Reputation: 268
I'm trying to simplify a load data local infile, by putting it into a .sh file, and bash to run it.
Here is my file
mysql -h host -u root -p password
load data local infile
replace into table test.icqa_count_portal
fields terminated by '\t' lines terminated by '\n' ignore 1 lines;
And here is my bash script
bash /home/user/Desktop/
I get an output that doesn't do what it is designed to do. When I simply make the contain mysql -h host
it longs in when running the script.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 7463
Reputation: 793
mysql -u<username> -p<password> -h<hostname> <db_name> --local_infile=1 -e "use <db_name>" -e"LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '<path/file_name>'
IGNORE INTO TABLE <table_name>
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Reputation: 268
I figured it out. Here is my file.
/usr/bin/mysql --host=host --user=root --password=password --database=test<<EOFMYSQL
load data local infile '/workplace/user/ETLdump/count_portal.txt' replace INTO TABLE count_portal fields terminated by '\t' LINES
TERMINATED BY '\n' ignore 1 lines;
Works flawlessly!
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 10246
I agree with @PasteBT, his answer should work well. I think there are escape problem or shell variable is empty.
Have you tried this?:
echo "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/workplace/user/dump/count_portal.txt' REPLACE INTO TABLE test.icqa_count_portal FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' IGNORE 1 LINES;" | mysql -h host -u root -ppassword
and you original shell script is wrong. could you post again what did you do?
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Reputation: 2198
missed -e ?
mysql -h host -u root -ppassword dbname -e "load data local infile '/workplace/user/dump/count_portal.txt' replace into table test.icqa_count_portal fields terminated by '\t' lines terminated by '\n' ignore 1 lines;"
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Reputation: 1277
Try removing the space between the user and password switches. So it would be something like:
mysql -h host -uroot -ppassword etc....
The spaces seem to cause problems for me when doing similar things inside bash scripts.
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