                        if (chainStatus.Status == System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags.Revoked)
                            allowCertificate = false;

                if ((sslPolicyErrors & System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNotAvailable) == System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNotAvailable)
                    certificateValidationMessage.AppendLine("The remote certificate was not available.");
                    allowCertificate = false;

                certificateValidationMessage.AppendLine("The remote certificate is valid.");

            CertificateValidationResult certificateValidationResult = new CertificateValidationResult
                    Subject = certificate.Subject,
                    Thumbprint = certificate.GetCertHashString(),
                    Expiration = DateTime.Parse(certificate.GetExpirationDateString()),
                    IsValid = (sslPolicyErrors == System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.None),
                    Accepted = allowCertificate,
                    Message = certificateValidationMessage.ToString()

            return allowCertificate;

        public static void SetDebugCertificateValidation()
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = ServicePointManager_ServerCertificateValidationCallback;

        public static void SetDefaultCertificateValidation()
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = null;

        public static void ClearCertificateValidationResults()

function Set-CertificateValidationMode
    Sets the certificate validation mode.
    Set the certificate validation mode to one of three modes with the following behaviors:
        Default -- Performs the .NET default validation of certificates. Certificates are not checked for revocation and will be rejected if invalid.
        CheckRevocationList -- Cerftificate Revocation Lists are checked and certificate will be rejected if revoked or invalid.
        Debug -- Certificate Revocation Lists are checked and revocation will result in rejection. Invalid certificates will be accepted. Certificate validation
                 information is logged and can be retrieved from the certificate handler.
    Set-CertificateValidationMode Debug
    The mode for certificate validation.
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $false)]
        [ValidateSet('Default', 'CheckRevocationList', 'Debug')]
        [string] $Mode

        $isValidatorClassLoaded = (([System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | ?{ $_.GlobalAssemblyCache -eq $false }) | ?{ $_.DefinedTypes.FullName -contains 'CertificateValidation.CertificateValidator' }) -ne $null

        if ($isValidatorClassLoaded -eq $false)
            Add-Type -TypeDefinition $CertificateValidatorClass

        switch ($Mode)
                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CheckCertificateRevocationList = $true
                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CheckCertificateRevocationList = $true
                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CheckCertificateRevocationList = $false

function Clear-CertificateValidationResults
    Clears the collection of certificate validation results.
    Clears the collection of certificate validation results.
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $false)]

        $isValidatorClassLoaded = (([System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | ?{ $_.GlobalAssemblyCache -eq $false }) | ?{ $_.DefinedTypes.FullName -contains 'CertificateValidation.CertificateValidator' }) -ne $null

        if ($isValidatorClassLoaded -eq $false)
            Add-Type -TypeDefinition $CertificateValidatorClass

        Sleep -Milliseconds 20

function Get-CertificateValidationResults
    Gets the certificate validation results for all operations performed in the PowerShell session since the Debug cerificate validation mode was enabled.
    Gets the certificate validation results for all operations performed in the PowerShell session since the Debug certificate validation mode was enabled in reverse chronological order.
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $false)]

        $isValidatorClassLoaded = (([System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | ?{ $_.GlobalAssemblyCache -eq $false }) | ?{ $_.DefinedTypes.FullName -contains 'CertificateValidation.CertificateValidator' }) -ne $null

        if ($isValidatorClassLoaded -eq $false)
            Add-Type -TypeDefinition $CertificateValidatorClass

        return [CertificateValidation.CertificateValidator]::CertificateValidationResults

function Test-WebUrl
    Tests and reports information about the provided web URL.
    Tests a web URL and reports the time taken to get and process the request and response, the HTTP status, and the error message if an error occurred.
    Test-WebUrl ''
    '' | Test-WebUrl
    .PARAMETER HostName
    The Hostname to add to the back connection hostnames list.
    .PARAMETER UseDefaultCredentials
    If present the default Windows credential will be used to attempt to authenticate to the URL; otherwise, no credentials will be presented.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Uri] $Url,
        [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestMethod] $Method = 'Get',
        [switch] $UseDefaultCredentials

        [bool] $succeeded = $false
        [string] $statusCode = $null
        [string] $statusDescription = $null
        [string] $message = $null
        [int] $bytesReceived = 0
        [Timespan] $timeTaken = [Timespan]::Zero 

        $timeTaken = Measure-Command `
                    [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HtmlWebResponseObject] $response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials:$UseDefaultCredentials -Method $Method -Uri $Url
                    $succeeded = $true
                    $statusCode = $response.StatusCode.ToString('D')
                    $statusDescription = $response.StatusDescription
                    $bytesReceived = $response.RawContent.Length

                    Write-Verbose "$($Url.ToString()): $($statusCode) $($statusDescription) $($message)"
                catch [System.Net.WebException]
                    $message = $Error[0].Exception.Message
                    [System.Net.HttpWebResponse] $exceptionResponse = $Error[0].Exception.GetBaseException().Response

                    if ($exceptionResponse -ne $null)
                        $statusCode = $exceptionResponse.StatusCode.ToString('D')
                        $statusDescription = $exceptionResponse.StatusDescription
                        $bytesReceived = $exceptionResponse.ContentLength

                        if ($statusCode -in '401', '403', '404')
                            $succeeded = $true
                        Write-Warning "$($Url.ToString()): $($message)"

        return [PSCustomObject] @{ Url = $Url; Succeeded = $succeeded; BytesReceived = $bytesReceived; TimeTaken = $timeTaken.TotalMilliseconds; StatusCode = $statusCode; StatusDescription = $statusDescription; Message = $message; }

Set-CertificateValidationMode Debug

Write-Host 'Testing web sites:'
'', '', '', '', '', '', '' | Test-WebUrl | ft -AutoSize

Write-Host 'Certificate validation results (most recent first):'
Get-CertificateValidationResults | ft -AutoSize

Upvotes: 6

Warren Rumak
Warren Rumak

Reputation: 3864

For people that have PowerShell 3 or later (i.e. Windows Server 2012+ or Windows Server 2008 R2 with the Windows Management Framework 4.0 update), you can do this one-liner instead of invoking System.Net.WebRequest:

$statusCode = wget | % {$_.StatusCode}

Upvotes: 36

Rosberg Linhares
Rosberg Linhares

Reputation: 3687

You can try this:

function Get-UrlStatusCode([string] $Url)
        (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -UseBasicParsing -DisableKeepAlive).StatusCode
    catch [Net.WebException]

$statusCode = Get-UrlStatusCode ''

Upvotes: 27

David Brabant
David Brabant

Reputation: 43459

$request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create('')

$response = $request.GetResponse()



Upvotes: 10

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