Reputation: 20184
I am trying out Android Studio instead of Eclipse. I install it and then start a completely new project and follow the wizard. I add no code of my own.
Then, I right-click to create a new component, a new Fragment:
and choose a new fragment:
and as soon as I do, I see compile errors:
... so I start googling and find out that I need to install and reference support library 4, and that I do. When I check the build.gradle (whatever that is, new to me coming from Eclipse), I see:
but I change that to
because they said so here. After recompiling and all that, the error is still there. I then reference the .jar-file directly, like this:
and again do recompile etc, but that doesn't help either.
This behaviour seems very strange to me. What am I missing here? This is the SDK Manager view:
Upvotes: 80
Views: 183555
Reputation: 1
My problem was with Glide. Pasting this in build.gradle and execute "Sync project with gradle files" works perfectly:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.12.0'
// Glide v4 uses this new annotation processor -- see
annotationProcessor 'com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:4.12.0'
Hope this help someone.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
I'm currently using Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Patch 3. I've tried the most upvoted answers here but sadly none worked for me. I looked down my ".idea/libraries" folder and saw no gradle file for "Fragments".
Here's how I fixed it:
I go to File > Project Structure > Dependencies > . There's a small "+" there to Add Dependency (or do Alt+Insert) > Library Dependency. Type on the search box of Step 1 the following: 'androidx.fragment' then hit Search. A list will show below a list of libraries and go click the first one, then Done. The window will disappear then click Apply. It will fetch Gradle Build Models then will automatically rebuild/update to your project.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1751
2021 here -- if, like me, you sadly have to just get some new code working with legacy junk that hasn't been touched in five+ years and still uses the support libs AND can't be changed before the deadline, you might try taking a look in for:
and commenting them if present. Android Studio 4.1.2 inserts them in new projects by default and they seem to get in the way of using support libs. Not surprising given the names, but the fact that they get auto-added to new projects is a little obnoxious.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 1013
For me the cause of problem was broken class path:
Library Gradle: has broken classes path:
So only removing transforms-1 folder and further Gradle Sync helped.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1720
I have already had the following dependency in my build.gradle
implementation ''
I have tried all of the following,
But, none of them worked for me.
Finally, I solved it by deleting "/.idea/libraries", and then synced with gradle and built again.
Upvotes: 131
Reputation: 299
replace this line of code
and you are done.
Upvotes: 29
Reputation: 11
I encountered this issue and tried everything including File
> Invalidate Caches
but nothing worked. The reason this issue was happening for me was because I had external projects that were using a different AppCompat version to my main gradle file.
After I updated all gradle files to be the same version the compile error went away.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 71
I'm using buck and it seems like by removing the /.idea/libraries
in your project folder and sync gradle again works for me.
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 1489
Android studio has option to manage dependencies. Follow path.
FYI check link
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 80030
The symptom of this problem is usually that the build works fine from the command line (which means your build.gradle
file is set up right) but you get syntax highlighting errors in the IDE. Follow This Steps To Solve The Problem: Click on Tools from the toolbar usually at the top part of your IDE, and then navigate to Android then navigate to Sync Project with Gradle Files button. We realize it's less than ideal that the IDE can't just take care of itself instead of forcing you to manually sync at the right time; we're tracking progress on this in
Upvotes: 101
Reputation: 6165
I was facing the same issue. As it turns out in my build.gradle file there was this :
configurations {
all*.exclude group: ''
Removing that fixed my issue. So guys, if doing all that and still your issue is not fixed, look for any exclude keywords in your gradle file.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 7636
Do sth. modification (just to gradle sync) over app level build.gradle and sync. Again, redo what you changed in build.gradle and sync. It should fix your problem.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1009
For everyone who comes to this thread and builds with maven: add support-v4 dependency and build to download the repo.
Then add the library manuelly to your project:
Project Structure -> Libraries -> Add
And move to you're repo for the correct jar file: C:\Users\XXXXXXX\.m2\repository\com\google\android\support-v4\r7\support-v4-r7.jar
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1878
To downplay the "magic" of this issue a little bit. You need an Internet connection after you make those changes. If for some reason required libraries cannot by downloaded, instead of giving an appropriate message (like "Failed to fetch libraries") you will simply get the same build error. Was struggling with this for an hour before realizing that my company's VPN blocked the repo.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 9087
I'm running the most current version of AndroidStudio to date (11/10/2015) -- v1.4 (build AI-141.2288178, built on September 28, 2015) and I built my project and everything worked fine. Then after a few hours of my computer being inactive I came back, edited some code that had nothing to do with the support libraries and started seeing :
cannot resolve symbol 'fragmentactivity' and I was seeing red highlighted items related to fragmentactivity in the AndroidStudio editor.
The solution was to simply do a
Build...Rebuild Project...
I only mention this so others might see it and know it is happening out there.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 823
Try this may will help you.Go to "File" -> "Invalidate Caches...", and select "Invalidate and Restart" option to fix this.
Upvotes: 54
Reputation: 1459
I found a shortcut:
File - Project Structure - Tab:Dependencies
Click on the green + sign, select support-v4 (or any other you need), click OK.
now go to your gradle file and see that is been added
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 7238
I found that if you have comments in your build.gradle it may break when you try to add a new support library. So make sure you check your build.gradle and see if it looks alright manually.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 518
I got the same problem since I updated to latest version of Android Studio 0.3.7. So you can try with my stuffs.
Ensure you have updated to latest version Android Support Repository - 3 Android Support Library - 19
As your attachment picture above, you did it already. Then adding the following setting to your build.gradle
dependencies {
compile ''
One more thing: Please make sure your Android SDK is targeting to right SDK folder
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 20184
Hrrm... I dont know how many times this has happend so far: I test, try, google, test again and mess around for hours, and when I finally give up, I go to my trusted Stackoverflow and write a detailed and clear question.
When I post the question, switch over to the IDE and boom - error gone.
I can't say why its gone, because I change absolutely nothing in the code except for that I already tried as stated above. But all of a sudden, the compile error is gone!
In the build.gradle, it now says:
dependencies {
compile ""
which initially did not work, the compile errors did not go away. it took like 30 min before the IDE got it, it seems... hmm...
=== EDIT === When I view the build.gradle again, it has now changed and looks like this:
dependencies {
compile ''
compile ""
Im not really sure what the appcompat is right now.
Upvotes: 1