Reputation: 1535
I have 2 viewcontrollers. One contain button from which I am sending request to server and in another viewcontroller I am displaying data in tableview. Now my application crashed sometimes not everytime when it is executing tableview method. I got crashed at method CFRetain Here is my log.
Here is my code of tableview:
#import "SearchResultViewController.h"
#import "UIImageView+AFNetworking.h"
#import "SearchResultCell.h"
@interface SearchResultViewController ()
@implementation SearchResultViewController
- (id)initWithStyle:(UITableViewStyle)style {
self = [super initWithStyle:style];
if (self) {
// Custom initialization
return self;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
UIBarButtonItem *btnHelp = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Help" style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:@selector(btnHelpAction:)];
self.title = @"Search Result";
HelpViewController *HVC=[[HelpViewController alloc]init];
UINavigationController *helpNavController=[[UINavigationController alloc]initWithRootViewController:HVC];
[self presentViewController:helpNavController animated:YES completion:nil];}
- (void)setTitle:(NSString *)title {
// [super setTitle:title];
UILabel *titleView = (UILabel *)self.navigationItem.titleView;
if (!titleView) {
titleView = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
titleView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
titleView.font = [UIFont fontWithName:GZFont size:16.0];
titleView.textColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:241/255.0 green:90/255.0 blue:41/255.0 alpha:1.0];
self.navigationItem.titleView = titleView;
titleView.text = title;
[titleView sizeToFit];
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView {
return [MyAppDelegate.searchResultArray count];
// return 1;
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section {
return 1; //changes
- (CGFloat) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
return 100;
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
SearchResultCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"SearchResultCell"];
NSArray *tempSearchArray=[MyAppDelegate.searchResultArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.section];
if (cell == nil) {
NSArray *topLevelObject;
topLevelObject = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"SearchResultCell" owner:self options:nil];
cell = [topLevelObject objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(@"%@",[tempSearchArray objectAtIndex:0]);
cell.lblUsername.text = [tempSearchArray objectAtIndex:0];
cell.lblNumber.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[tempSearchArray objectAtIndex:1]];
if([tempSearchArray objectAtIndex:2]==[NSNull null])
cell.lblFirst_name.text = [tempSearchArray objectAtIndex:2];
cell.lblLast_name.text = [tempSearchArray objectAtIndex:3];
cell.lblEstablishment.text = @"E1123522";
if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] valueForKey:@"UserLogedInType"] intValue] == LoginTypeFacebook) {
if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"FBUserLogedInProfileData"] != [NSNull null]) {
NSMutableDictionary *FBUserProfileData = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"FBUserLogedInProfileData"]];
[cell.imgIcon setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"",[FBUserProfileData objectForKey:@"id"]]]
placeholderImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon.png"]];
else {
if([[tempSearchArray objectAtIndex:6] boolValue]==1){
ASIFormDataRequest *_requestImage = [[ASIFormDataRequest alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:URLGetImage]];
__unsafe_unretained ASIFormDataRequest *requestImage = _requestImage;
[requestImage setPostValue:[tempSearchArray objectAtIndex:4] forKey:@"user_id"];
[requestImage startAsynchronous];
[requestImage setCompletionBlock:^{
NSLog(@"proimage%@",[requestImage responseData]);
cell.imgIcon.image=[UIImage imageWithData:[requestImage responseData] scale:1.0f];
[cell.imgIcon setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"No_image.png"]];
cell.imgIcon.layer.cornerRadius = 3.0;
