
Reputation: 5372

How to load program resources in Clojure

How do you load program resources such as icons, strings, graphical elements, scripts, and so on in a Clojure program? I am using a project layout similar to that in many Java projects where there is a "resources" directory hanging off of a "source" directory. A jar file is created from the source and includes the resources, but I can't seem to get the resources loaded as I would in Java.

The first thing I tried was something like

(ClassLoader/getSystemResource "resources/myscript.js")

But could never find the resource.

You can do something similar with

  (let [cls (.getClass net.mydomain.somenamespace)
        strm (.getResourceAsStream cls name)        ]

where name is the name of the resource to load, but the stream is nil.

You can try using the context class loader with something like


(let [thr (Thread/currentThread)
      ldr (.getContextClassLoader thr)
      strem (.getResourceAsStream ldr name)]

But strem is always nil.

In frustration, I've tried placing the resource files in just about every directory in the program. They get copied into the jar correctly, but I still can't seem to load them.

I've looked at the language sources for the load function and the run-time library, but am not "getting" it.

Any help would be appreciated.

EDIT: Here's a more concrete example. In Java, if you wanted to convert MarkDown to HTML, you might use the showdown.js script and write something like:

package scriptingtest;

import javax.script.Invocable;
import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager;

public class Example {

    private Object converter;

    public String transformMarkDown(String markdownString) {
        ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
        ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("js");
        try {
            engine.eval(new InputStreamReader(getClass().getResourceAsStream(
            converter = engine.eval("new Showdown.converter()");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return "Failed to create converter";
        try {
            return ((Invocable) engine).invokeMethod(converter, "makeHtml",
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return "Conversion failed";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(new Example().transformMarkDown("plain, *emphasis*, **strong**"));

when I create the project, it all gets compiled and packed into a jar. When run, the program outputs <p>plain, <em>emphasis</em>, <strong>strong</strong></p>

A literal translation to Clojure seems pretty straightforward, but I run into trouble trying to create the InputStreamReader -- I can't seem to write the code needed to find the script file in the jar.

Edit: Added "markdown" tag since the post gives two complete examples of approaches to processing markdown.

Upvotes: 28

Views: 11214

Answers (4)

Joe Snikeris
Joe Snikeris

Reputation: 1140

( "myscript.js")

Upvotes: 53


Reputation: 837

you can also use clojure.lang.RT/baseLoader

(defn serve-public-resource [path]
  (.getResourceAsStream (clojure.lang.RT/baseLoader) (str "public/" path))) 

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 5372

It's the directory structure.

Continuing with the scripting engine example in the OP, a Clojure equivalent would be:

(ns com.domain.example
  (:import ( InputStreamReader))
  (:import (javax.script ScriptEngineManager ScriptEngine)))

(defn load-resource
  (let [rsc-name (str "com/domain/resources/" name)
        thr (Thread/currentThread)
        ldr (.getContextClassLoader thr)]
    (.getResourceAsStream ldr rsc-name)))

(defn markdown-to-html
  (let [manager (new ScriptEngineManager)
        engine (.getEngineByName manager "js")
        is (InputStreamReader. (load-resource "showdown.js"))
        _ (.eval engine is)
        cnv-arg (str "new Showdown.converter().makeHtml(\"" mkdn "\")")]
    (.eval engine cnv-arg)))

(defn -main
  (println (markdown-to-html "plain, *emphasis*, **strong**")))

Note that the path to the resources is com/domain/resources for this code as opposed to com/domain/scriptingtest/resources in the Java version. In the clojure version, the source file, example.clj is in com/domain. In the Java version, the source file, is in the com/domain/scriptingtest package.

When setting up a project in my IDE, NetBeans, the Java project wizard asks for an enclosing package for the source. The Clojure plugin, enclojure, asks for a namespace, not a package. I had never noted that difference before. Hence the "off-by-one" error in the directory structure expected.

Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 28409

I placed the file in testpkg/test.txt (relative to current directory).


(def x 5)
(def nm "testpkg/test.txt")
(def thr (Thread/currentThread))
(def ldr (.getContextClassLoader thr))
(def strem (.getResourceAsStream ldr nm))
(def strem2 (ClassLoader/getSystemResource nm))
(. System/out (println "First Approach:"))
(. System/out (println strem))
(. System/out (println))
(. System/out (println))
(. System/out (println "Second Approach:"))
(. System/out (println strem2))

$ java -cp .\;clojure.jar clojure.main test.clj

First Approach:

Second Approach: file:/C:/jsight/javadevtools/clojure-1.1.0/testpkg/test.txt

Upvotes: 3

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