Reputation: 67
I'm not at all sure what the heck I'm doing wrong, I'm running the manage-bde (command line to return bitlocker encryption status) and piping it to a select-string to catch the specific encryption percentage/status with a very specific regex. Select string for some reason returns the whole line, but a property called "Matches" returns the EXACT information I need, but it's a Matchinfo object. There's a method called ToString but it doesn't return at all what I need, seems to be the object info. I just want the output in string format to display in a write-progress gui.
note: quite new to powershell still.
$act = Invoke-Expression -Command "manage-bde -status C:" | select-string -Pattern "(?<=(Percentage Encrypted:)).*" | Select-Object -Property Matches -Last 1
$act.toString()| Out-Host
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Views: 1500
Reputation: 1
my answer is based on vasili syrakis' post. got to this page with the exact question as the OP.
$encryptionstatus = [string[]](manage-bde -status c:)
$encryptionstatus[9] | Out-Host
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 9611
You can make almost anything a string by using the following:
I can create a string array from the ping
$test = [string[]](ping
Which gives me the result:
# empty line
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=302ms TTL=36
Reply from bytes=32 time=302ms TTL=36
Reply from bytes=32 time=302ms TTL=36
Reply from bytes=32 time=306ms TTL=36
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 302ms, Maximum = 306ms, Average = 303ms
When I do a $test.count
it returns 11, which is in fact the exact number of lines, each being a string inside of the array.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 3451
One of the design principles of Powershell is that most everything can be treated as an object (versus as text as in other administrative scripting languages). Since manage-bde is not a Powershell tool (rather a plain ol' command line tool) it doesn't work with PS as easily as a tool designed for PS. In the case of BitLocker there are dozen or so PS cmdlets. In particular Get-BitLockerVolume
sounds like a near equivalent to manage-bde -status
However if you want to stick with manage-bde, then you can use the out-string
cmdlet to generate string output from objects. So the following may be what you want.
$act = Invoke-Expression -Command "manage-bde -status C:" |
select-string -Pattern "(?<=(Percentage Encrypted:)).*" |
Select-Object -Property Matches -Last 1 |
$act| Out-Host
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 68341
MatchInfo objects can be confusing. Try this:
$act = Invoke-Expression -Command "manage-bde -status C:" |
select-string -Pattern "(?<=(Percentage Encrypted:)).*" |
Select-Object -Property Matches -Last 1
(manage-bde -status C:) -match '^\s+Percentage Encrypted:' -replace '\D+(\d+%)','$1'
Upvotes: 1