cell.imgIcon.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
DYRateView *rateView = [[DYRateView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(90, 75, 120, 20)
fullStar:[UIImage imageNamed:@"StarFullLarge.png"]
emptyStar:[UIImage imageNamed:@"StarEmptyLarge.png"]];
rateView.padding = 2;
rateView.rate =[[tempSearchArray objectAtIndex:5] floatValue];
//NSLog(@"rating value%f",[[tempSearchArray objectAtIndex:4] floatValue]);
rateView.alignment = RateViewAlignmentCenter;
rateView.editable = YES;
rateView.delegate = self;
rateView.editable = NO;
[cell addSubview:rateView];
return cell;
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{
SearchedProfileViewController *profileVC=[[SearchedProfileViewController alloc]init];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:profileVC animated:YES];
//[self presentViewController:profileVC animated:YES completion:nil];
- (void)rateView:(DYRateView *)rateView changedToNewRate:(NSNumber *)rate {
// self.rateLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Rate: %d", rate.intValue];
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
updated crash log:
Objective: {objective 0xda869f0: <1:568> + <1:0.5>*0xd982420.marker{id: 726} + <1:-0.5>*_UIParallaxDimmingView:0x1186bb10.Height{id: 707}} 2013-12-05 14:41:01.318 GratZeez[1567:3503] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '<NSISEngine: 0xc67f090>{ Rows: 0xc67fa30.negError{id: 631} == 6 + -1*0xc67d5e0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 495} + 1*0xc67fa30.posErrorMarker{id: 630} 0xc685ce0.posErrorMarker{id: 644} == 132 + 1*0xc68b900:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 509} + 1*0xc685ce0.negError{id: 645} 0xc6888b0.posErrorMarker{id: 658} == 106 + 1*0xc68b9c0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 517} + 1*0xc6888b0.negError{id: 659} 0xc6888f0.posErrorMarker{id: 660} == 0 + 1*0xc67b5d0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 519} + 1*0xc6888f0.negError{id: 661} 0xc69ffd0.posErrorMarker{id: 646} == 0 + 1*0xc68b930:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 511} + 1*0xc69ffd0.negError{id: 647} 0xc6b3200.posErrorMarker{id: 628} == 90 + 1*0xc67ace0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 493} + 1*0xc6b3200.negError{id: 629} 0xc6b45d0.posErrorMarker{id: 636} == 114 + 1*0xc67d670:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 501} + 1*0xc6b45d0.negError{id: 637} 0xc6b4620.posErrorMarker{id: 638} == 0 + 1*0xc67d6a0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 503} + 1*0xc6b4620.negError{id: 639} 0xc6b4dc0.posErrorMarker{id: 664} == 72 + 1*0xc67b660:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 525} + 1*0xc6b4dc0.negError{id: 665} 0xc6b4e00.posErrorMarker{id: 667} == 0 + 1*0xc67b690:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 527} + 1*0xc6b4e00.negError{id: 668} 0xd9707e0.posErrorMarker{id: 589} == 128 + 1*0xc6b34d0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 553} + 1*0xd9707e0.negError{id: 590} 0xd970820.posErrorMarker{id: 591} == 0 + 1*0xc6b3500:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 555} + 1*0xd970820.negError{id: 592} 0xd974070.posErrorMarker{id: 585} == 104 + 1*0xc6b3410:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 545} + 1*0xd974070.negError{id: 586} 0xd977ca0.posErrorMarker{id: 632} == 90 + 1*0xc6b3650:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 569} + 1*0xd977ca0.negError{id: 633} 0xd977dd0.posErrorMarker{id: 634} == 0 + 1*0xc6b3680:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 571} + 1*0xd977dd0.negError{id: 635} 0xd97a6d0.negError{id: 588} == 6 + -1*0xc6b3440:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 547} + 1*0xd97a6d0.posErrorMarker{id: 587} 0xd97ac70.posErrorMarker{id: 640} == 72 + 1*0xc6b3710:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 577} + 1*0xd97ac70.negError{id: 641} 0xd97acd0.posErrorMarker{id: 642} == 0 + 1*0xc6b3740:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 579} + 1*0xd97acd0.negError{id: 643} 0xd97cfb0.posErrorMarker{id: 601} == 200 + 1*0xc6b3590:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 561} + 1*0xd97cfb0.negError{id: 602} 