Reputation: 529
I am trying to find users that have been sending the most emails. But in the end I only want to display the top 10 (or n number) of senders. Is there a way to only show the top results using select-object or format-table
$Messages = Get-ExchangeServer * | where{$_.ServerRole -eq "HubTransport"} | %{get-messagetrackinglog -server $ -EventID "SEND" -Start (get-date -format G).AddDays(-1) -ResultSize unlimited}) 2>&1 | out-null
$messages | where{$_.sender -like "**"} | select sender | group sender | sort count -Descending | ft count,name
Is there a way to make this only display the top results?
The only way I can think of would be storing them in a variable and outputting them in a for loop
Upvotes: 3
Views: 16752
Reputation: 30936
This is asked a long time ago. But I got surprised by one thing, that you were using select
and didn't look at this thing. Well in case you are thinking this is a rude answer - no it won't be. The point is you were this close to the solution. So few days back (by the way I don't know powershell much) I was asked this question and I had to display things only the first few. So the first thing I did was get-help *display*
thinking that it would somehow show me something which would let me display some stuff. I was wrong, and realized I need to look for something. Then I look for the action words or the verbs. I checked get-Verb
and then I could see the verbs that are relevant.
And I found select
. It sounds reasonable, and then I opened help for select
. get-help select -ShowWindow
. And I checked the parameters and found this
-First <Int32>
Gets only the specified number of objects. Enter the number of objects to get.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value False
Accept pipeline input? False
Accept wildcard characters? false
And that's it. I don't know anything about power shell but I guess this can still be found with some workout like this.
For you, you knew that it would be select
so you could have easily checked the parameters to solve it. In fact even the examples on how to do stuff is helpful. For example right after discovering First
I got this example which made me clear about the syntax.
PS C:\>Get-Process | Sort-Object -Property WS | Select-Object -Last 5
Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) VS(M) CPU(s) Id ProcessName
------- ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ -- -----------
2866 320 33432 45764 203 222.41 1292 svchost
577 17 23676 50516 265 50.58 4388 WINWORD
826 11 75448 76712 188 19.77 3780 Ps
1367 14 73152 88736 216 61.69 676 Ps
1612 44 66080 92780 380 900.59 6132 INFOPATH
Yes this can be first as well and I did that and got the result.
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-Process | Sort-Object -Property WS | Select-Object -First 5
Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) CPU(s) Id SI ProcessName
------- ------ ----- ----- ------ -- -- -----------
0 0 60 8 0 0 Idle
841 39 22988 8 0.69 2540 3 SystemSettings
538 38 17900 36 0.97 12636 3 WinStore.App
452 29 16568 44 0.81 25724 3 Video.UI
181 11 1800 832 0.08 6544 0 GoogleCrashHandler
Note: The previous answer is awesome and showed everything that the OP needed. I am just showing my way of solving the same thing.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 7638
Before the ft
, add:
select -first 10
Replacing the 10 with how many you want.
So the full command would be:
$messages | where{$_.sender -like "**"} | select sender | group sender | sort count -Descending | select -first 10 | ft count,name
Upvotes: 9