John M.
John M.

Reputation: 2264

PHP Socket accept_connection hanging

I recently found out that PHP not only has the fsock* functions, but also functions to create a server itself. I decided to experiment a little bit, and came up with this. Now, the problem is that it hangs on accept_connection() (due to the fact that it's waiting for a connection.) I found out that the solution is to use stream_set_blocking(), which as you can see, I attempted, but to no avail.

I am getting an error message, which reads:

Warning: socket_set_blocking(): supplied resource is not a valid stream resource in /home/insomniaque/workspace/PHP Socket RAT/rat.class.php on line 68

I know that accept_connection() was the problem earlier because when I would connect with a second connection, it would output the data.

 * Project: iRAT
 * Created on Jan 11, 2010
 * Written by Insomniaque

class rat
     * Holds the PHP socket handle for use within the class.
    private $socket;

     * Holds an array of all the spawned sockets (child sockets) that were
     * created when a user connected to the server.
    private $spawns = array ();

     * Holds the maximum number of connections.
    private $maxconn;

     * Sets all of the variables required for the class and starts the socket.
     * Then it'll start looping, connecting clients and running commands.
     * @access public
     * @param $port The port to bind.
     * @param $maxconn The maximum number of client connections.
    public function __construct($port = 0, $maxconn = 1)
         * Check to see if the user has entered 0 as the port, and create a
         * random port, if so.
        if($port == 0)
            $this->port = rand(81, 8079);
            $this->port = $port;

         * Save the maximum connection number.
        $this->maxconn = $maxconn;

         * Run our function to create the socket now.
            echo "Failed creating or binding socket.\n";
            return false;
            echo "Socket has been created and binded.\n";

         * Turn non-blocking on so we can run multiple clients.
        socket_set_blocking($this->socket, 0);

        echo "Starting the data receiving loop.\n";

        return true;

     * This function will create the socket for later use.
     * @access private
     * @return bool Returns true if the socket was created successfully,
     *              returns false if there was an error.
    private function createSocket()
         * Create a socket of IPv4 type using the TCP gateway.
        $this->socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'));
            return false;
        echo "Socket has been created.\n";

         *  Attempt to bind the socket to localhost:[port]

            $port = $this->port;
            $bind = socket_bind($this->socket, 0, $port);

                $this->port = rand(79, 8079);
        } while(!$bind && $i <= 5);

        if($i == 5)
            return false;
        echo "Port ".$this->port." has been binded to the RAT.\n";

        return true;

     * Start a loop running on our socket. We will check if we are getting
     * data, accept connections and run any commands. When the connection
     * is closed, we will return true.
     * @access private
     * @return bool Returns false if the socket can't be listened to. Otherwise
     *              returns true when the socket is closed.
    private function startLoop()
        if(socket_listen($this->socket, 3))
                if(($newspawn = socket_accept($this->socket)) !== false)
                    $this->spawns[] = $newspawn;
                    echo "A new spawn has connected.";
                } else
                    echo "No new socket";

                foreach($this->spawns as $key => $spawn)
                    $data = trim(socket_read($spawn, 1024));
                    if(strlen($data) > 0)
                        if($data == "exit")
                            echo "Spawn killed.\n";
                        if($data == "kill")
                            foreach($this->spawns as $key => $spawn)
                            echo "Socket closed.\n";
                            return true;
                            echo "Data: " . $data . "\n";
            echo "Failure receiving data.\n";
            return false;

Thanks in advance, John

Upvotes: 2

Views: 4961

Answers (2)


Reputation: 96189

Use socket_set_nonblock() instead of socket_set_blocking() for a socket resource create by socket_create().

socket_set_blocking() is an alias for stream_set_blocking() which only works for (php-)streams, like the result of fopen() or stream_socket_create()

edit: You can also use socket_select() or stream_select() to handle both new connections and client data packet, e.g.

private function createSocket()
  $this->socket = stream_socket_server('tcp://'.(int)$this->port, $errno, $errstr);
  if(!$this->socket) {
    $this->socket = null;
    echo "stream_socket_server failed : $errstr ($errno)\n";
    return false;
  echo "Port ".$this->port." has been bound to the RAT.\n";
  return true;

public function startLoop() {
  if ( is_null($this->socket) ) {
    return false;

  $write = array(); $exception=array();
  while( !$this->shutdown ) {
    // stream_select() alters the array, so $read has to be re-constructed in each iteration somehow
    $read = array_merge(array($this->socket), $this->spawns);
    // you might want to check $exception as well
    if ( 0!==stream_select($read, $write, $exception, 4) ) {
      // $now $read only contains those sockets, that will not block
      // for fread/accept operations
      foreach($read as $s) {
        if ( $s===$this->socket ) {
        else {

Keep in mind that if a client sends two commands like e.g.

$fp1 = stream_socket_client("tcp://localhost:81", $errno, $errstr, 30);
fwrite($fp1, "1 blabla");
fwrite($fp1, "exit");

it doesn't necessarily mean your server will get two separate messages.

Upvotes: 3

Corey Ballou
Corey Ballou

Reputation: 43547

I believe you would be interested in using stream_socket_create() as opposed to socket_create(), which should return a valid resource to be used with socket_set_blocking().

Note that you will also need to utilize stream_socket_accept() to begin accepting connections on your newly created socket.

Upvotes: 1

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