0xd97cff0.posErrorMarker{id: 603} == 42 + 1*0xc6b35c0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 563} + 1*0xd97cff0.negError{id: 604} SearchResultCell:0xc6ade20.Height{id: 652} == 200 + 1*0xd97b820.marker{id: 655} SearchResultCell:0xc6ade20.Width{id: 650} == 640 + 2*0xd97b7c0.marker{id: 653} + 1*0xd97bd90.marker{id: 670} SearchResultCell:0xc6ade20.minX{id: 649} == 0 + 2*0xd97b790.marker{id: 648} + -1*0xd97b7c0.marker{id: 653} SearchResultCell:0xc6ade20.minY{id: 651} == 0 + 2*0xd97b7f0.marker{id: 654} + -0.5*0xd97b820.marker{id: 655} SearchResultCell:0xc6b2fd0.Height{id: 617} == 200 + 1*0xc6a6a20.marker{id: 625} SearchResultCell:0xc6b2fd0.Width{id: 614} == 640 + 2*0xc672a00.marker{id: 623} + 1*0xd97bd90.marker{id: 670} SearchResultCell:0xc6b2fd0.minX{id: 620} == 0 + 2*0xc6a03a0.marker{id: 619} + -1*0xc672a00.marker{id: 623} SearchResultCell:0xc6b2fd0.minY{id: 621} == 200 + 2*0xc673060.marker{id: 624} + -0.5*0xc6a6a20.marker{id: 625} UIImageView:0xc67faa0.Height{id: 540} == 150 + 1*0xc6b3380:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 539} UIImageView:0xc67faa0.Width{id: 538} == 150 + 1*0xc6b3350:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 537} UIImageView:0xc67faa0.minX{id: 534} == 20 + 1*0xc6b32a0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 533} UIImageView:0xc67faa0.minY{id: 536} == 24 + 1*0xc6b3320:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 535} UIImageView:0xc696c80.Height{id: 488} == 150 + 1*0xc67ac50:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 487} UIImageView:0xc696c80.Width{id: 486} == 150 + 1*0xc67ac20:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 485} UIImageView:0xc696c80.minX{id: 482} == 20 + 1*0xc699a30:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 481} UIImageView:0xc696c80.minY{id: 484} == 24 + 1*0xc699ab0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 483} UILabel:0xc6732d0.Height{id: 548} == 42 + 1*0xc6b3440:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 547} UILabel:0xc6732d0.Width{id: 546} == 434 + 1*0xc6b3410:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 545} UILabel:0xc6732d0.minX{id: 542} == 186 + 1*0xc6b33b0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 541} UILabel:0xc6732d0.minY{id: 544} == 20 + 1*0xc6b33e0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 543} UILabel:0xc67bf90.Height{id: 564} == 42 + 1*0xc6b35c0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 563} UILabel:0xc67bf90.Width{id: 562} == 200 + 1*0xc6b3590:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 561} UILabel:0xc67bf90.minX{id: 558} == 420 + 1*0xc6b3530:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 557} UILabel:0xc67bf90.minY{id: 560} == 68 + 1*0xc6b3560:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 559} UILabel:0xc67d490.Height{id: 572} == 42 + 1*0xc6b3680:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 571} UILabel:0xc67d490.Width{id: 570} == 200 + 1*0xc6b3650:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 569} UILabel:0xc67d490.minX{id: 566} == 186 + 1*0xc6b35f0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 565} UILabel:0xc67d490.minY{id: 568} == 106 + 1*0xc6b3620:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 567} UILabel:0xc67d840.Height{id: 512} == 42 + 1*0xc68b930:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 511} UILabel:0xc67d840.Width{id: 510} == 200 + 1*0xc68b900:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 509} UILabel:0xc67d840.minX{id: 506} == 420 + 1*0xc67d6d0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 505} UILabel:0xc67d840.minY{id: 508} == 68 + 1*0xc68b8d0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 507} UILabel:0xc681210.Height{id: 504} == 42 + 1*0xc67d6a0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 503} UILabel:0xc681210.Width{id: 502} == 200 + 1*0xc67d670:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 501} UILabel:0xc681210.minX{id: 498} == 186 + 1*0xc67d610:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 497} UILabel:0xc681210.minY{id: 500} == 68 + 1*0xc67d640:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 499} UILabel:0xc683e20.Height{id: 