Reputation: 9
I found this tutorial to make a game on Notepad++ and make a batch file to run on CMD. Well here's what I have so far:
echo "I almost forgot. Here are the weapons I have avaliable, choose one and begin your quest."
set /p weapon=What is your weapon? (Sword, Double-Bladed Axe, Dagger):
The point to this is to choose a weapon you wish to use by typing what you want. Now, the thing is I'm able to type "ghregff" and it would say that is my weapon. How do I make it so you have to choose either: Sword, Double-Bladed Axe, or Dagger?
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Views: 104
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The easiest way seems to be doing it through the findstr command.
set /p weapon=What is your weapon? (Sword, Double-Bladed Axe, Dagger):
echo %weapon%| findstr /r "^Sword$ ^Double-Bladed Axe$ ^Dagger$">nul
if errorlevel 1 (
echo %weapon% was sadly not an option.
goto :Choice
echo you chose %weapon%.
(you need ^ and $. ^ means start of line, $ means end of line)
if you want to use that system several times you could use findstr with parameters and a return value
set /p answer= :
echo %answer%| findstr /r "^%~2$ ^%~3$ ^%~4$ ^%~5$ ">nul
if errorlevel 1 (
echo "%answer%" is sadly not a valid choice, choose again.
goto :MakeChoice
set %~1=%answer%
goto :eof
You can than call the function this way:
echo choose a weapon(Sword, Axe, Dagger)
call :MakeChoice chosenOption "Sword" "Double-Bladed Axe" "Dagger"
echo you chose %chosenOption%
This works with 1-4 variables, but if you want more, you can always add ^%~6$ ^%~7$... after ^%~5$.
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Reputation: 80203
SET setprompt=What is your weapon?
CALL :chooselist Sword, "Double-Bladed Axe", Dagger
ECHO(Choice made was %response%
CALL :chooselist2 Sword, "Double-Bladed Axe", Dagger
ECHO(Choice made was %response%
CALL :choosemenu Sword, "Double-Bladed Axe", Dagger
ECHO(Choice made was %response%
SET valid=%*
SET "nchoices="
CALL :choose "%setprompt% (%valid:"=%):"
GOTO :eof
SET valid=%*
SET "nchoices="
FOR %%Z IN (%*) DO ECHO %%~Z
CALL :choose "%setprompt%:"
GOTO :eof
SET valid=%*
SET /a nchoices=0
FOR %%Z IN (%*) DO SET /a nchoices+=1&CALL ECHO %%nchoices%% : %%~Z
CALL :choose "%setprompt%:"
GOTO :eof
SET /p "response=%~1 "
IF NOT DEFINED response GOTO choose
IF DEFINED nchoices FOR /l %%Z IN (1,1,%nchoices%) DO IF "%%Z"=="%response%" CALL :setresp %valid%&GOTO :eof
SET /a cmatch=0
CALL :countresp %valid%
IF NOT %cmatch%==1 GOTO choose
GOTO :eof
IF %response% neq 1 SET /a response-=1&shift&GOTO setresp
SET response=%~1
GOTO :eof
SET $1=%~1
IF %cmatch%==1 (SET response=%$3%)
GOTO :eof
CALL SET $2=%%$1:*%response%=%%
IF /i "%response%%$2%"=="%$1%" SET /a cmatch+=1&SET "$3=%~1"
shift&GOTO countresp
GOTO :eof
This is a flexible piece of code that allows you to make your choice in ne of three manners:
Using chooselist
, the parameter-list is appended to setprompt
and the user may choose to enter any response in full, or simply sufficient to unambiguously define the requirement. "s" would define Sword, for instance, but "do" would be required for "Double-Bladed Axe" and "da" for "Dagger" since "d" is ambiguous.
Using chooselist2
is similar, it simply lists the choices each on its separate line and asks for input.
Finally, choosemenu
does the same, but numbers the line and the choice can be made using either the number or an unambiguous start-string.
The response will always be in response
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4750
@echo off
set "NumberWeapons=3"
color 07
echo."I almost forgot. Here are the weapons I have avaliable, choose one and begin your quest."
echo.1 Sword
echo.2 Double-Bladed Axe
echo.3 Dagger
set /p Weapon=What is your weapon? (1-%NumberWeapons%):
if %Weapon% lss 1 goto :ChoiceError
IF %Weapon% gtr %NumberWeapons% goto :ChoiceError
GOTO :Start
ECHO.Error! Choose a valid choice.
goto :ChooseWeapon
echo.Replace this line with the rest of your stuff & pause
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4700
You could make it a choice menu like below, and if they choose a number not 1 2 or 3, it will kick them back to enter a selection again.
@echo off
echo "I almost forgot. Here are the weapons I have avaliable, choose one and begin your quest."
echo What is your weapon? (Sword, Double-Bladed Axe, Dagger):
echo 1 - Sword
echo 2 - Double-Bladed Axe
echo 3 - Dagger
set /P Weapon="Enter a choice: "
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------
for %%I in (1 2 3) do if #%Weapon%==#%%I goto wp%%I
goto chooseweapon
Set weapon=Sword
goto end
Set weapon=Double-Bladed Axe
goto end
Set weapon=Dagger
goto end
echo %weapon%
Upvotes: 1