520} == 42 + 1*0xc67b5d0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 519} UILabel:0xc683e20.Width{id: 518} == 200 + 1*0xc68b9c0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 517} UILabel:0xc683e20.minX{id: 514} == 186 + 1*0xc68b960:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 513} UILabel:0xc683e20.minY{id: 516} == 106 + 1*0xc68b990:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 515} UILabel:0xc685a40.Height{id: 556} == 42 + 1*0xc6b3500:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 555} UILabel:0xc685a40.Width{id: 554} == 200 + 1*0xc6b34d0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 553} UILabel:0xc685a40.minX{id: 550} == 186 + 1*0xc6b3470:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 549} UILabel:0xc685a40.minY{id: 552} == 68 + 1*0xc6b34a0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 551} UILabel:0xc686460.Height{id: 580} == 42 + 1*0xc6b3740:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 579} UILabel:0xc686460.Width{id: 578} == 200 + 1*0xc6b3710:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 577} UILabel:0xc686460.minX{id: 574} == 420 + 1*0xc6b36b0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 573} UILabel:0xc686460.minY{id: 576} == 106 + 1*0xc6b36e0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 575} UILabel:0xc68a640.Height{id: 528} == 42 + 1*0xc67b690:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 527} UILabel:0xc68a640.Width{id: 526} == 200 + 1*0xc67b660:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 525} UILabel:0xc68a640.minX{id: 522} == 420 + 1*0xc67b600:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 521} UILabel:0xc68a640.minY{id: 524} == 106 + 1*0xc67b630:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 523} UILabel:0xc68c5d0.Height{id: 496} == 42 + 1*0xc67d5e0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 495} UILabel:0xc68c5d0.Width{id: 494} == 434 + 1*0xc67ace0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 493} UILabel:0xc68c5d0.minX{id: 490} == 186 + 1*0xc67ac80:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 489} UILabel:0xc68c5d0.minY{id: 492} == 20 + 1*0xc67acb0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 491} UILayoutContainerView:0xc670770.Height{id: 393} == 1136 + 1*0xc685240:UIView-Encapsulated-Layout-Height.marker{id: 398} UILayoutContainerView:0xc670770.Width{id: 390} == 640 + 1*0xc685210:UIView-Encapsulated-Layout-Width.marker{id: 395} UINavigationTransitionView:0xc6720e0.Height{id: 389} == 1136 + 2*0xc6844d0.marker{id: 394} + 1*0xc685240:UIView-Encapsulated-Layout-Height.marker{id: 398} UINavigationTransitionView:0xc6720e0.Width{id: 387} == 640 + 2*0xc684430.marker{id: 391} + 1*0xc685210:UIView-Encapsulated-Layout-Width.marker{id: 395} UINavigationTransitionView:0xc6720e0.minX{id: 386} == 0 + 2*0xc684400.marker{id: 385} + -1*0xc684430.marker{id: 391} UINavigationTransitionView:0xc6720e0.minY{id: 388} == 0 + 2*0xc6844a0.marker{id: 392} + -1*0xc6844d0.marker{id: 394} UITableView:0x14a40a00.Height{id: 701} == 0 + 1*_UIParallaxDimmingView:0x1186bb10.Height{id: 707} + 2*0xd97c220.marker{id: 710} UITableView:0x14a40a00.Width{id: 699} == 640 + 2*0xd97c1c0.marker{id: 703} + 1*0xd9823c0.marker{id: 719} + -2*tempToBeOptimizedToZero{id: 720} UITableView:0x14a40a00.contentHeight{id: 480} == 400 + 1*0xc6ad9c0.marker{id: 479} UITableView:0x14a40a00.contentWidth{id: 478} == 640 + 1*0xc6ad980.marker{id: 477} UITableView:0x14a40a00.minX{id: 698} == 0 + 2*0xd97c190.marker{id: 697} + -1*0xd97c1c0.marker{id: 703} UITableView:0x14a40a00.minY{id: 700} == 0 + 2*0xd97c1f0.marker{id: 705} + -1*0xd97c220.marker{id: 710} UITableViewCellContentView:0xc67b900.Height{id: 677} == 199 + 1*0xc6b51c0.marker{id: 683} UITableViewCellContentView:0xc67b900.Width{id: 675} == 640 + 1*0xc6b5160.marker{id: 678} UITableViewCellContentView:0xc67b900.minX{id: 674} == 0 + 2*0xc6b5130.marker{id: 673} + -0.5*0xc6b5160.marker{id: 678} UITableViewCellContentView:0xc67b900.minY{id: 676} == 0 + 2*0xc6b5190.marker{id: 681} + -0.5*0xc6b51c0.marker{id: 683} UITableViewCellContentView:0xc6a7d10.Height{id: 597} == 199 + 1*0xc6ae810.marker{id: 606} UITableViewCellContentView:0xc6a7d10.Width{id: 595} == 640 + 1*0xc6ae700.marker{id: 598} UITableViewCellContentView:0xc6a7d10.minX{id: 594} == 0 + 2*0xc6ae660.marker{id: 593} + -0.5*0xc6ae700.marker{id: 598} UITableViewCellContentView:0xc6a7d10.minY{id: 596} == 0 + 2*0xc6ae750.marker{id: 605} + -0.5*0xc6ae810.marker{id: 606} UITableViewCellScrollView:0xc6aeb60.Height{id: 693} == 200 + 1*0xd97b820.marker{id: 655} + 2*0xc6b5c10.marker{id: 706} UITableViewCellScrollView:0xc6aeb60.Width{id: 691} == 640 + 2*0xd97b7c0.marker{id: 653} + 1*0xd97bd90.marker{id: 670} + 2*0xc6b5bb0.marker{id: 694} UITableViewCellScrollView:0xc6aeb60.contentHeight{id: 532} == 200 + 1*0xc68c560.marker{id: 531} UITableViewCellScrollView:0xc6aeb60.contentWidth{id: 530} == 640 + 1*0xc68c4c0.marker{id: 529} UITableViewCellScrollView:0xc6aeb60.minX{id: 690} == 0 + 2*0xc6b5d00.marker{id: 689} + -1*0xc6b5bb0.marker{id: 694} UITableViewCellScrollView:0xc6aeb60.minY{id: 692} == 0 + 2*0xc6b5be0.marker{id: 704} + -1*0xc6b5c10.marker{id: 706} UITableViewCellScrollView:0xc6b3880.Height{id: 613} == 200 + 2*0xc6b2480.marker{id: 618} + 1*0xc6a6a20.marker{id: 625} UITableViewCellScrollView:0xc6b3880.Width{id: 611} == 640 + 2*0xc6b22e0.marker{id: 615} + 2*0xc672a00.marker{id: 623} + 1*0xd97bd90.marker{id: 670} UITableViewCellScrollView:0xc6b3880.contentHeight{id: 584} == 200 + 1*0xc6b3ce0.marker{id: 583} UITableViewCellScrollView:0xc6b3880.contentWidth{id: 582} == 640 + 1*0xc6b37d0.marker{id: 581} UITableViewCellScrollView:0xc6b3880.minX{id: 610} == 0 + 2*0xc6b2220.marker{id: 609} + -1*0xc6b22e0.marker{id: 615} UITableViewCellScrollView:0xc6b3880.minY{id: 612} == 0 + 2*0xc6b23b0.marker{id: 616} + -1*0xc6b2480.marker{id: 618} UITableViewWrapperView:0x1186b2c0.Height{id: 669} == 1136 + 1*0xd97bdf0.marker{id: 686} UITableViewWrapperView:0x1186b2c0.Width{id: 622} == 640 + 1*0xd97bd90.marker{id: 670} UITableViewWrapperView:0x1186b2c0.minX{id: 663} == 0 + 2*0xd97bd60.marker{id: 662} + -0.5*0xd97bd90.marker{id: 670} UITableViewWrapperView:0x1186b2c0.minY{id: 666} == 0 + 2*0xd97bdc0.marker{id: 682} + -0.5*0xd97bdf0.marker{id: 686} UIView:0xc674820.Height{id: 453} == 1136 + 1*0xc679f40.marker{id: 474} UIView:0xc674820.Width{id: 451} == 640 + 1*0xc69ff70.marker{id: 470} UIView:0xc674820.minX{id: 450} == -192 + 2*0xc69ff40.marker{id: 469} + -0.5*0xc69ff70.marker{id: 470} UIView:0xc674820.minY{id: 452} == 0 + 2*0xc69ffa0.marker{id: 473} + -0.5*0xc679f40.marker{id: 474} UIView:0xc6752d0.Height{id: 718} == 1136 + 1*0xd982620.marker{id: 730} UIView:0xc6752d0.Width{id: 716} == 640 + 1*0xd9825c0.marker{id: 722} UIView:0xc6752d0.minX{id: 715} == 0 + 2*0xd982580.marker{id: 714} + -0.5*0xd9825c0.marker{id: 722} UIView:0xc6752d0.minY{id: 717} == 0 + 2*0xd9825f0.marker{id: 729} + -0.5*0xd982620.marker{id: 730} UIViewControllerWrapperView:0xc687700.Height{id: 377} == 1136 + 1*0xc683fa0.marker{id: 382} UIViewControllerWrapperView:0xc687700.Width{id: 375} == 640 + 1*0xc683f00.marker{id: 378} UIViewControllerWrapperView:0xc687700.minX{id: 374} == 0 + 2*0xc683ed0.marker{id: 373} + -0.5*0xc683f00.marker{id: 378} UIViewControllerWrapperView:0xc687700.minY{id: 376} == 0 + 2*0xc683f70.marker{id: 381} + -0.5*0xc683fa0.marker{id: 382} _UIParallaxDimmingView:0x1186bb10.Width{id: 702} == 640 + 1*0xd9823c0.marker{id: 719} _UIParallaxDimmingView:0x1186bb10.minX{id: 712} == 0 + 2*0xd982390.marker{id: 711} + -0.5*0xd9823c0.marker{id: 719} + 1*tempToBeOptimizedToZero{id: 720} _UIParallaxDimmingView:0x1186bb10.minY{id: 713} == 568 + -0.5*_UIParallaxDimmingView:0x1186bb10.Height{id: 707} + 2*0xd9823f0.marker{id: 725} objective{id: 243} == {objective 0xc67e090: <750:12, 251:1150> + <251:1>*0xc67ace0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 493} + <251:1>*0xc67b5d0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 519} + <251:1>*0xc67b660:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 525} + <251:1>*0xc67b690:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 527} + <750:-1>*0xc67d5e0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 495} + <251:1>*0xc67d670:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 501} + <251:1>*0xc67d6a0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 503} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xc67fa30.posErrorMarker{id: 630} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xc685ce0.negError{id: 645} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xc6888b0.negError{id: 659} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xc6888f0.negError{id: 661} + <251:1>*0xc68b900:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 509} + <251:1>*0xc68b930:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 511} + <251:1>*0xc68b9c0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 517} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xc69ffd0.negError{id: 647} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xc6b3200.negError{id: 629} + <251:1>*0xc6b3410:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 545} + <750:-1>*0xc6b3440:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 547} + <251:1>*0xc6b34d0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 553} + <251:1>*0xc6b3500:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 555} + <251:1>*0xc6b3590:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 561} + <251:1>*0xc6b35c0:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 563} + <251:1>*0xc6b3650:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 569} + <251:1>*0xc6b3680:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 571} + <251:1>*0xc6b3710:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 577} + <251:1>*0xc6b3740:IB auto generated at build time for view with fixed frame.marker{id: 579} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xc6b45d0.negError{id: 637} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xc6b4620.negError{id: 639} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xc6b4dc0.negError{id: 665} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xc6b4e00.negError{id: 668} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xd9707e0.negError{id: 590} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xd970820.negError{id: 592} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xd974070.negError{id: 586} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xd977ca0.negError{id: 633} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xd977dd0.negError{id: 635} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xd97a6d0.posErrorMarker{id: 587} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xd97ac70.negError{id: 641} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xd97acd0.negError{id: 643} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xd97cfb0.negError{id: 602} + <750:1, 251:1>*0xd97cff0.negError{id: 604}} tempToBeOptimizedToZeroObjective{id: 728} == {objective 0xda869f0: <1:568> + <1:0.5>*0xd982420.marker{id: 726} + <1:-0.5>*_UIParallaxDimmingView:0x1186bb10.Height{id: 707}} tempToBeOptimizedToZero{id: 727} == 568 + -0.5*_UIParallaxDimmingView:0x1186bb10.Height{id: 707} + 0.5*0xd982420.marker{id: 726}
<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0xc672a00 h=-&- v=--& SearchResultCell:0xc6b2fd0.width == UITableViewWrapperView:0x1186b2c0.width> Marker:0xc672a00.marker{id: 623}
<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0xc673060 h=-&- v=--& SearchResultCell:0xc6b2fd0.midY == + 150> Marker:0xc673060.marker{id: 624}
<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0xc679f40 h=--& v=--& V:[UIView:0xc674820(568)]> Marker:0xc679f40.marker{id: 474}
<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0xc683ed0 h=--& v=--& UIViewControllerWrapperView:0xc687700.midX == + 160> Marker:0xc683ed0.marker{id: 373}
<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0xc683f00 h=--& v=--& H:[UIViewControllerWrapperView:0xc687700(320)]> Marker:0xc683f00.marker{id: 378}
<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0xc683f70 h=--& v=--& UIViewControllerWrapperView:0xc687700.midY == + 284> Marker:0xc683f70.marker{id: 381}
<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0xc683fa0 h=--& v=--& V:[UIViewControllerWrapperView:0xc687700(568)]> Marker:0xc683fa0.marker{id: 382}
<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0xc684400 h=-&- v=-&- UINavigationTransitionView:0xc6720e0.midX == UILayoutContainerView:0xc670770.midX> Marker:0xc684400.marker{id: 385}
<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0xc684430 h=-&- v=-&- UINavigationTransitionView:0xc6720e0.width == UILayoutContainerView:0xc670770.width> Marker:0xc684430.marker{id: 391}
<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0xc6844a0 h=-&- v=-&- UINavigationTransitionView:0xc6720e0.midY == UILayoutContainerView:0xc670770.midY> Marker:0xc6844a0.marker{id: 392}
<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0xc6844d0 h=-&- v=-&- UINavigationTransitionView:0xc6720e0.height == UILayoutContainerView:0xc670770.height> Marker:0xc6844d0.marker{id: 394}
<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0xc69ff40 h=--& v=--& UIView:0xc674820.midX == + 64> Marker:0xc69ff40.marker{id: 469}
<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0xc69ff70 h=--& v=--& H:[UIView:0xc674820(320)]> Marker:0xc69ff70.marker{id: 470}
<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0xc69ffa0 h=--& v=--& UIView:0xc674820.midY == + 284> Marker:0xc69ffa0.marker{id: 473}
<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0xc6a03a0 h=-&- v=--& SearchResultCell:0xc6b2fd0.midX == UITableViewWrapperView:0x1186b2c0.midX> Marker:0xc6a03a0.marker{id: 619}
<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0xc6a6a20 h=-&- v=--& V:[SearchResultCell:0xc6b2fd0(100)]> Marker:0xc6a6a20.marker{id: 625}
<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0xc6ae660 h=--& v=--& UITableViewCellContentView:0xc6a7d10.midX == + 160> Marker:0xc6ae660.marker{id: 593}
and many more log about autoresizing and contentsize
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Views: 1100
Reputation: 1
I have this problem with NSLayoutConstraint and multiplier in ios 7, ios 8 work perfect.
I m using multipler whit value 0.2 and cause errors!! Alter value multipler for 1 and get size screen in constant value to nslayoutconstraint.
NSLayoutConstraint(item: BT_Facebook, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.Width, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: nil, attribute: .Width, multiplier: 0.2 , constant: sizeBtRedeSociais)
Solution is usage size of screen, and not percent.
var sizeBtRedeSociais = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width / 5
var BT_FacebookWidth = NSLayoutConstraint(item: BT_Facebook, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.Width, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: nil, attribute: .Width, multiplier: 1, constant: sizeBtRedeSociais)
var BT_TwitterWidth = NSLayoutConstraint(item: BT_Twitter, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.Width, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: nil, attribute: .Width, multiplier: 1, constant: sizeBtRedeSociais)
var BT_InstagramWidth = NSLayoutConstraint(item: BT_Instagram, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.Width, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: nil, attribute: .Width, multiplier: 1, constant: sizeBtRedeSociais)
var BT_GoogleWidth = NSLayoutConstraint(item: BT_Google, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.Width, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: nil, attribute: .Width, multiplier: 1, constant: sizeBtRedeSociais)
var BT_YoutubeWidth = NSLayoutConstraint(item: BT_Youtube, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.Width, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: nil, attribute: .Width, multiplier: 1, constant: sizeBtRedeSociais)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4371
It means your mutable NSSet is changed while enumerating.
OK, After checking your code, you have unsafe code. You are using MyAppDelegate.searchResultArray as datasource of your table. That is the point sometimes causing you crash.
Just think about what if MyAppDelegate.searchResultArray is changed while UITableView is loading?
You should make sure your data source should be static while loading table view. Better set it on the same class which is your ViewController.
Upvotes: 4